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What does the Term "MMO" mean to you


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Ok I have read alot of critics from meta critic and around these forums.


So i thought i should post to discuss a major issue about this mmo


What does the term mmo mean to you.


For some people it's a game which is very "sandbox" meaning you're not given a story. You are told to go out and make your own story. Your given your class it's moves, a load of mobs to kill and there you go. Sometimes you need groups to take on these mobs so you can group grind which isn't so bad but it's still a grind.


Any use of instancing is frowned upon. Players want to control the econmony, control the political rules etc etc.



A good example of this kind of game is eve.


great we got that out of the way


For some people (One of the reason why WoW was so successfull) those kind of sandbox games amount to simple grinding for gear and getting to max level. Wow was like this too however it was more friendly to the player. It didn't cause the player to camp for hours and it showed players roughly what they should be spending their time doing, Where to go (vannila wow had no quest helper) and what have you. Wow was a good mix cos it involved alot of grind but still "held" your hand. (As you tough so called "hardcore" players like to claim)


However what people like you fail to understand is alot of people don't want to spend time looking for where their quest is. It's not laziness it's just convient. What sandbox need to understand is the reason why bioware has actually been succeusfull with games like mass effect, dragon age and KOTOR. It's called "Stream Lining". Let me explain this term to you.



Stream lining is the process of striping down a system into something that still accomplishes it's task but if easier to use and more fun.


This applies to the use of instancing, the quest hubs, the crafting the removal of massive amounts of grind in favour of story.


Many people appericate this type of game play because it tailors to the individual to a greater extent. While i understand this kind of game is horrifying to some of you. What you must get is that others find sandbox games just pointless grind fests. I.e pretty much every korean mmo ever realeased.



Now i'm in not postion to say which is better sandbox or theme park. But i can say which i prefer which is theme park.



Do you care about story?


Ok next topic is those who say that bioware doesn't understand mmoers. They only care about rushing to max level and getting great gear.


Ok let me touch on this matter. Everymmo since wow has failed cos people only cared about max level and great gear.


We've all gotten great gear in wow at some point or the other. We've all been at max level. Wheather it's 50,60,70,80 or 85 we've all been there. To say all we care about is getting to max level and we don't care about story.


To people who say this i question your definition of fun. Is fun the aquistion of more and more loot? to me that seems pointless. Max level gear at any instance is max level gear at every instance. You may say "NO it's not i'm so much more powerful at level 85 than i was at level 60.


Well are you really. Everyone is also at level 85 now with max level gear so have you surpassed your relative power since 60.


answer no you haven't. Your still the same amount of relative power as you were (with respect to the amount of effort you put in game)


MMos were developed like this in the beginning because of technical limitations.


An Ideal mmo wouldn't be about grind but about console like god of war battles with each quest a unique experience.


It would make everyone feel special. Everyone feel like the "unique" individual they think they are. Just like the ideal game makes you feel.


Now bioware has choosen that it wants to deilver as much as a personal experience as it possibly can. Hence we get our own choices and our own story. But you lot say i just skip the Story cos you don't care and just want to get to max level.


Fair enough i say. You can use the space bar. But when you get to max level you say you don't feel immersed or involved or are just plain bored.


But you purposly skipped everything that would make you involved.

so who's fault is that. you said you didn't care about the story or the lore. you said you didn't care about all that dialogue and voice acting and the momunmental effort bioware has put into the story. you've missed like half of this game and are wondering why you feel it's just like every other mmo.


in truth it is like every other mmo. It's just that this mmo's gameplay is


1. more balanced than any since wow

2. more fun to play than any since wow


Missing the dialogue in this game is akeen to playing batman arkum city on mute. Doing all the fighting and platform and ending the game. Then wondering why you didn't so much get involved in the game. you might say that's a single player game and shouldn't be compared to an mmo.


I think you are wrong. An MMO is a game first and foremost and story is 100% important to alot of people. Without story some of the greatest games in history wouldn't have been anywhere near as succeusful as they are today.


And that's the point. That's why people like me stopped playing mmos for years. There was just no context. You were just this dude in the middle of a world on a quest to get more and more loot. However at some point the dude realises he's digging a bottomless pit.


you guys dig gear from blizzard for 7 years and at the end of the day much less than half of you can tell me what was going on in wow. Where you character fitted in the lore or why you were even fighting.


The Lack of content.


Let me see. So this game lacks content does it. Ok there are enough quest to level you to 53 at least. Max level is 50 btw. There is world open pvp which they need to work on. There is instanced pvp. There are raids with more coming and all the datacrons to find as well as your companion stories to explore as well as more crafting to be done. This is not to mention the 6 hardmode dungeons.


added to this is that playing a new class rewards you will a totally different mainstory line but old quests give you slightly different reactions and your different companions. Plus you can explore different choices to make your next play through of the same faction different as well as the fact that playing the opposing faction is a completely new experience with completely untouch and unheard story lines.




i don't get it at all with some of you. What content are you lacking. you think you've reached max level on one toon. No you haven't until you've maxed out your legacy bar you haven't reached max power cos legacy is going to give nice bounses ( bioware has stated this) so get prepared.


The choices are meaningless and VO just tells you to do 10 kill of these


Choices are meaningless. I have played through korriban on sith inq and sith warrior at least twice each and i have to tell you the way scenes play out can be signifcatly different depending on what choices you made.


I choose not to kill krumel and then go to decide his fate and had to go back to the tombs to get an extra set of shards. If you kill krumel you don't see him in the next scene. The diaglogue is much shorter and you don't have to redo the quest.


This is just on korriban.


next tor is just fetch quest or kill quest. I'm going to cover this again in my next post to gamespot.


Ok i have a challenge for you haters.


Name me an action game or game that involves you on a quest or mission of some sort where you have the abilty to kill, where you are not sent on either a






type quest. Please use these forums to tell me the game. And for the people who might not have heard of you game can you explain the quest and what you had to do. So we can judge if this quest wasn't part of those 3.


Yes given the context the game may not seem this way but actually that's all games tell you to do. They tell you to fetch, kill and escort. They do it in different ways but that is what they are all about. So if you are blaming bioware for doing that even though they provided the context to the quest which makes 100% difference cos your actions are now part of a narrative. Then let's call every game that comes out terrible cos they are all fetch and kill quests.


So to sum up i think the word mmo is trapped in Wow and this game is a realisation for many people about what has happened to our industry. People say they want something different from wow but the truth is many haters just believe if it's not wow grind it's not even an mmo. I mean i find it funny when people say this is a single player game with cooperative elements. IT's world structure is just like WoW if not better it's got tonnes of open world areas and loads of group content but because it's personal story line delievrs on the level of a single player game we turn around and say it's just a single player game.


It's managed to incoperate the single player experience into an mmo setting with succeuss and instead of praise you tell them you liked grind for infinite amount of times on gear even though you've quit almost every single other mmo cos of said grind.


I think WoW has corrupted alot of peoples minds and tastes and some are just not ready for change


icecoldone out

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