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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Champion Bags


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Not sure who thought this design was brilliant, not to mention all the people who had to approve. Must be same people who ruined warhammer.


Of the last 5 items I got there has been 4 belts and 1 relic.


Seriously, I am all for the gear coming to you random, I am fine with the lottery even a duplicate here and there. But I do not think I should have 4 belts before I even have half of the pvp gear.


Please rethink/redesign, at best it's retarded.

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9 bags and no gear. it would be nice to get some gear


That, or lower the amount of Commendations required. I'm normally one to to complain about the gear grind but the cost of these things considering how many you need is daft and blatantly just to add to the timesink.

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How is this free? Time invested should be rewarded.


Commendations is the reward.

If you consider commenations to be to little for the time invested i'll be all /approve on that topic.

Complainin about the free gear that comes with them is weird though o.O

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So you want the free gear to be for slots you don't have yet.

Why do people complain about free things=(


For the pass month all you have done here is troll and make derogatory comments towards other, the 20th can't come fast enough.....


I agree with the OP, it took over 70 bags for me to get 4 pieces, while others open 6 and get a full set, this system is crap and whoever though about it too.

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For the pass month all you have done here is troll and make derogatory comments towards other, the 20th can't come fast enough.....


I agree with the OP, it took over 70 bags for me to get 4 pieces, while others open 6 and get a full set, this system is crap and whoever though about it too.


Couldn't agree more. Why does it seem like the designers of this games pvp all had downs?

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Commendations is the reward.

If you consider commenations to be to little for the time invested i'll be all /approve on that topic.

Complainin about the free gear that comes with them is weird though o.O


The goal is obviously the Champion gear. Who the hell grinds bags for commendations? The whole thing is backwards, and it certainly doesn't feel free.

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systems weird, my first 6 bags had 4 items in them, and lucky me each was different (wrist,ear,implant,relic 2 out of the 3 weekly bags had items) but that last 12 or so have had nothing...not complaining as i seem lucky compared to some here but this seems beyond random, its like the drop percentage is determined by another roll or something. I like being able to map out my pvp grind...and what initially seemed like 2 weeks now seems totally unknowable
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While not getting something different (read, usable) in the bags is kind of annoying, I've been making the best of it and at least ripping out the mods in the gear and replacing what I already had with it. It's not the best, but it's at least something...


I think the system is kinda funky, like so many do, but I also don't really want people to just "show up" for huttball for a week straight and magically have a full set of PvP gear. In a sort of macabre way, I think the empty or duplicate bags at least give you some more competitive focus when you go back into your next match. Maybe..

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For the pass month all you have done here is troll and make derogatory comments towards other, the 20th can't come fast enough.....


I agree with the OP, it took over 70 bags for me to get 4 pieces, while others open 6 and get a full set, this system is crap and whoever though about it too.


I'm signed up for 3 months and am enjoying my warzones.

I love the current bag system, and would hate to see it ruined because a few people aren't use to an RNG system for obtaining loot.

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I'm signed up for 3 months and am enjoying my warzones.

I love the current bag system, and would hate to see it ruined because a few people aren't use to an RNG system for obtaining loot.


i dont hate it, i just think its odd. my only wish is to know how it works exactly, even just like a percentage number or something

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as i will continually say on every post about Champion bags.... both pvp and pve are based off RNG, its all luck, i pve and pvp, for whatever reason i have had much better with pvp loot then pve. I would rather have more pve gear as i enjoy pve more then pvp (in its current state) however the RNG gods have deemed to give me more pvp gear.



its an mmo, RNG's are what mmo's are all about.... i seriously wonder if alot of people have never played an mmo before?

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The luidcrous and frustrating PvP reward system combined with the whole tank stat mitigation issue in PvP are the two main reasons I'm strongly considering not even subscribing for the second month. It's sad, because the warzones can still be fun and I am the guildmaster of ~20 others in my guild, but the plaguing system flaws are outweighing the good in this case for me.
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as i will continually say on every post about Champion bags.... both pvp and pve are based off RNG, its all luck, i pve and pvp, for whatever reason i have had much better with pvp loot then pve. I would rather have more pve gear as i enjoy pve more then pvp (in its current state) however the RNG gods have deemed to give me more pvp gear.



its an mmo, RNG's are what mmo's are all about.... i seriously wonder if alot of people have never played an mmo before?


it would just be nice to know something like over a months time theres a good possiblity im going to get atleast x amount of loot if i do x amount of pvp/pve per day

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The luidcrous and frustrating PvP reward system combined with the whole tank stat mitigation issue in PvP are the two main reasons I'm strongly considering not even subscribing for the second month. It's sad, because the warzones can still be fun and I am the guildmaster of ~20 others in my guild, but the plaguing system flaws are outweighing the good in this case for me.


Tank stats mitigation is a whole another subject, and as an immortal jugg who has taken all pvp tanking champ pieces i will say i feel your pain.


however again, its RNG, it will always be RNG even after they change the system over to ta token that allows you to take any set piece you want. Next people will complain about opening 25 bags without a token.

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