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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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yes we know that, but honestly how many people here would have not bothered preordering untill we were offered EGA, i didnt preorder till november when i got an email sayingi would get upto 5 days, had played beta since early aug so i knew id get the game i was just going to wait for the shops to get it till i got that email, and i knew it was upto 5 days, but wasnt aware of the amount of people that had preordered allready, wasnt till a few days later i found out, and the full plan when it was officialy posted.


had i got an email saying 4 3 2 1 days i may have even still preordered on that basis, but id rather have been treat like an adult and told that it was probably going to be less time based on presales. getting people on that way could have even come out looking like they realy cared. Imagine how you would feel, you pre order and it tells you you might get 1 day free access, and then 2 or 3 days before you expect it a mail pops in your in box. "you can log on now"


because as it stands there is a good chance people will get more time than they think.. i ask you, what would you prefer, being told 1 day and getting 1 day or more, or being told upto 5 days and getting 1? each much the same, one sounds a lot more apealing.


That works in theory, but if they aren't telling people now how many days they have, then you know they didn't know how many we would be getting when they started the pre order process.

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whats the chances on dec1 tomorrow!


Probably none, Dec people will get maybe 3 days of access.


I got my access in the third wave today, but I already cancelled so it doesn't matter, there are already level 40s in the game and the economy is all messed up.


Plus half my friends still haven't gotten theirs, and the general population of this game makes me sick considering they only care about 'their' access and don't have the forethought to think of what's best for the game, like an even playing environment from inception.

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So are we to believe that those people who preordered because of an ad specifically stating "Preorder now and play five days early starting on December 15th" are now going to possibly get the shaft because Bioware changed the parameters of the pre-release? If so, why was there no mention made that some people may not be able to play five days early starting on December 15th?
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Does that say 2nd-3rd of october.


11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

10.03.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order


Now im starting to hate this launch.


Basically some 3rd of octobers get it and i dont but i have a collectors edition.

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because as it stands there is a good chance people will get more time than they think.. i ask you, what would you prefer, being told 1 day and getting 1 day or more, or being told upto 5 days and getting 1? each much the same, one sounds a lot more apealing.


It would be much, much worse if they told you 5 and you got 4, or 3.

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So are we to believe that those people who preordered because of an ad specifically stating "Preorder now and play five days early starting on December 15th" are now going to possibly get the shaft because Bioware changed the parameters of the pre-release? If so, why was there no mention made that some people may not be able to play five days early starting on December 15th?


From day 1 of this whole thing they stated that you "May be able to play up to five days." They didn't once tell people they would get five days.

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if i was reading this right last entry here was on oct 2nd or 3rd. dat means they finshed 1 months worth of pre order today. they most likely will invite all who havent gotten in yet and pre ordered before oct 2 and probally finsh up nov abd maybe early dec tomarrow? since they increase almost double from yesterday's entrys. Edited by KrypticFiend
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So are we to believe that those people who preordered because of an ad specifically stating "Preorder now and play five days early starting on December 15th" are now going to possibly get the shaft because Bioware changed the parameters of the pre-release? If so, why was there no mention made that some people may not be able to play five days early starting on December 15th?


Every OFFICIAL ad they have released says UP TO 5 days early. They have been very careful to word it correctly. If you find an add that specifically says that you're guaranteed 5 days, then you should contact BW and let them know. It would be false advertising on the RETAILER'S part.

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I'll hold off buying the case of redbull and instant noodles until Friday. I pre-ordered and redemeed on Dec 12th so I should be playing by then considering how many dates the waves went through today. Until then all I can do is just to sit on the forums.
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So are we to believe that those people who preordered because of an ad specifically stating "Preorder now and play five days early starting on December 15th" are now going to possibly get the shaft because Bioware changed the parameters of the pre-release? If so, why was there no mention made that some people may not be able to play five days early starting on December 15th?


I hope you're trolling, otherwise you need to brush up on your reading skills. The banner didn't "specifically" state that you would get 5 days. It said "up to" 5 days. Then they opened it up two days ahead of that. Stop posting and go read up, I'm positive all your questions have been answered.

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for the 1000th time, no that is not correct. It is an additional fee beyond the game price - they both show up as separate line items. $5, and then $75 (for the digital deluxe; other prices for other versions). It IS a separate fee and it is NOT coming off the game price (confirmed by a friend who was charged after getting into the pre-order).


Sorry, but if you were charged an additional fee, the retailer took advantage of you. I'm looking at my receipt right now. The $5 deposit for pre-order is listed as a separate line item, but the total charge is still correct. You confirm this with your own numbers. The digital deluxe edition is $80 ($5 deposit + $75 = $80). http://buy.swtor.com/us/

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I got my access in the third wave today, but I already cancelled so it doesn't matter, there are already level 40s in the game and the economy is all messed up.


Economy is still being born.

Any birth is messy, bloody, gooy and sticky.

But after the birth mess the child grows healthy and beautiful :-)


Trolls go that way --->

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Does that say 2nd-3rd of october.


11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

10.03.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order


Now im starting to hate this launch.


Basically some 3rd of octobers get it and i dont but i have a collectors edition.


That says october AND november. You didnt register until november. THAT is what that says.

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That works in theory, but if they aren't telling people now how many days they have, then you know they didn't know how many we would be getting when they started the pre order process.


yea, i know, just seems like the offer of 5 days wasnt sold in the right way, now everyone is feeling bad they are getting less, and yes i know they should have seen that way, but unless you actualy took the time to look up how many people there was going to be, you had every reason to think you would get 5 days. i personaly had no idea games had this many people preordering them. and i had no idea they were alowed to charge a fee to preorder.


but hopefully all at an end soon ehh, they should clear these forums on the 20th, clean sheet and all that.

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