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Still installing after 4 hours.


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Is this normal? It goes through all the tiny stuff then installs the 'main assets' then 'main assests 1' now its doing another 'main assests 27'..


Any idea how much longer this is going to take? It started downloading at 6 and i was hoping to atleast play before i have to get some sleep.




Now it's downloading another 4.7gb... Why isn't there a play whyle downloading option.. This is going to take like 6 hours

Edited by Razersghost
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I'm sure people wish to get a refund .. You don't unfortunately all you can do is post and give the tech guys some time to fix it :)


I just bought a 3k alienware comp with 15 mhz internet speed and it took me roughly 4 hours to dl.. I feel your pain.. but its worth it once it dl's i assure you!

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So its just downloaded another 6gig.. and now it needs another 'assets 27' ...


A 1 - 100% bar would be nice ATLEAST so i can see how long im going to have to wait.


Seriously its 11:30 now and it started before 6:00. No other game has ever taken this long to install.

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My internet averages about 2mbps download speed so if you think you're hurting you should have hung out with me when mine was installing. It literally took me two days to download and install the game. Thank goodness they gave you a period of time before early access started where you could install it.
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I installed Vista on my Mac to play TOR. I finished installing Vista (3 hours) and installed TOR (6 hours). I finally logged on and played for an hour before going to bed. I woke up the next morning to the horror that is Vista not working. I had to uninstall Vista, reinstall Vista, and reinstall TOR.


Don't ask why I bought Vista, because I don't care enough to explain. :p

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