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James Ohlen is Absolutely Wrong - High-end System and Experiencing Issues - I'm no...


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... and I'm not alone.




"Most" Star Wars: The Old Republic players "aren't really having performance concerns", game director James Ohlen assured Eurogamer this afternoon...


Ohlen said these problems were related to gamers with low-end PCs.



Here's my system (the important parts):


i7 920 @ 4.1 gHz with hyper-threading enabled (8-cores.)

2x 580 GTX OC SLI

12 GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333 MHz



Now, I don't know if this system is high-end, but I sure the heck know it's not low-end. This alone proves that Bioware is closing their eyes to a very obvious problem. Warzones, Ilum, the Republic Fleet, Raids, some flash-points, and various areas across the galaxy cause MANY systems to experience fps plummets.


Don't tell me it's a client-side issue. This is clearly a Bioware issue. This game causes immense heat problems, and no doubt that contributes to the FPS drop, but my system is very well cooled. It is approximately ~38 celsius when playing this game, generally. That's only because I don't have a stock cooler.


Bioware needs to stop pretending there isn't a problem and actually FIX the issue or subscriptions will start plummeting. They may already be plummeting, but I suppose we just don't know.


I've talked to many people who are experiencing the same thing. None have "low-end systems."

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... and I'm not alone.







Here's my system (the important parts):


i7 920 @ 4.1 gHz with hyper-threading enabled (8-cores.)

2x 580 GTX OC SLI

12 GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333 MHz



Now, I don't know if this system is high-end, but I sure the heck know it's not low-end. This alone proves that Bioware is closing their eyes to a very obvious problem. Warzones, Ilum, the Republic Fleet, Raids, some flash-points, and various areas across the galaxy cause MANY systems to experience fps plummets.


Don't tell me it's a client-side issue. This is clearly a Bioware issue. This game causes immense heat problems, and no doubt that contributes to the FPS drop, but my system is very well cooled. It is approximately ~38 celsius when playing this game, generally. That's only because I don't have a stock cooler.


Bioware needs to stop pretending there isn't a problem and actually FIX the issue or subscriptions will start plummeting. They may already be plummeting, but I suppose we just don't know.


I've talked to many people who are experiencing the same thing. None have "low-end systems."


So you suck at driving your brand new ferrari... its not the manufacturer fault.


My 1k putter play this a ~110fps and without overheating.

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So you suck at driving your brand new ferrari... its not the manufacturer fault.


My 1k putter play this a ~110fps and without overheating.


Lol? How are you supposed to manually control the precise functions of kernels within the computer? Horrible analogy.



There's nothing wrong with my computer. It's Bioware's coding at fault. If there was something wrong with my computer, I would experience issues with BF3, WoW, SC2, etc.

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Steve (sorry forgot last name) said today,


"It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more)."


Very nice way of completely avoiding the suggestion that those of us with really nice systems (some of us, including myself, bought a new PC for this game) still have problems. Also avoiding the suggestion that it might be the game's fault and that we are in fact, not morons (lol).

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