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Commando: Skill Tree Advice and Input please!


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My main character is a Commando and I am currently level 33 and using the Gunnery tree. I have viewed many posts where many people have argued what tree is the best for PVP. Many have argued that the best for PVP is the Assault tree, while others have argued that it is the Gunnery tree. I only know about the Gunnery tree and I will list what I know, however, I would also like to get input about the Assault tree and opinions of which is the best for PVP etc and why.


My main goal is to have a build that is not only excellent in PVP, but also great in PVE as well. (I do not want anything to do with the combat medic tree).


I have always used Gunnery and for the most part I do fairly well in PVE. I have had only one PVP encounter and that's where I ran into a flagged Sith Sorceror who was around my level. I quickly started hitting him hard and I was amazed on how much damage I was actually doing. He tried to close the distance and when he got into melee range I used Stockstrike which also dented his health and knocked him back. At this point he was low on health and tried to make a run for hit, but I managed to successfully cut him down.


Now from what I can see, Commando's have 2 Knockbacks; Stockstrike which is a minor, but damaging knockback, and Concussion Charge, which is a major knockback that also slows the target for 4 seconds. I haven't really PVPed much as you can tell, but it just seems like this would be effective against melee users who are trying to close the distance. We can also use Cryoban Grenade to stun them for 4 seconds and if you use the Gunnery Skill tree it reduces the cooldown for Concussion Charge.


**Also I don't know if this is a bug or just for Commandos, but my Vanguard's stockstrike does not knock enemies back and I have seen higher level Vanguards unable to knockback using this ability as well**


Now one most useful tools in the Commando's arsenal is Grav Shot which does good damage, but it also puts a stackable Gravity Vortex on a target that weakens their armor. This ability has a small casting time and is stackable 5 times. The biggest argument I have seen is people say is "Oh your not going to get 5 Grav Shots out in a PVP fight" and you don't really have to. There is an ability that adds an additional vortex to each Grav shot fired, so each one that now hits adds 2 Gravity Vortexes. You can use Grav Shot twice and have 4 Gravity Vortexes or use it 3 times to get the full 5 which is very effective.


I "think" people incorrectly label Commando solely as a DPS class when really it matters on what skill tree you use. I would say the Gunnery tree looks to be more heavy hitting by putting out a lot of damage, but the Assault tree is more of the traditional MMO DPSer with DOTs.


Now I am not trying to piss people off or start a fight, I am just listing my observations and I would like to get input and advice on how I can be exceptional at PVP as well as good in PVE. I don't believe for a second that Commando is "bad" in PVP because it is one of the hardest hitters out there.

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Stockstrike Knockback is a Skill in the Gunnery tree, needs a two points investments for 100% knockback chance.


Whether Gunnery or Assault is better in pvp depends on your playstyle.

Assault has a more mobile playstyle, but not as much Burst as Gunnery has when left alone.


From my own personal experience i can say that Gunnery can be devastating. But if the enemy has good people that can hassle well then we take a big hit in dps.

Now, if you have two commandos....


Anyhow, try them out both as full specced trees, the first few respecs are affordable.



As to your comment about Vortex, correct, you only need two Grav Rounds for 4 stacks, if a bit lucky those two Grav are 5-6k damage, so now people will start moving away, in which case you can now hit HIB/Demo Round/Cryo/GR/FA for damage and snare after Cryo.

Really depends on their equip and how much damage they took what to do next but for equal gear you should have put some serious hurt on them at the very least.

Edited by choboon
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Stockstrike Knockback is a Skill in the Gunnery tree, needs a two points investments for 100% knockback chance.


Whether Gunnery or Assault is better in pvp depends on your playstyle.

Assault has a more mobile playstyle, but not as much Burst as Gunnery has when left alone.


From my own personal experience i can say that Gunnery can be devastating. But if the enemy has good people that can hassle well then we take a big hit in dps.

Now, if you have two commandos....


Anyhow, try them out both as full specced trees, the first few respecs are affordable.



As to your comment about Vortex, correct, you only need two Grav Rounds for 4 stacks, if a bit lucky those two Grav are 5-6k damage, so now people will start moving away, in which case you can now hit HIB/Demo Round/Cryo/GR/FA for damage and snare after Cryo.

Really depends on their equip and how much damage they took what to do next but for equal gear you should have put some serious hurt on them at the very least.


Also I forgot to mention that each Grav round that hits has the ability to create a barrier that blocks damage that can be stacked 5 times and lasts 15 seconds. At max it blocks 10% of damage which isn't a lot, but I am sure it is still helpful.

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I have played Gunnery to 30 and then Assault from 30-40. I am about to go back to Gunnery to give it a try but Assault seems a lot weaker at first due to it being a completely different play style.


In warzones I have gone 49-2 as Assault and can easily break 250k damage. It does not seem as good as Gunnery at face value because there are no huge crits.


Try them both. With Assault you are mobile, can kite melee, and since you apply a lot of dots are good cap defenders. I would really like to pair up with a Gunnery Commando just for the LOLs.

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Well Crimson, at valor rank 46 I'm currently running a Gunnery Spec but I can tell you they're both viable.


The advantage of the Gunnery spec is that it has a fair amount of sustain without sacrificing any burst, and you shred/ignore armor which really messes with the light/medium armor classes. The problem you'll run into is that it's VERY static, once the fight starts you're really not moving until it's over. You'll also find that Gunnery suffers when facing high CC, with our main skill requiring a fair charge time a observant opponent can really put you on the defensive.


From what little I know about assault, which I admit isn't much, you fight a more mobile fight. Most of the damage comes from dots and your HiB, which means you're not stuck in position. However, the burst isn't quite as good, but the damage is consistent.


I don't know if that helps you at all... but good luck out there.

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