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Sorcerer damage is pissy


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I'm level 30, i have a 35 Merc, and a 29 sniper and have played friends classes that are mura and powertech.



My numbers are being compared with the other ranged classes i have played and what i see melee do whom are around my level.



Sorcerer burst dps and sustained numbers are totally poor, our highest hits are other classes lowest noncrits, what burst we do have is aweful when you notice they are on cooldowns, dps melee basic attacks hit harder.


So you say we are a Dot class? The dots tick too slow and for too little damage and seem to be mitigated by armor, we only have two dots one short the other low damage and 15 sec, our other dot is useful since its a root but that is at the end of a tree.#


So we have utility? so what, so does an operative, yet they get medium armor, heals more CC more defence tools better sustained dps and burst and stealth.



OH BUT IM A SORC AND CAP KILLS AND DAMAGE, well stop kill stealing, how many solo kills you have? 1 2 at most. your damage is due to you not dying because you are humping your team so hard that no one can get near you, or you are just doting everything in sight and kill stealing people who are at low health.



Sorcerers are a glass cannon without the cannon, we may look flashy but hell we do pissy damage.



Sorcs need more burst or faster ticking dots..

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This may be the first (and only) thread where someone complains about Sorcerer/Sage damage as it stands at the moment.


My only explanation is that he speced for healing, didn't buy current ranks of his abilities, or simply doesn't know how to play.


It's generally known by the community that the motto of the DPS Sage/Sorcerer is "For when you need to kill every motherf-er in the room RIGHT NOW, accept no substitute."

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Want to see a sorc that melts faces in PVP? Check my sig.


Anyway, Sorcerors are powerful... just nowhere near as strong as some people think. They have a major weakness. I won't give it away because the mystery is helping me get geared :p LAWL.


Every class has a weakness though. Figure it out FTW!

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if you dont think your sorcerer is strong then there is no class for you in this game




What the OP is experiencing is "easy dps" vs "challenging dps." Ranged classes are ALWAYS going to appear better on the surface. They're usually attacking from a more protective area and have more time to unleash their stuff. But Sorcerers are by no means "weak." Quite the contrary.


This game has impressed me in that it feels very balanced right now. Much more so than other MMOs I've tried.

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