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jedi Sentinel asks: what am I doing wrong in pvp?


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Ok, so I'm lvl 46 in pvp...our server has recently seena HUGE uprising of 50 Imperials, but I digress that is not my issue.


My issue stems from I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong to die so often in pvp. I play a Jedi Sentinel, I have many games where I feel as if there's a giant target on my haed and there's 4-5 player son me bringing me down. Death is certain.



Other times I pound away on a target and it feels like my lightsabres are made of cotton candy and kittens. I see 2k's flash up, 1k's 900, etc...and then I look at the health of my target...hmm 50%...or roughly around that area.


Frustrating indeed.


I am combat spec, so unless I have to I open a fight on a target with Zealous Strike or that other focus builder attack whose name escapes me atm.


So I have focus, I hit rebuke, I leg slash the target and continue to beat on them, armor pen, blade rush crit, master strike, force stasis, blade rush again (if the cool down is up) or root them with a Crippplign Strike and hammer into them and debuff their healing percentage and among that, if things get hairy I have Force camoflauge to start over, I do this and I have had numerous occasions where the target sits at 2% health....I die.


In those moments I have popped Sabre Ward, maybe one of my Zen states if available, anything to stay alive...to no avail.


I also find it frustrating that I see a healer who has his activation bar (cast bar) rising and I have enough focus and time to do a kick, so I press kick, nothing happens, press kick, nothing happens, press kick, nothing...I press it about 5 times until I finally kick and BAM I kick after an arduous task of getting the skill to activate..only to have them complete their cast. Where is the response time?!?!?!




Anyway, I just don't know what I am doing wrong, HELP!

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Though I don't play a sentinel (so I can't comment on class specifics), I would ask what your targets are? If they are level 50, they may be in PvP gear with expertise (that will reduce your effectiveness). If they are a healer, and the tanks on their side are worth anything, they may be guarded.


If neither of these situations applies, then I have no idea. Just keep at it and experiment.

Edited by Urothefox
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Play like a Ninja. Only charge into groups when you need to disrupt their progress long enough to give your team a chance to catch up.


If you're focused on, you will die. Fast.







I also find it frustrating that I see a healer who has his activation bar (cast bar) rising and I have enough focus and time to do a kick, so I press kick, nothing happens, press kick, nothing happens, press kick, nothing...I press it about 5 times until I finally kick and BAM I kick after an arduous task of getting the skill to activate..only to have them complete their cast. Where is the response time?!?!?!




Anyway, I just don't know what I am doing wrong, HELP!



This happens to most classes, however, my Marauder has had it happen the most.

Use another ability when it happens, don't keep trying to get that one to go off. You can use the basic attack if you want.

That will let you use what you were initially trying to use.

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To start, take a look at the link in my Sig.


To address some specifics. Its great that you are leading with Leg Slash and putting Rebuke up. Its hard to tell how much you cut out from your damage rotation but that seems basically fine.


One big thing, is don't pop Saber Ward when you are almost dead, as something will just sneak through anyways and kill you, use it when you know you are going to be taking alot of damage and want to stay up longer. Guarded by the Force is for those oh **** moments when you are low on health.


If 4-5 people home in and attack you there isn't anything to be done for it, they are just organized and unless you are mixing it up with some people from your team your just going to die.


The force kick problem you have is similar to alot of other things and not class related.


And finally, Combat is kind of the most lack luster spec imo. Go Watchman to really destroy your target, or Focus for aoe big numbers funsies :p.


Hopefully the guide in my sig can help you a bit.

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You may be queuing up an ability as opposed to Force Kick and that ability is going off instead of Force Kick.


I've never tried combat spec, but I've tried Focus, and in one match before I managed 287k damage. I then played a game of Hutt Ball and couldn't for the life of me beat a Jedi Sage. (it was Republic vs. Republic) Force Stasis > Zealous Leap > Force Sweep = 2.5k damage AoE at level 25. But for the life of me I couldn't do good damage in PvE stuff.


I respecced and tried out Watchmen and I have been enjoying it to some degree. I need to remember to keep hitting Zen to get the burn heal going, and Overload Saber. It's been good so far but not placing as high in PvP. Probably because there's more level 50's now and more people with pvp gear as opposed to earlier. *shrug*

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your combat speced enough said...... I destroy combat speced sentinals.. your dmg revolves soully on crits.. regular attacks wont mean crap also combat focuses on your aoe ability too for dmg and a little more defense. Mainly its a great PvE spec but not so much for PvP your not supposed to hit hard unless you crit..


Then you can go to the focus tree.. This tree will focus on all your force abilties making them hit much harder and your AOE will hit much harder as well. giving you more burst dmg but not much sustained damage. however you will have a lot more survivability compared to combat for pvp with the heals you can put points into.


If your looking for sustained dmg Watchman is the tree. This is the DoT over 6 seconds tree. everything your do is aimed to put a dot on the person and slow them while you pretty much spam attacks on them nonstop for a ok dmg but its constant. you dont have the huge hits like focus tree can offer but you have more survivability with your dots being able to heal you and party. Watchman is probably the most skill required tree because you will use just about every ability you get in one way shape or form and you have to constantly reapply your effects and always be on the assault.



So your pick needs to either be for PvP sustained dmg over time or focused burst dmg over and over. both have good survivability but both have their ups and downs.

Both are meant for getting onto one target and beating them senseless and moving to next target.

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