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Shadow Tanking Questions From a Noob


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Hey all. I was just checking out the different classes, and I wanted to ask, simply put, how the Shadow fares as a tanking character. I tried looking around, but the information was a bit spread out and anachronistic at times.


Mostly asking because my JK... well, I love the guy, but something about my Guardian just doesn't feel quite right. I get items/gear a-plenty and I'm not a particularly bad player, but something felt lacking.

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Shadow Tanks do very well and are pretty fun to play, however I wouldn't recommend Kinetic Combat until around 25, where your talents start to really kick in and help your survive. I've heard a lot of people complain about Jedi Guardians as tanks, but Shadows seem to do very well.
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Well the Shadow tank spec is called Kinetic Combat, and it's a great tree. But until you're level 25, it feels lackluster and you have a harder time surviving or so I've noticed. I'm not saying you can't, just that it'll be a little frustrating. :)


My suggestion would be to go into another spec until 25 and then respec at the Skill Mentor(which resets your points and lets you spec into another tree).

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Hi there!


Shadow tanking using the Kinetic Combat tree is really good fun, I have just hit 40 and love it for both PvE and PvP!


There are a few build suggestions knocking around the forums but as I good start I would like to point your attention to the following: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=458


This is almost a 'bible' for new Shadows or those interested in the Shadow AC :)


I suggest giving it a try, but be warned, as mentioned above the Kinetic Shadow (tanking) doesn't really come into its own until 25+, Infiltration or Balance may be a better starting point... on the plus side, your first respec is FREE :D


Hope the little info I have given helps!



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I've been kinetic combat tree since level 10 and it wasn't any problem getting to 30 (my current level--two-3 hours per night isn't nearly enough time to keep up :) ). Just have to know your abilities, and use your interrupts. Its not exactly exciting gaming, but its not at all hard, even for an MMO n00b like myself.
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I've played Guardian to 38 and I now have a 41 Shadow.


The difference is night and day. Zero threat management issues as a Shadow, in comparison to Defense Guardian.


The downside is that you trade hard mitigation for RNG mitigation and that can be an issue some times. You do get self heals though to offset dumb luck or bad luck.


I think that what makes the difference is the increased DPS. If Guardians ever get a DPS increase for Defense spec they'll break out ahead as my choice for tanking because the damage mitigation is solid and, as long as you keep your cooldowns on a solid rotation, stable.


Plus it sucks having to micromanage aggro by attacking each and every enemy and switching targets constantly. Shadows have the tools to more effectively AoE tank and it's a much more enjoyable experience.

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