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Arsenal Gear and Stats


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It seems like the majority or people agree that our stat priority is crit and surge > power > alacrity mostly but not only because of terminal velocity. Where i get confused is our end game set gear is the Eliminator Set that is made blatantly obvious by the set bonuses. With the Eliminator set for both pve and pvp it is riddled with power and accuracy. I understand the accuracy but what is with all the power and the lack of crit. Does the BH community underestimate the value of power for our build. Did the devs underestimate the value or crit in our build. Should we just deal with the stats we are given. Or are we screwed and need to buy two sets of gear so we can take the mods and enhancements out of Combat Tech gear and put it in our eliminator set. Or am i just completely confused and help would be appreciated.
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Being a new game, people are still figuring things out and the lack of DPS meters, combat logs, etc. makes figuring it out much harder or at least more tedious.


Some of the things heard and repeated like stacking crit and surge are the way to go is wrong or perhaps wrong after you get to a certain amount that is pretty low.


Currently the thinking is that you want crit to about 35-40%, and surge to about 80%, but even that is now being questioned.


Welcome to a new MMO, hope you enjoy the ride. :)

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You don't necessarily NEED a combat log as long as your testing methods are thorough and exactly the same. You also don't need a combat log or DPS meter to see that, point-for-point, Crit and Surge after their 30%/85% 'caps' return less than Power thanks to diminishing returns. Alacrity in general is just a sh*tty stat for almost everyone thanks to fixed resource pools and it not modifying the GCD. It's especially bad for us because of the cast times on our abilities being ~equal to the GCD.


Also, this isn't a new MMO. This is a paid beta. ;\

Edited by Stigas
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