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I've got twenty minutes to kill while I wait for Call on the Force to cool down.


I'm seeing a lot of talk on this forum about how Sentinels are not underpowered, so I'm hoping you guys can help me out a little with this. At the moment I'm level 26, combat specced, trying to solo a level 21 champion (Pit Fighting Champion on Nar Shaddaa), and he's utterly destroying me.


I turn on Rebuke, Force Leap in, Zealous Strike for a few focus points, Cauterize, and Stasis. Once the Stasis is over I start Slashing away until my focus goes down a bit. By now my health is at about 70% so I start Master Strike while I use a medpack and turn on Saber Ward. Zen is ready by now, so I turn it on, use Zealous Strike again, Cauterize, Slash some more, Call on the Force, Saber Ward, and die.


It isn't even a close fight, really. I've gotten him down to about 10% of his health before, but by that point I've got no focus and everything is cooling down and I'm pretty much dead too. I spent a ridiculous amount of time and credits getting all of my equipment upgraded through Artifice (purple hilts/enhancements/crystals at the highest level I can use), and almost all of my gear primarily buffs Strength.


Is there something I'm clearly overlooking here?

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Is there something I'm clearly overlooking here?


1) He's a Champion mob? -- i.e check out his HP b4 you even start trying

2) This sound cliche, but is your companion's gear -- most updated?

3) Build up Zen b4 attempting?

4) Use interrupt skills -- i.e Force kick, stasis...

5) Perhaps use a better medpack/ stims as well?

6) Slash more frequent instead of strike.




7) Ask your companion to aggro instead of yourself, let them tank abit to 80% then, you start leap-in > zen> cauterize > slash as much as you can > zealous strike > blade storm > sweep > I dont know if you get opportune strike + combat trance at your level, but if you do, always blade storm while in combat trance = 100% critc

Edited by pangwl
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1. Let your companion tank while you do low DPS until it dies. Revive your companion with a double medpac.


2. Don't overlap defensive cooldowns (stasis and Rebuke).


3. For power-PvE, make sure you have the talent that reduces the CD of Rebuke when you Riposte. Use Riposte.


4. You didn't mention Overcharge Saber.


Edit: Oh, Combat spec'd. Below level 40.


Go respec.

Edited by EasymodeX
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1) He's a Champion mob? -- i.e check out his HP b4 you even start trying

2) This sound cliche, but is your companion's gear -- most updated?

3) Build up Zen b4 attempting?

4) Use interrupt skills -- i.e Force kick, stasis...

5) Perhaps use a better medpack/ stims as well?

6) Slash more frequent instead of strike.

He is a Champion mob, yes.


The gear that I have is either fully updated by artifice or purchased from the auction for level 24-25 (can't afford anything better after grinding the purple schematics out). Kira's gear is mainly updated by drops and quest rewards, so it's all around level 20 at the moment.


Everything else in the "story area" is dead, so I can't build up Zen, heh.


The mob doesn't use any abilities that can be interrupted.


I'm using the best medpacks I can at my level. I was using stims, but I don't want to spend tens of thousands of credits buying stims to kill this one guy five levels under me.


The only time I strike is when Zealous Strike is cooling down and I have no Focus.

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No mention of pet here either...this is before you get doc so you're working with Kira or T7...


Be SURE to use a aggro bounce tactic. I like to send my pet first, let them build enough aggro to then join the fight WITHOUT using my cooldowns for a bit, then when I pull aggro from DPS I start popping my defensives...then once I'm more or less through on my defenses dropping aggro again (if you have camo) or just using pots at that point to finish it.


Don't let your pet die...the added dps when you flip aggro is important.

Don't flip too fast though, use the time to build full focus and unleash slowly as your pet absorbs the hits.

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He is a Champion mob, yes.

Then, it's expect to be harder. You might need a better "armoring mod" for yourself, it's not just about weapon all the time. :o


Kira's gear is mainly updated by drops and quest rewards, so it's all around level 20 at the moment.

Get PvP lvl20 gears for Kira at least. It should be a bit better. Or use T7 (the better tank).


Everything else in the "story area" is dead, so I can't build up Zen, heh.

After building up centering, maybe start hitting the boss first?


The mob doesn't use any abilities that can be interrupted.

-- A champion that doesn't use ability? That's shocking, R you sure? He doesn't cast at all? :confused:


I'm using the best medpacks I can at my level. I was using stims, but I don't want to spend tens of thousands of credits buying stims to kill this one guy five levels under me.



The only time I strike is when Zealous Strike is cooling down and I have no Focus.

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Heh.. I get the best armoring mods I can from the AH, but they're usually green or blue at best. And the only ability this guy uses is shocking me, but it's instant. I was kinda surprised at this too.


I tried the suggestions here - thanks for the tips everyone. No luck, though. Now I'm broke from fixing gear, heh. Maybe I'll come back at level 30 and have a little more luck.. ;)

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-- A champion that doesn't use ability? That's shocking, R you sure? He doesn't cast at all?


Yeah some are like that. They're a bit harder ...


The hardest mobs are the casters that chaincast. You can't dodge their attacks or use Pacify because they use Force/Tech attacks, and you can only interrupt about 1/4th of the attacks because they have 3-5 that they cycle through.

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Yeah, that's the one.


And there's the root of it. Beating a champion in a heroic quest solo with just help from your companion is a tall order even if you are a couple levels higher. Heroic enemies are much stronger. Even at four or five levels more, soloing a Heroic 2+ is difficult.


It's not that you're doing anything wrong, per se, it's just that that encounter is too tough to tackle by yourself.

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I would say you did damn good for a heroic champion solo.


On a side note, I think Watchman is better for soloing as far as DPS + preventing damage.


My favorite combo is Zen + Cauterize + Overload Saber get them burning then use Force stasis while it crits.


as watchmen, centering generates quick so you can pop zen again

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I would say you did damn good for a heroic champion solo.

That's good to hear.


Personally, I do feel that the Sentinel got a raw deal compared to the other classes, but I know that it's possible to play the class to 50 and I want to do it. I was worried that I was just completely missing how to play this class because it seems like a level 21 champion should be doable.


Of course.. the last MMO I played seriously was Ultima Online in the 90s, so the learning curve entails more than just the finer points of the Sentinel for me :o

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