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Crit, Surge, Power, ?


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I am curious as a watchman spec sent., what are the best secondary stats to stack? I am mostly stacked with crit and surge at lvl 44 and can crit for over 3 k alrdy and my gear is average. So I am wondering if power is better or allacrity or if what I am rolling with is the best. Please no trolls this is an yhonest question and I am very curious as to everyones thoughts.
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It's a balancing act. Accuracy to a certain point, crit to a certain point, surge to a certain point... power is kinda low on the priority according to some watchman sentinels because it does scale with our offhand.


Overall, just test it yourself. Use elites as a measuring tool and see how fast you can kill them with a certain amount of accuracy, crit, surge, power. Change it up and try again with the same elite.

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Surge and accuracy. Your bread and butter are your burns which crit for you automatically once you engage Zen in Juyo. You want those crits to do as much damage as possible, thus you want surge. I would say crit is probably #3 on the list for both Combat and Watchman. Edited by PantsOn
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