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SWTOR Arenas: How it Should be Done


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I agree with the original post, and I look forward to arena being implemented. I do not want any gear offered as a reward. Still, I would lke to see titles, and possibly mounts. Arena should be about competition and not a gear grind.
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I was totally against arenas, but the game already has a same faction WZ, welfare epics, a totally bloated item level scale, resilience, and will be getting ranking... so I'm running out of reasons to oppose arenas. Edited by BDutch
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And rated Battlegrounds just requires heal stacking. Either way you are FORCED to stack the most OP comp.


That is the whole problem with WoW. Oh I had no problem succeeding in arena, but if me and two friends want to play? One of us is going to have to be a healer even if we don't want to and in rated battlegrounds most likely 2.


In this game? One would be required to be a healer. One would be required to be a char that can guard/taunt (SiN/shadow is the obvious choice because they are the best heal interupter in the game and can put out as much dmg as anyone). One would play the best compliment to a SiN/shadow. The healer would prob be a IA/Scoundrel cus they are the best single target heals/hot healer.


What if you have 2 friends and they all like playing dps and are REALLY good at it? Too bad is what WoW says. In SWTOR? We can all play dps and wreck warzones. When pvp required me to NOT play with my RL friends and instead play with complete strangers, because my friends liked a class or comp that didn't work? Sorry that is broken and the definition of NOT FUN.


Rated Warzones? All you would see is tank stacking/heal stacking. It has no counter, nullifies half the cc in this game (that breaks on dmg due to guard) and simplifies healing because there is ZERO burst dmg to heal over.


What am I saying? It is FINE the way it is. IF they add anything add small arena for fun/titles. It isn't broken, so why break it...


WoW arena has been dying and is damn near dead (as far as numbers) for a reason. SWTOR has full warzones for a reason. You can log in with GOOD friends. Have fun. Get good gear.


You can always go back to WoW. Have fun playing rated BG's with 5-6 healers...



Not defending either game but your facts are so wrong in many ways. Many people do warzones only for gear. IF the gear comes from world pvp or arena people would do those. What comes to your idiotic RBG comments just lol. RBGs never was about healing, and if someone had 5-6 healers they lost by default, 4 healers was max and most ran with 3. They will add rated WZs for premades only soon and you will see the same thing in here.

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All the arena QQ comes down to this: even with arenas you still have the option of World PvP. If it's really so popular, people would do it. If you love it so much, get off your *** and get your guild and do it. If no one does it, don't blame arenas, blame yourself for not doing it. No one is making you do arenas, just like no one is taking away World PvP. You have what you want in the game, us getting what we want doesn't take that away from you.
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Not interested. At all... not gonna rain on your parade but this would do nothing but hamper my interest in TOR's PvP. In fact I'm 100% sure I'd not bother if I saw arena players coming into warzones and facerolling.



Idd, why meet lot better players when you can crush lvl 20s in warzones.

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All the arena QQ comes down to this: even with arenas you still have the option of World PvP. If it's really so popular, people would do it. If you love it so much, get off your *** and get your guild and do it. If no one does it, don't blame arenas, blame yourself for not doing it. No one is making you do arenas, just like no one is taking away World PvP. You have what you want in the game, us getting what we want doesn't take that away from you.


My point exactly. But if Arenas offer better gear then wPvP and or Warzones then less people would do the other PvP types and just farm Arenas for the gear, which is bad game design.


If Arena has nothing to offer apart from possible vanity items or title such as 'Arena Victor, Master, Renegade w/e' then people will do the other types to accumulate the gear and won't do Arenas at all unless they enjoy it.

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If you want "competitive pvp" arenas are hardly the only option, how about someone does something new or unique instead of just copying **** from other games 1:1? It's completely DISGUSTING that this game copied the PvP structure from WoW so blatantly: We basically have 3 battlegrounds and a different Tol Barad and that's the PvP content.


Shameful. How about SOMETHING NEW/DIFFERENT? God knows it's needed, considering WoW PvP is extremely unpopular, ESPECIALLY ARENAS. They wouldn't gain anything by adding arenas except cater to a niche.


Also I did better than you did in arenas i'm sure. I most definitely did better than Zybak.


Unpopular? It had prolly more pople doing PvP than this game has total subs.

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All the arena QQ comes down to this: even with arenas you still have the option of World PvP. If it's really so popular, people would do it. If you love it so much, get off your *** and get your guild and do it. If no one does it, don't blame arenas, blame yourself for not doing it. No one is making you do arenas, just like no one is taking away World PvP. You have what you want in the game, us getting what we want doesn't take that away from you.


This simple premise makes sense to me, but I think some other things will end up going on. Whatever you make the easiest way to obtain gear will be what people do, regardless of whether or not they enjoy it. You could chalk it up to people enjoying gear grinds more than PvP, or you could chalk it up to people feeling they are required to do a gear grind so that they can PvP.


Either way, arenas won't simply come with ranking alone; the functionality is just the first step. Then the people that whined for arenas will whine about how they require the best gear because they are the most competitive. They will whine about anything they have to do that takes them out of the arena map in order to do arenas.


Imagine if open world PvP had as much attention? You could level through open world PvP, instead of ranking you had things like faction control cities/resources... faction rep gave you the best gear to do open world PvP, etc. Then it would be a better comparison of arena potential vs world pvp potential.

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If you want "competitive pvp" arenas are hardly the only option, how about someone does something new or unique instead of just copying **** from other games 1:1? It's completely DISGUSTING that this game copied the PvP structure from WoW so blatantly: We basically have 3 battlegrounds and a different Tol Barad and that's the PvP content.


Shameful. How about SOMETHING NEW/DIFFERENT? God knows it's needed, considering WoW PvP is extremely unpopular, ESPECIALLY ARENAS. They wouldn't gain anything by adding arenas except cater to a niche.


Also I did better than you did in arenas i'm sure. I most definitely did better than Zybak.


Something new or different? You do realize that this game is basically WoW with story and voice acting right? Some classes even play almost exactly like WoW classes.

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Unpopular? It had prolly more pople doing PvP than this game has total subs.


You're right, but you should also consider that the game had been out for 2 years before they even "turned on" arenas. Prior to that, 5% of the population had the best gear that dominated in both PvE and PvP. So it's not really a surprise that a brand new system that gave everyone better gear was very popular.

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This simple premise makes sense to me, but I think some other things will end up going on. Whatever you make the easiest way to obtain gear will be what people do, regardless of whether or not they enjoy it. You could chalk it up to people enjoying gear grinds more than PvP, or you could chalk it up to people feeling they are required to do a gear grind so that they can PvP.


Either way, arenas won't simply come with ranking alone; the functionality is just the first step. Then the people that whined for arenas will whine about how they require the best gear because they are the most competitive. They will whine about anything they have to do that takes them out of the arena map in order to do arenas.


Imagine if open world PvP had as much attention? You could level through open world PvP, instead of ranking you had things like faction control cities/resources... faction rep gave you the best gear to do open world PvP, etc. Then it would be a better comparison of arena potential vs world pvp potential.


Why should there be a gear grind? They give you 3 tiers of welfare gear. And in case no one noticed, you didn't have to just do arenas to get the best gear! You can get the exact same gear from doing RBGs. Hell, now you can get it just by winning enough random BGs.

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Yes. Your complaint is about copying WoW's PvP so blatantly. I'm pointing out that pretty much everything in the game is a reskin of WoW except for story/voice acting. If you want something that isn't a WoW clone, unsub and wait for GW2 or something.

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Yes. Your complaint is about copying WoW's PvP so blatantly. I'm pointing out that pretty much everything in the game is a reskin of WoW except for story/voice acting. If you want something that isn't a WoW clone, unsub and wait for GW2 or something.


So your point is that since the game copies WoW, it has to go the whole nine yards and even copy the worst, most unused parts?

Edited by CHRISGG
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So your point that since the game copies WoW, it has to go the whole nine yards and even copy the worst, most unused parts?


Actually the most unused part would be open world PvP. And no, I'm saying you shouldn't expect anything but WoW systems in the game. It's not like you came up with some "brilliant" idea for an alternative. Saying no one does arenas is pretty ignorant. Where is your back up for your statement?

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So your point is that since the game copies WoW, it has to go the whole nine yards and even copy the worst, most unused parts?


Worst, in your opinion*

For me it was the best part about WoW, and without it I definately wouldnt have played the game for as long as I did.


One more thing to people saying that they get roflstomp'd by people with arena gear:

I do personally agree 100% that arenas shouldnt bring any extra tier gear (Unless its just for looks but got the same stats). Although everyone saying that they lose to people just because they had arena gear and you didnt, is just ********, straight out ********. Everyone who complained about that before RBG's got stomped just as hard after it, eventhough they ran around with the exact same gear I had.


Fact is that the highest rated arena players that were good, also stomped RBG's, which is what everyone with a brain already knew, whilst the standard BG hero thought they would just stomp everything when RBG's came out because they can cap a flag in AB.


So bottomline is that the players dominating small scale PvP also dominated larger scale PvP simply because they can adapt alot quicker, aswell as having all the solo skills needed to handle yourself in pretty much every situation.


This is about out of the thread topic, just want people to know.

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It's a good post with some good points. Still doesn't sway me in the least towards wanting Arena in this game.


Current PvP (read: Warzones) is objective-based. This creates a little wiggle room as far as class balance goes for Bioware. You can go up against pretty insane odds (geared 50's, OP classes, etc) and still win with coordination and teamwork. Your chances of victory are definitely lower, but it's still a possibility.


Now translate the current balance into a 3v3 arena system. It's "Rock, Paper, Scissors" in a Star Wars dress. But right now, paper is crumpled and rock is a little on the soft side, so scissors would have its way with the other 2. The current imbalance between the Advanced Classes would be amplified by a factor of 10.


But whatever, you might think. It'd be fun, just for giggles and all of that doesn't really matter, right? Well, if the arena scene really took off as it did in WoW, then...no. It really WOULD matter. The TOR 3v3 events would start up, real sponsors, cash prizes, e-peen measurement to the extreme. At this point, EA would undoubtedly want Bioware to focus heavily on the 3v3 Arena game and balance primarily around that.


I for one, do not want another game with the endless cycle of "nerf, buff, balance, rebalance, redesign" which we saw in WoW. It becomes detrimental to the rest of the game.


So in closing - Arena would offer a new avenue of fun PvP gaming for those interested. In the end though, it offers so much less than the problems it potentially creates. Keep things objective-based and stay away from the endless cycle of class balance!

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Not even close, lol. ESPECIALLY arena. Even at the height of arena it was only played by a very, very small minority of the population.


10% above 2.2K last I heard from AJs.


From some polls it was around 60% who enjoy arena and another 40% who hate it.


Why you so against it? No one is telling you to do Arena (unless you have to grind it for gear if it rewards Arena specific items).

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