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So THis is how I feel when I get on my sentinel and pvp


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Yeah, I've noticed vs. Sorcerers in World PvP either they obliterate me so bad it's embarrassing or I obliterate them. It all comes down to cooldowns, I think.


Just tonight, this Sorcerer ganks me and I'm dead before I really even get my barrings. I figure he blew every cooldown he had. Then, I rezzed, healed up, and attacked him. I slaughtered him before even dropping to 70%.


Don't really know if they're overpowered or not.

Edited by McVade
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Are you level 50? are you geared? are you not experienced?


If you answered yes to any of those then you should probably withhold judgement.


This class is fine the way it is, its harder to play than most classes, more complex, and as a result a lot of people do badly with it, but those that understand it, have the experience, and have the gear do very very well.


Bioware will probably buff us, but that will make us the next FOTM OP class because too many lowbies and inexperienced players are complaining right now when they really just don't know what they're doing or dont have the gear to compete.

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Are you level 50? are you geared? are you not experienced?


If you answered yes to any of those then you should probably withhold judgement.


This class is fine the way it is, its harder to play than most classes, more complex, and as a result a lot of people do badly with it, but those that understand it, have the experience, and have the gear do very very well.


Bioware will probably buff us, but that will make us the next FOTM OP class because too many lowbies and inexperienced players are complaining right now when they really just don't know what they're doing or dont have the gear to compete.


quoted for truth

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Are you level 50? are you geared? are you not experienced?


If you answered yes to any of those then you should probably withhold judgement.


This class is fine the way it is, its harder to play than most classes, more complex, and as a result a lot of people do badly with it, but those that understand it, have the experience, and have the gear do very very well.


Bioware will probably buff us, but that will make us the next FOTM OP class because too many lowbies and inexperienced players are complaining right now when they really just don't know what they're doing or dont have the gear to compete.


Or it could be you play exceptionally well and therefore tend to have great results against average players. This does not mean though your sentinel/marauder will be able to compete with another exceptional player of a different class. Sentinel tooltip damage is extremely low, even if you run watchman with juyo form and have your 10% up. Cauterise does extremely weak damage compared to sage dots, slash does less damage than other mechanic point spammables of other classes and overload saber does extremely weak damage too. While you can run focus spec on a Sentinel and do ok you still arn't doing as much damage as a guardian in the same spec. Now you can point to the centering/group buffs/survivability that the sentinel has over the guardian. Now this leaves me wondering why the guardian has more damage in focus spec due to the extra force sweep damage buff in vig yet sentinel manages to have more survivability but less damage. It seems a bit topsy turvey.

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Im feeling much better in PvP now when im finally full epic geared n stuff. I guess I will feel TONS better in PvP when I build my new rig today, cause on the old PC PvP was just too laggy to be enjoyable in any way.


That said, I dont have problems with anybody in world PvP. I can kill anything in Ilum except when I meet some really good and really well geared player..then sometimes I loose.


However in Warzones I find it hard to kill Sorcs too. Dno why I kill everything else without loosing 20% of my hp, but Sorcs just have so many stuff to keep me off em and when I finally get to them, they have shield which absorbs enough dmg before their CC CDs run off again. Operatives are just dif chapter. They can only do deadly opening from stealth thats what they should do and thats what they are good at.


But Yea, I made my peace with the fact I wont kill everybody everytime. And when I see 50 lvl well geared Sorc I just change target and let troopers grav round their a**.

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Are you level 50? are you geared? are you not experienced?


If you answered yes to any of those then you should probably withhold judgement.


This class is fine the way it is, its harder to play than most classes, more complex, and as a result a lot of people do badly with it, but those that understand it, have the experience, and have the gear do very very well.


Bioware will probably buff us, but that will make us the next FOTM OP class because too many lowbies and inexperienced players are complaining right now when they really just don't know what they're doing or dont have the gear to compete.


Harder to play and being more complex has nothing to do with our long our CDs are and for how long they last. How badly scaled are offhand DPS weapon is compared to other duel weilding glasses. Our lack off Pvp Elite stuns. The fact two of our hard hitting abilities are not useble against elite or pvp characters. The fact that the reason we dont get force pull is because other classes will have "Difficulty kiting us" yet they retain all their gap closers. The fact that we remain USELess when rooted as other classes who are long range can stilll manage yet our breakers have rediculous CD's.


We are a DPS class with an offhand weapon. Not a sheild generator to increase defence or stealth. A offhand weapon lightsaber. Where the Damage is quite horrible. If it was scaled correctly like the other duel weapon classes we could do our job Correctly. But its far from that. If we could have another gap closer like every other class happens. everything that we call op would be manageble. Other classes have too many ways to keep us stationary and get away from us.

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Are you level 50? are you geared? are you not experienced?


If you answered yes to any of those then you should probably withhold judgement.


This class is fine the way it is, its harder to play than most classes, more complex, and as a result a lot of people do badly with it, but those that understand it, have the experience, and have the gear do very very well.


Bioware will probably buff us, but that will make us the next FOTM OP class because too many lowbies and inexperienced players are complaining right now when they really just don't know what they're doing or dont have the gear to compete.


AM I level 50 .. Yes. was the 3rd level 50 on my server.

DO I have experience with the Sentinel... Yes Been playing it since closed beta.

DO I have experience in PVP, not sure how to quantify that, I am usually first place in the WZ's that I go into, I pvp'ed quite a bit in wow... Once again not sure how to answer that.


DO I have gear. I have all the champion gear except the chest piece, so yep.

AM I trolling nope.



Are you trolling ? Not sure.

Edited by Oriont
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