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Lower the price per month for EU players..


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They play 4-6 days a month LESS than the US players AND.. If you look at the conversion tables they pay more.I sense bias here


Everything seems to be US US US in this game,im surprised credits aren't called dollars LOL

The pathetic arguments ive heard so far



1 : Get a job

2 : Well it is made by bioware and they are American

3 : There's more people playing in the US than the EU

4 : My dads bigger than your dad.

5 : All the servers are based in the US ( actually they are not )

6 : The staff are all Americans



Do you realise how stupid and pathetic those excuses are? LOL


What you Americans don't understand is,we paid for the game and we pay a monthly fee to play it.Once more,we pay more than you for less of a service.Why should we pay more than you? I for one am starting to come to the understanding that maybe this should have stayed a US game because the only people Bioware are catering for is the US people.The EU people are a steady paycheque though Bio,you might want to consider that.

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They play 4-6 days a month LESS than the US players AND.. If you look at the conversion tables they pay more.I sense bias here


Everything seems to be US US US in this game,im surprised credits aren't called dollars LOL

The pathetic arguments ive heard so far



1 : Get a job

2 : Well it is made by bioware and they are American

3 : There's more people playing in the US than the EU

4 : My dads bigger than your dad.

5 : All the servers are based in the US ( actually they are not )

6 : The staff are all Americans



Do you realise how stupid and pathetic those excuses are? LOL


What you Americans don't understand is,we paid for the game and we pay a monthly fee to play it.Once more,we pay more than you for less of a service.Why should we pay more than you? I for one am starting to come to the understanding that maybe this should have stayed a US game because the only people Bioware are catering for is the US people.The EU people are a steady paycheque though Bio,you might want to consider that.


I'm not American, altho I do live in North America, but I can't understand why you take up bandwidth and forum space to make all these accuactions, rants and downright insults toward the American people, as if they personally control when and how the maintainance occurs..


That doesn't make sence, Bioware and partners, the companies who develop and control the game and servers are where you should be directing the rants and raves, not a country or its people.. like I said, i'm not American and I don't live in the U.S.A. but why attack the people .. waste of bandwidth, indeed.

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I'm just going to ignore your entire post on the basis of this whole post is insulting Americans intelligence like you are better than the rest of the world or something. Stop with the elitist stuff and speak a little more friendly and you may find yourself getting much nicer replies.
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They play 4-6 days a month LESS than the US players


Correct me I'm mistaken but how do we, as American players get to play 4-6 days more than our EU friends? Maintenance takes at max 8 hours a week, correct? That comes to a total of 32 hours. Lets add an additional 32 hours as I understand the maintenance period takes place during the day for EU players, we'll call that sleep time. This brings up to a total of 64 hours or 2 Days, 16 Hours. I'm still not getting the numbers you claim. Now you could say that work and/or school wasn't factored in, but because that's a value that's different per person it's impossible to add in. Though as I understand it, with server maintenance during the day, most people would already be at work or school.

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Both the dollar and the euro are pants!.



And i wont insult any americans intelligence they do a pretty good job of that themselves.



That being said this thread is pointless i am english and i haven't noticed difference to the us service. They do the maintenance schedules on their timescale? Well so what if they do it would be common sense that they are in america and would be doing it to their time period.




If you dont like it instead of moaning like an old spinster just unsubscribe

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Canada is its own country its not north american, and mexico is in south america...


Canada and Mexico are both apart of North America including 15 other countries.




Edited by ElementalCrisis
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It's amazing how as soon as someone says something that could be taken offensively by Americans everyone is all over them.


Whilst every day I see Americans making stupid remarks, being offensive and careless towards the EU players and what a surprise, no one says a thing.

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I'm just going to ignore the stuff that is offtopic and flaming.


I wish bioware would do like blizzard, different frames for service, night time for both zones, it's abit anoying those days when I'm off work to have the whole day offline, while american players are sleeping.


Also, how about more Customer reps, more interacting with your paying players and all that stuff, I think you might need all this for the future anyway.


PS Eu > US, but I'm biased :p

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This doesn't actually contribute significantly to the topic - just my point of view. Not everyone in Europe is having problem with the maintenance times as is generalised in the original posting. I live in the EU. I'm at work from 9am to 5pm GMT+2. Usually the downtime occurs during this time, so it doesn't affect me at all.


But I do concur that the prices should be the same for all paying customers. There's quite a big difference in paying 13 EUR and paying $13 a month (13 EUR being $16.55) - therefore EU players are paying more for the same content.


This has been the same for every game I've played though and I don't think it'll change anytime soon. Just my two cents :)

Edited by Wathagan
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This doesn't actually contribute significantly to the topic - just my point of view. Not everyone in Europe is having problem with the maintenance times as is generalised in the original posting. I live in the EU. I'm at work from 9am to 5pm GMT+2. Usually the downtime occurs during this time, so it doesn't affect me at all.


But I do concur that the prices should be the same for all paying customers. There's quite a big difference in paying 13 EUR and paying $13 a month (13 EUR being $16.55) - therefore EU players paying more for the same content.


This has been the same for every game I've played though and I don't think it'll change anytime soon. Just my two cents :)


If you had made this topic It probably would of gotten a lot more positive, mature replies. Sadly the OP decided to use insults to convey his/her message.

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I am not sure where the OP's comment about the number of days played by EU vs US players comes from - the servers are up and down at the same time for both US and EU players, so the availability should be the same.


As for the price difference, this kind of 1:1 pricing is quite common, and while I do not like it (I live in EU), it is not a purely Bioware issue. For sure, Bioware could offer us all the chance to subscribe and pay in Dollars which would be nice, and we then take the hit on currency fluctuations - Bioware get a pure Dollar revenue stream, and we get a subscription at $14.99, at whatever currency exchange rate our credit card companies feel like charging.

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