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My computer can't handle SWTOR


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Hi, I was just wondering if I'm doing something wrong or my computer really can't take SWTOR.

I bought it in October so its new and i keep all of the graphics settings on their lowest along with shadows off. But still some how, my FPS is generally below 20 which renders the game barely playable. The Latency is not a problem and I am out of options. Any advice?

These are my specs:


Windows 7

HP pavilion dv6 notebook pc

intel core i5

CPU @2.30 GHz


64 - bit


and when i check in display adapters these are my graphics specs:


Mobile Intel HD Graphics

Radeon HD 6490M

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You are doing something wrong. I installed this game on my mothers 400 dollar laptop and it plays "ok" on low settings. Not near as good as my desktop, but its definitely playable. She has a AMD dual core CPU in hers and a 6480g for the graphics, much less powerful than what you have.
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Standard laptop display chips are not known for doing well in these games. 20FPS is not bad considering. After updating your drivers, you might try running the game in Win XP SP 3 compatabillity mode and see if that helps. (search google if you want to understand why it might work)


Well, first have you checked to see if the drivers are up to date. Second, do you have programs running in the background that sap your ram.


He has 8G of ram, if something is sapping it...

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Hi, I was just wondering if I'm doing something wrong or my computer really can't take SWTOR.

I bought it in October so its new and i keep all of the graphics settings on their lowest along with shadows off. But still some how, my FPS is generally below 20 which renders the game barely playable. The Latency is not a problem and I am out of options. Any advice?

These are my specs:


Windows 7

HP pavilion dv6 notebook pc

intel core i5

CPU @2.30 GHz


64 - bit


and when i check in display adapters these are my graphics specs:


Mobile Intel HD Graphics

Radeon HD 6490M


No it is not you. You need an i7 with 12MB DD3 RAM and a 250+ dollar graphics card to play this game well.

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When upgrading a computer with switchable graphics (like you have), there should be a special driver on the computer manufacturer's website.


That being said, my sister had a problem where she would launch Amnesia and it would default to her integrated graphics. She fixed it (so it would go to her dedicated graphics), but I'm not exactly sure what she did. However, it is possible. Perhaps do some searching around?

Edited by DoubleSpoiler
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No it is not you. You need an i7 with 12MB DD3 RAM and a 250+ dollar graphics card to play this game well.


So what you're saying is this game is ridiculously efficient in its memory usage?


If you right click on the SWTOR launcher icon there should be an option to select between using your dedicated or integrated graphics. Or try going into CCC and forcing graphics options.

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No it is not you. You need an i7 with 12MB DD3 RAM and a 250+ dollar graphics card to play this game well.


dont troll i was running this fine on a core 2 duo and 2gbs of ram and a nvidia gtx 550 ti i sat between 20-30 fps most of the time sure the loading screen were unbearably long but it still worked try putting it in fullscreen window mode and all setting on low or off and check your resolution is on a suitable resoulution as that can sometimes be the problem as well.

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So what you're saying is this game is ridiculously efficient in its memory usage?


If you right click on the SWTOR launcher icon there should be an option to select between using your dedicated or integrated graphics. Or try going into CCC and forcing graphics options.



Can you give me a more in-depth explanation on how to do this please?

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dont troll i was running this fine on a core 2 duo and 2gbs of ram and a nvidia gtx 550 ti i sat between 20-30 fps most of the time sure the loading screen were unbearably long but it still worked try putting it in fullscreen window mode and all setting on low or off and check your resolution is on a suitable resoulution as that can sometimes be the problem as well.


heh i hope thats trolling because i didnt reread it to make sure.

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So what you're saying is this game is ridiculously efficient in its memory usage?


If you right click on the SWTOR launcher icon there should be an option to select between using your dedicated or integrated graphics. Or try going into CCC and forcing graphics options.


I don't know how to do this nor should I have to imo. If it helps great but that does not make the problem go away.

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Just a point that might help the OP.


I use an i7 920 (2.66Ghz base) using a Geforce GTX295, I was having fps issues in SWTOR. For some reason it would regularly drop to sub 10 fps and stay that way for the rest of the game, I tried restarting the game and PC and that had little effects.


I found that a fresh install of the game did help, so I reinstalled a few times but any time the game or PC crashed (hardware fault due to a PSU which died a few months ago) and that made it return to normal.


I then changed my video card to a Radeon HD 6970 2GB, but had the same results. No changes what so ever.


I then added Water cooling to my system and overclocked my CPU, once it reached 3Ghz I started getting 60-110FPS.


Since that point I've had no further FPS problems, increasing my CPU clock rate resolved all of my issues. Unexpected but I'm very happy (even though I have a GTX295 sitting next to my desk unused!).


I don't know what kind of temps you are getting on your computer, but as a test it might be viable increasing your CPU speed and see if that has an affect on FPS for you. On my i7 3Ghz was the point that performance issues disappeared.


As a further note, when I was having these problems my game load times were significantly higher than normal. Obviously you won't know this if you've only played the game in its current state but that's what made me think it might be CPU related. I mean I replaced one beast video card with another with no affect so something else was going on.

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