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Marauders are weak?


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Personally I think the marauders alot more fun compared to the Juggernaut. . The trick is to go for the weaker targets first. We cant just dive right into the fray. I was able to play the juggernaut late at night and fall asleep halfway and wake up with a pile of dead bodies at my feet, but with the marauder I have to focus. This is what makes it more entertaining for me


In short, Marauders are not for wimps :p

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I simply don't back l2p in this case. There's too much evidence that isn't even debatable out there. I suggest some of you knuckleheads do 3 things : 1.) pay more attention to all classes and stats on the score board after every game. 2.) put some real time in as another class such as bh/trooper, smuggler/agent. 3.) read the other classes boards in regards to balance, it's not such a hot topic and that means something.


So Marauders need some tweaks to burst dmg and cc it's totally obvious, thanks for reading.

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Everyone commenting about how weak mara's are haven't gotten to the high 40's or 50.


Ans a lot of people who think marauders are God's gift to SWTOR haven't played other classes to compare. Like I said earlier, there really are only two choices here. Either:


1) Sorcerers are GROSSLY overpowered.


or 2) Marauders are GROSSLY underpowered.


I've played both to high level....including a 50 sorc, and other than at very low level, when the survivablility is about the same, marauders are simply WAY too squishy. Their damage is pretty good -- even extreme -- but when you can instantly get stacked x5 with the amour debuff or some nasty DoT stacked 3 times, you can find yourself at next to no health in less time than it takes to fire your second skill off.

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the class's design is antithetical to the ecosystem it's in. a class with no cc, no knockback, and 1 baseline leap is never going to be a good class in a game where everyone else has these tools and the game is designed around their use.
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