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How could you let them do this to the Jedi? I give up. Theres NO reason to be a Jedi. Jedi are outnumbered, have an inferior story line, its harder than hell to level past a certain point with all the bored Sith gankers running around, Sith have the superior version of every class (shorter cool downs, instant cast vs. channeled, etc.), and now they have announced same faction bg's (as well as better rewards for holding more objectives on pvp planet, hmmm, I wonder who's going to benefit from that). Might as well change the name of the game to "Sith Wars" and just make it free for all and have it be about guilds rather than factions. That would be more fun than the current state of the game.


Also, I leveled a Sith and I get a guide from the Dev's on how to play my class, what professions to take etc. I have every single Rep class past level 10 and never once received one of these. Biased much?


No word at all from the dev's on the future of the game as regards to balancing the factions.


Being as my end game goal is to do rated pvp I would have to be a fool to be a Jedi.


As is, I do not see myself dedicating years of my life to this game. It pisses me off I have been forced to be evil in order to compete.


Well I'm off to roll Empire so I can stand around with 50 other Sith waiting for Jedi to fly into contested zones so hopefully I can get 1 hit on them and get credit for kills. I am so disappointed in this game. I will continue to play but for how long is in question.

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We all knew Sith was going to be overpopulated.. this shouldn't have come to you as a surprise. Everyone wants to be cool and shoot lightning from their fingers!


I play a Republic Sage on Darth Malak and I intend to stay on the underdog team. Tons of sith to farm for my champion bags because it seems 99% of them haven't read their abilities.


p.s. Loved the republic storyline, thought sith storyline was garbage. Always the same obvious answer... electrocute the twi'lek!

Edited by Weasul
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We all knew Sith was going to be overpopulated.. this shouldn't have come to you as a surprise. Everyone wants to be cool and shoot lightning from their fingers!


I play a Republic Sage on Darth Malak and I intend to stay on the underdog team. Tons of sith to farm for my champion bags because it seems 99% of them haven't read their abilities.


p.s. Loved the republic storyline, thought sith storyline was garbage. Always the same obvious answer... electrocute the twi'lek!


End game rated pvp is my goal though and face it, Sith have better moves on their "mirror" classes. Given equal gear and equal skill a Sith should win every time.

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