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SWTOR Arenas: How it Should be Done


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Although adding competitive PvP wouldnt really hurt the game now would it?


The only people who doesnt want to add arenas are the people who failed miserably at it, and doesnt seem to realize that the PvP balance went wack in WoW simply because of bad developers and nothing else whatsoever.


If you want "competitive pvp" arenas are hardly the only option, how about someone does something new or unique instead of just copying **** from other games 1:1? It's completely DISGUSTING that this game copied the PvP structure from WoW so blatantly: We basically have 3 battlegrounds and a different Tol Barad and that's the PvP content.


Shameful. How about SOMETHING NEW/DIFFERENT? God knows it's needed, considering WoW PvP is extremely unpopular, ESPECIALLY ARENAS. They wouldn't gain anything by adding arenas except cater to a niche.


Also I did better than you did in arenas i'm sure. I most definitely did better than Zybak.

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If you want "competitive pvp" arenas are hardly the only option, how about someone does something new or unique instead of just copying **** from other games 1:1? It's completely DISGUSTING that this game copied the PvP structure from WoW so blatantly: We basically have 3 battlegrounds and a different Tol Barad and that's the PvP content.


Shameful. How about SOMETHING NEW/DIFFERENT? God knows it's needed, considering WoW PvP is extremely unpopular, ESPECIALLY ARENAS. They wouldn't gain anything by adding arenas except cater to a niche.


Also I did better than you did in arenas i'm sure. I most definitely did better than Zybak.


WoW PvP is extremely unpopular because its incredibly unbalanced, which is also the reason why I quit the game.


And the reason to why they should add it is because it is a popular format of PvP amongst people who want competitive PvP, and always will be.


And you didnt do better then me in arenas. Doing better then Zybak sure as fck aint something to mention though, rofl.

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WoW PvP is extremely unpopular because its incredibly unbalanced, which is also the reason why I quit the game.


And the reason to why they should add it is because it is a popular format of PvP amongst people who want competitive PvP, and always will be.


And you didnt do better then me in arenas. Doing better then Zybak sure as fck aint something to mention though, rofl.


It's definitely not unpopular because of balance, lots of people chain queue bg's all day without a care in the world, just like they do in SW:TOR. Arena is unpopular because people don't like it. Player numbers have been rapidly declining for a long time and the current season has the lowest participation EVER which is quite a feat, meanwhile the game still has a ****-ton of total subs - they just aren't interested in Arena.


Catering to a competitive niche is not a good reason to add arena. It would not make Bioware money and it wouldn't be content that the vast majority of the population would care about.


Not that they can't add "competitive" content, but ARENA would most definitely be a complete waste of time flop in this game and they'd be insane to implement it with the evidence right there in WoW. It's hardly the ONLY option and it'd hardly be difficult to come up with PvP content that appeals to both the tryhard playerbase and the casuals if devs actually put their mind to it for once.

Edited by CHRISGG
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It's definitely not unpopular because of balance, lots of people chain queue bg's all day without a care in the world, just like they do in SW:TOR. Arena is unpopular because people don't like it. Player numbers have been rapidly declining for a long time and the current season has the lowest participation EVER which is quite a feat, meanwhile the game still has a ****-ton of total subs - they just aren't interested in Arena.


Catering to a competitive niche is not a good reason to add arena. It would not make Bioware money and it wouldn't be content that the vast majority of the population would care about.


Not that they can't add "competitive" content, but ARENA would most definitely be a complete waste of time flop in this game and they'd be insane to implement it with the evidence right there in WoW. It's hardly the ONLY option and it'd hardly be difficult to come up with PvP content that appeals to both the tryhard playerbase and the casuals if devs actually put their mind to it for once.


Adding arenas is a very simple way to keep the competitive players playing this game though.

Whilst they might work on something else on the side, but its a very easy way to sort it out for sure.


And the people spam queueing BG's in WoW is people who dont actually care that much about balance in the first place since they arent competitive in the same way at all. I am already gettin tired of WZ's simply because there is no competition at all right now, its the same as in WoW.


And the reason to WHY there is a low arena population right now is because most competitive players quit, simply because the balance is that bad. Game has never ever been as unbalanced as it currently is, and blizzard just keeps making it worse for every patch that comes, not really hard to see why less people are playing it really.


Thats the only thing that WoW arena PvP proves, get good developers and arenas will be amazing.

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Overall arena pop has nothing to do with the top players, and WoW devs are pretty much the best in the business.


Why are you so against someone actually trying something new? It really isn't hard to come up with unique ideas, for example a skill based open RvR ranking system that takes in to account the amount of people in your group to give less points to zergers. I literally just thought that up on the spot. Surely people sitting down bouncing ideas off eachother could one up that.

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The reason to WHY there is a low arena population right now is because most competitive players quit, simply because the balance is that bad. Game has never ever been as unbalanced as it currently is, and blizzard just keeps making it worse for every patch that comes, not really hard to see why less people are playing it really.


Thats the only thing that WoW arena PvP proves, get good developers and arenas will be amazing.

The problem is all of you say - utter imbalances in game - happened when Blizzard tried to focus on balancing PvP based on 3v3 arenas. At the end none is happy.


And arenas are not popular because they are boring as hell. Facing the same comps over and over RLS before RLS is just boring.


If they were lots of fun of course people playing the game would queue for Arenas.


I am against to balance the game on the outcome of a 3v3 fishing bowl minmaxed fight.


If they want to put skirmishes for the fun of them it's ok, nothing to say. But to balance PvP over 3v3 arenas have proved to be utter failure.


That attempt to balance is what killed diversity on the game.

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Overall arena pop has nothing to do with the top players, and WoW devs are pretty much the best in the business.


Why are you so against someone actually trying something new? It really isn't hard to come up with unique ideas, for example a skill based open RvR ranking system that takes in to account the amount of people in your group to give less points to zergers. I literally just thought that up on the spot. Surely people sitting down bouncing ideas off eachother could one up that.


Not just talking about the top players, alot of people have just simply quit because the balance is that bad. And if WoW devs are the best in the business there wouldnt be any PvP going on in any game because thats how bad it would be. Absolutely attrocious PvP balance in that game.


As I said in my earlier post I am not against trying something new at all, but I dont see why you are so against arenas, when its something they can easily add whilst they think of something else that they can add aswell. Its still easy content to add that would make alot of PvP'ers happy.

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The problem is all of you say - utter imbalances in game - happened when Blizzard tried to focus on balancing PvP based on 3v3 arenas. At the end none is happy.


And arenas are not popular because they are boring as hell. Facing the same comps over and over RLS before RLS is just boring.


If they were lots of fun of course people playing the game would queue for Arenas.


I am against to balance the game on the outcome of a 3v3 fishing bowl minmaxed fight.


If they want to put skirmishes for the fun of them it's ok, nothing to say. But to balance PvP over 3v3 arenas have proved to be utter failure.


That attempt to balance is what killed diversity on the game.


They said they tried balancing around 3v3 since people were whining too much about 2v2, but as a matter of fact, they didnt try to balance the game for PvP at all. Or if they did, they are just that bad with balancing all in all, because PvP just went downhill patch after patch, making it worse for every single one.

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i agree just no friggen resilience please!!!


Are you asking for the Expertise stat to be removed?


Cause Expertise does what the Resilience stat does in WoW and more. Expertise not only reduces damage taken in PvP, but also increases damage and healing done.

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I like the Idea's of the Original Post Mainly because of the no rewards other then bragging rights angle.


Related to WoW - Having PvP rewards for arena's that were able to be used in normal PvP hurt the overall environment of PvP in general since you would have the account trading team padding gear intensive folks maxing out for the season getting all their gear and then going out into world or BG's and just crushing people.


I believe to have truly competitive PvP without introducing Arena style play would be to introduce a third faction and have an open world PvP area where common goals are there for all factions involved but some bonus is provided for the faction that controls the most area or objectives. Having a three faction system auto balances for the most part because two factions generally will team up and hit the third which also forces skirmishes between the two that teamed up to fight for control. Sadly a system like this is probably not going to happen after a game is release but the days of RvR in Dark Ages with 3 factions was amazing.


Non-game effecting rewards should be put in if any at all, titles, or "trophies" different armor skins or an option to modify the character in some way shape or form to let folks know that you have earned something in competitive battle.

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Totally agree with you Zybak. You speak for the whole SWTOR community with this video. I think that even if some people don't agree with you now, they will when it gets implemented in the game. Hopefully it will... Edited by Simpidimp
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Arena with the following terms:


  • No gear specific Unlocks.
  • No balanced around it.
  • Only rewards of possibly titles, mounts, vanity items or different colour gear.
  • Ranked system.
  • Fit it with the Star Wars lore, considering there are many Arena Pits in the lore.
  • Brackets of 4v4, 8v8 and possibly 16v16, the smaller the bracket the more comp. orientated it gets.

Edited by Cyphen
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In great support of arena, or some sort of small scale competitive arena.


Big post incoming, laying out my thoughts, for now here's some quick thoughts:


I am in a strong disagreement about having no rewards.


I don't feel that there should be superior arena gear, I feel that you should be able to obtain the same gear from doing WZs that you can by running Arenas.


However, mounts or titles or vanity items, serve as very strong incentives for people to participate and as a unique rewards for people who prove their skill in the gametype.

Edited by Spoonuser
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I'm in support of this, though would prefer to see 4v4 over 3v3.


But the game certainly should not be balanced around Arena, it should be an optional choice for those of us who want to do it. As an alternative to WZ and World PvP (i.e. no superior rewards for Arena, or any of the other PvP styles)

Edited by Soazak
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No thank you.

Please focus on making world PvP all that it can be.


This is an MMO , the idea is that you are playing in a world with massive numbers of people. What you are describing is ladder ranked mobas.


People argue against arena because it kills the games world PvP focus.


Also Diablo 3 is coming out soon. It's PvP focus is arena. It will be done well, go play that.

Edited by pandasox
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No thank you.

Please focus on making world PvP all that it can be.


This is an MMO , the idea is that you are playing in a world with massive numbers of people. What you are describing is ladder ranked mobas.


People argue against arena because it kills the games world PvP focus.


Also Diablo 3 is coming out soon. It's PvP focus is arena. It will be done well, go play that.


Basically this.

If you want to sail a boat then you go and get yourself on boat, you don't drive your car to a damn sea.

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