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Sentinel needs another break free ability or a faster cd time


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For PvP


Its frustrating the amount of people or clases that can stun you continuously and you only have 1 ability to break free and its on a 120 sec cooldown, basically making a sentinel useless in PvP


You get stunts after stun after stun and then dead


Its extremelly frustrating than after lvl a 50 sentinel y find myself looking for that loonelly dude and not being able to help in any warzone cause the lack of abilities and the slow performing action off all the dps, burns, etc etc etc


Oh and im sorry i dont belong to those extremelly good dudes who can make it work but i bet they are like a small proportion of the whole playerbase that plays sentinel and not the mayority

Edited by khsolo
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There is no class that can 'stun you contentiously' (your words.) Though the availability of stuns of other forms of CC are such that one could potentially be CC'd for durations that would make a grown man cry, the resolve system prevents this from happening. Having said that, if I were to take a stab in the dark, I would suggest that you are using the one CC break you have incorrectly. If that is the case, I highly recommend reading over an excellent write-up a member of this community drew up on the subject some time ago; Resolve, Crowd Control (CC) and You. Then again, depending on who in that thread (and others) you listen to, the system is horribly bugged and flawed in design. Personally, I have never been CC'd while white-bar'd, so I can't speak t any of that.


In my opinion, we don't need any more stun breaks than we (and everyone else, as the one you refer to is shared across the board) already have. Instead, people simply need to learn when to eat and stun and when to pop their breaker, when to expect a stun and how to prepare for it. Learn this now and you'll find yourself well ahead of the game.


I guess what I really mean to say is... why do you believe you should be able to break stuns more often? Because it is annoying? Because you die while stunned? Or do you honestly believe that proper balance of the game dictates that we have a second... that, given a second, all of our Sent-like woes would up and vanish overnight?

Edited by Fascion
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Honestly i have no idea what you talking about even after reading that post and unfortunatelly you shouldnt be a nuclear physicist to understand these things


I have never seen a white bar anywhere near a target or myself, all i have seen is a blue bar that fills up when someone is casting something and again, you have to memorize about 12 different attacks, +4 defenses, +4 abilities, etc, etc, its far too complicated even for someone who has been playing games like these for the past 30 years like myself


Playing sentinel should be far more fun and its not specially in PvP

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I felt the guy did a great job of explaining it to anyone willing to take the time to read it.


Short and sweet version:

  • Resolve is granted to a player when they are on the receiving end of a CC ability.
  • This includes but is not limited to mez, stun and knockbacks.
  • This does NOT include snares and roots.
  • Generally, one should expect around 750 resolve per effect received.
  • Some skills can actually produce two effects (such as a knockback+stun,) resulting in over 1000 resolve being granted--the importance of this is to follow.


  • Above your character portrait you will see a bar in a semi-circle which depicts your current resolve, ####/1000. To see this easier in the middle of combat, consider enabling self-nameplates in your options, as well as other things related to resolve.


  • When a player hits 1000+ resolve, they are granted an immunity to further CC (again, excluding movement impairing effects) for a period of time (typically ~15 seconds.) In general, that means two effects = immunity.
  • Being given this immunity DOES NOT break currently active forms of CC.
  • The ideal time to use your CC breaker is at the very moment you see your bar turn white, affording you the most time spent CC immune and not still CC'd.
  • Using your CC breaker when not immune can lead to follow-up CC and you looking pretty dumb.

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Well, for my case i didnt see the bar either. But after i toggled on "Show nameplate" or something like that in the pref menu, then its clear as day.


Hope it helps



Pls show me, i found the nameplates stuff and turned on "show nameplate on self" and "show nameplates" but i dont see anything diferent

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Just make Resolute (trinket) reset its CD when you die. There is far too much CC for a 2 min CC Breaker. Perhaps a talent in the Focus tree to lower the CD as well.


Some really simple things would make the game far more enjoyable.

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Shorter CD on resolute would be really nice as a pure melee class.


But, the real issue may just be resolve needs to be redone.

It is completely broken as is.


Not effecting roots and slows destroys our effectiveness vs any competent opponent. (and vs multiple opponents, dont even think about it. you can be stunned/rooted for 20-30s nonstop)

Doubly so, with genius skill design, such as instant aoe knockback with roots, stuns and blinds attached to them. (some moron clearly has never pvped, if they didnt understand how powerful a KB alone is. Attaching a root to a KB is INSANE.)


Resolve does nothing until its full. Then it goes into effect AFTER that last effect wears off.

Grats you're already dead.

And again, this factor is more true the greater the gear imbalance. And/or the more "tanky" you character is. healers/tanks therefore get way more from resolve then you do.

I have 400 expertise, my opponents have none? well I'll survive those 3 stuns, 4-6s long. 12-18s of being chain stunned. (think about how stupid that is). And just now have an even bigger advantage. But you think anyone with 0 expertise can last 12-18s vs ME while chain stunned? hell no.

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I have 400 expertise, my opponents have none? well I'll survive those 3 stuns, 4-6s long. 12-18s of being chain stunned. (think about how stupid that is). And just now have an even bigger advantage. But you think anyone with 0 expertise can last 12-18s vs ME while chain stunned? hell no.
There should never be a case wherein you are stunned more than twice in a row. The first stun will take you to 750-800 resolve, the second will send you well over 1000. At this point, you should be granted immunity for something like 15-18 seconds. If you are somehow being stunned, then we need to figure out what stun is bypassing immunity and report it. As I said above, personally, I have never once been stunned while immune. Rooted? You bet. Never stunned. I know, I know, for us Sents, a root may as well be a stun. A root, depending on your spec, is something we can get out of though, in addition to being able to use cooldowns to live through the incoming abuse. Not so with stuns, which is why they grant immunity.


Don't get me wrong, I believe there is much room for improvement with the resolve system. I just don't think it is at bad as people make it out to be, mostly because the overwhelming majority of the squeaky wheels don't fully understand the system.




(directed at thread, not just MB)

As you can see in the above screenshot (my last post,) I am full resolve and my cc breaker cooldown is still up. When I hit full resolve, I weighed the pros and cons of using my breaker and decided I would just eat the stun. Not a minute later I did use it to stop a cap on left while buying time for reinforcements to arrive. So don't just blindly use it whenever you see the white bar. Use it when you are white-bar'd, near full health and have all the right skills up to put the murder on some fool. Use it when you are white-bar'd and running the hutball. Use it when you aren't white-bar'd to protect an objective.


Use your head first, then use your CC breaker.

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There is no class that can 'stun you contentiously' (your words.) Though the availability of stuns of other forms of CC are such that one could potentially be CC'd for durations that would make a grown man cry, the resolve system prevents this from happening.


The resolve system has problems -- 2 significant bugs and some design issues:


1. [bug] Resolve immunity does not activate until you are free of stuns/mezzes. In other words, you can't go immune while stunned. This means you can be chain stunned ad infinitum as long as they overlap. Your white bar will be filled, but it will not drain (immunity).


Edit: To clarify, stop licking BioWare's balls and simply pay attention to what happens in a Warzone when you get stunned, rooted, knocked back, stunned, then chain stunned through a "white bar", then stunned a third time, then rooted after you start moving again while the resolve immunity is up. Then rooted again, because another root bypasses resolve, and then stunned because your 8 second immunity expired (wherever did Warhammer's 20-40 second immunity, DAOC's 60s immunity, or even WoW's 15s immunity go?).


2. [bug] Half the roots in the game ignore resolve completely. Naturally, Sorcs and Sages could care less in many situations, but it affects Sent/Maras adversely.


3. [Design] Knockbacks and roots give very low amounts of resolve, despite being 80% as effective as a stun against melee classes. Hello, retardation.


4. [Design] The actual length of the immunity is absurdly short compared to CC immunity models in other games.


Fix these issues and half the crying will evaporate.

Edited by EasymodeX
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For PvP


Its frustrating the amount of people or clases that can stun you continuously and you only have 1 ability to break free and its on a 120 sec cooldown, basically making a sentinel useless in PvP


You get stunts after stun after stun and then dead


Its extremelly frustrating than after lvl a 50 sentinel y find myself looking for that loonelly dude and not being able to help in any warzone cause the lack of abilities and the slow performing action off all the dps, burns, etc etc etc


Oh and im sorry i dont belong to those extremelly good dudes who can make it work but i bet they are like a small proportion of the whole playerbase that plays sentinel and not the mayority


I agree with you.


Both are good suggestions, lower CDs and also an additional CC breaker.


I'd also like to mention that sometimes abilities don't go off, like the 15 % damage buff (sometimes I have to spam it for several seconds).

Also force stasis and master strike are bugged sometimes and can easily be avoided.


I'm one of the better players, while I still beat 97% of other players (all classes) against other top players with similar gear/skill I don't think that the sentinel is equally good compared to them.

Sorcerors, Operatives, even Mercenaries can be very hard to beat, and while as Sentinel you need to pop all cooldowns to even have a chance against them they often do the same pressure as you do with just their basic rotation.

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