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Will dual boxing be implemented?


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I belong to a webite of like minded individuals all waiting to see if this is gonna change, were eager to play.

I found out the hard way by assuming I could do this in swtor since ive never had this problem in any other mmorpg.


In other words, gold-farmers looking to macro the game.


No thanks. Get your butt a real job and buy a second computer.

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I don't understand the purpose of this tbh.


Why would you need to have multiple characters signed in simultaneously? Sounds kind of gold farmerish, or exploitish to me... but perhaps I am just not seeing the larger picture.

Necromongering aside ...


I run two SWTOR accounts on two computers at the same time for one reason only. Back when SWTOR released, I had formed a Republic Guild with my friends who played. They all left long ago, and now I use the Guild as a personal thing for my alts. No other players in the guild means no way to invite new alts in unless I dual-box. So, I created a F2P, parked a level 1 alt from that account in my Stronghold, added him to my Guild, promoted him to officer. Today, he's still level 1, but he can invite any alts I make on my main account. I replicated this effort using my Imperial alts to create a private Imperial Guild.


I could also see dual-boxing so I could do "solo" social runs of Esseles and Black Talon. With so many convos and so little fighting, even at 1-2 points per convo, the Social Points would add up. Plus, each guy could farm affection with their first companion, as well as LS/DS points.

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Necromongering aside ...


I run two SWTOR accounts on two computers at the same time for one reason only. Back when SWTOR released, I had formed a Republic Guild with my friends who played. They all left long ago, and now I use the Guild as a personal thing for my alts. No other players in the guild means no way to invite new alts in unless I dual-box. So, I created a F2P, parked a level 1 alt from that account in my Stronghold, added him to my Guild, promoted him to officer. Today, he's still level 1, but he can invite any alts I make on my main account. I replicated this effort using my Imperial alts to create a private Imperial Guild.


I could also see dual-boxing so I could do "solo" social runs of Esseles and Black Talon. With so many convos and so little fighting, even at 1-2 points per convo, the Social Points would add up. Plus, each guy could farm affection with their first companion, as well as LS/DS points.


well as long as you have 2 pcs and can manage to play two toons at the same time with 2 hands (not sure how can do 2 mice, 2 keybaords with 2 hands) but more power to people if thay can...anything else is ban able.

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