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Fix matchmaking and remove kill count


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The game needs proper matchmaking, bracketing 50s is a good step but also matchmaking needs to provide good team composition and also players that are at a similar skill level. Trying to defend a point against a group of sith sorcs is not fun and playing with Republic players that chase enemies all over the map and forget about objectives is not fun either.


I do enjoy occasionally playing COD and I hate to use it as a negative because its a lot of fun but I see quite a few players suffering from COD syndrome where k/d is the be all and end all. Congratulations to those guys out there with high kills and low deaths you managed to be the top of the leaderboard and still lost.


People need to be rewarded for assisting the team. Killing the enemy and helping the team aren't mutually exclusive obviously but I feel teamwork and objectives should be rewarded most.

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