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Curious on how to play SWTOR with my buddy.


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I haven't played any SWTOR, yet. But, from what I understand, you mostly play by yourself up until level 10 and then head to the fleet? If this is the case, do I just tell my buddy to do his story quests until he hits level 10 then meet me in the fleet so we can start adventuring together? Or, can my buddy (who is a smuggler) come help me with me beginning Jedi Knight quests, even though he starts out on another planet?


Thanks for any info!

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Yep thats what me and my bro did in Beta we would play either BH and IA or 2 sith or 2 jedi etc.... If you want to play through those first few levels with someone. I have to admit it made it go very fast too.


Having someone you trust to run quests with made it fast and easy work.

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If you both start on the same planet then you can group from level 1 on. But the OP is not going to be on the same planet as his friend. My son and myself will be on the same and will group as well. Me an Inq and him a warrior.
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