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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Japans date is correct - YYYY/MM/DD - Decending order


EU date is correct - DD/MM/YYYY - Ascending order


Americas date might as well be - MY/YD/YY - muddled up and confusing people.


I hope that was a joke and you dont get confused by MM/DD/YYYY. :p

whats with all the holier than thou EU people? I thought arrogance was the americans job.

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Ah yes, and when somebody asks me how much I weigh I'll be like "The 14th of December!" and they will have no choice but to accept me as one of their own.


We accept everyone, you guys accepted us also centuries back, before we sold you to england ;)

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