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To all retribution paladins (Vanilla & BC) from WoW


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Hi guys!

How do you feel about sentinel?


In my opinion the story is great (now lvl 41) and the gameplay is pretty ok, after my paladin. Force leap is really sweet after bein kited a lot in WoW and damage is nice, but could be better. But in one moment I realised that again I'm feeling like I can't do anything, because CC of other classes, leap is helpful, zealos leap is good too if you roll focus, but it's not enough. And it's seems to me, that we have not much speacial-fun abilities, the most of skills are - deals damage and sometimes stuns weak and normal targets. Other classes have more flexibility IMHO. Also big butts and that horrible PvP set.


I hope this issues will be fixed and very soon, because i was tired of waiting retribution to be fixed in WoW, I remember times when I was the only one on server and it was pain to find somebody for arena and pve, of course they buffed it, but not how people asked and retriution became OP and hated by everybody. Because of this disregardness from developers I stoped playing WoW. I hope Bioware will care about players more, so sentinel will not become new retribution paladin, because I love SWTOR and don't want to leave.

Sorry for my poor English, it's not my nativ language.

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What do Ret Paladins (heals/plate) have in common with a pure-DPS class in medium armor and no specs for tanking or healing?


I'm just curious. I would expect Ret Paladins to have rolled a DPS Guardian.

Edited by Lomerell
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It's adressed to ret palas, who rolled sentinels. It's interesting to know how people of the class I played for a long feels about the class I'm playing now. WoW is very popular, so I think there are some ret palas here.


I see. It just struck me as odd. I played a Beast Mastery Hunter in BC, Survival in Wrath, but I think "Dear Hunters..." would appear odd in a Sentinels forum.

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There are a few similarities, yes. I had a DPS guardian in beta and it felt a little closer. Still, I love sentinel and I really enjoyed playing Ret. They're different enough that it's not just more of the same, but similar enough that it was very easy to pick up and rock with.


I think one of the biggest things is that to do decent damage with Ret, you have to stay on top of a lot of abilities. Keeping inquisition up, HP generation and use, Zealotry/AW. Sentinel is the same way, minus the awesomeness of heavy/plate armor to save you. It's a priority system like Ret too, not a rotation as such.


Getting dispatch made me smile too. It's like HoW before 4.3 :) BOOM

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I see. It just struck me as odd. I played a Beast Mastery Hunter in BC, Survival in Wrath, but I think "Dear Hunters..." would appear odd in a Sentinels forum.


Hunter is ranged class. Pala and JK is different too, but they are both melee and both knights, so IMHO people who love conception of paladin may loke JK too. I'm talking about conception as for gameplay JK is more similar to warrior and rogue, but the reason why I maid this post is because I'm afraid of JK will have the same problems as ret. Have seen same thoughts here.

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There are a few similarities, yes. I had a DPS guardian in beta and it felt a little closer. Still, I love sentinel and I really enjoyed playing Ret. They're different enough that it's not just more of the same, but similar enough that it was very easy to pick up and rock with.


I think one of the biggest things is that to do decent damage with Ret, you have to stay on top of a lot of abilities. Keeping inquisition up, HP generation and use, Zealotry/AW. Sentinel is the same way, minus the awesomeness of heavy/plate armor to save you. It's a priority system like Ret too, not a rotation as such.


Getting dispatch made me smile too. It's like HoW before 4.3 :) BOOM


Now ret is ok to play, ye, but in BC (when i started to play) and in vanilla (as i read on forums) it was rly hard, just because of bad class design.

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I like the fact that you can't draw a straight line from classes in other games to classes in this game.


I did play a ret pally in WoW for a long time and I don't see many similarities to that class and my combat sentinel.


If anything, my com sentinel feels more like a warrior/rogue archtype.

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If anything, my com sentinel feels more like a warrior/rogue archtype.


As I said in one of previous posts.


>I'm talking about conception as for gameplay JK is more similar to warrior and rogue

Edited by teh_nagato
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