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Marauder PvP doesnt suck/advice


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So i been doing soem PvP after i got a little bored of questing upto level 40, yay .


Currently running Anh and it so far been great in PvE, plenty of resons why, healing, DOT, add in quinn and i can go through mobs quite easly and quickly, as well as elites.


So i been into PvP(valor 7 lol) and couple of games been doing it seems quite well.





Have been doing a typical Rotation of force leap, deadly sabre, blistering assualt, DOT, force choke, ravage/rapture then cycle through them and maybe a couple of force screams ect, hard to say given you never rotate the same cycle more than once with marauder.


That makes it hard and also differant in a way:)


BUT need advice on my build, does this seem good so far??



Im thinking of going Empowerment+ANh then going back at level 43 to Seeping Wound for those slow downs as currently in PvP people tend to leg it when i attack lol


suggestions if this seems good or bad or whatever;)

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remove the 3 points from dual wield mastery and put them in Empowerment and Annihilate; and watch republics melt ! id advise you to get defensive forms next, your beserk will be up close to all the time :p crit healz all the way ! tho after 40 you should get the talents you want, but for pvp, defensive forms is nice to get fury built faster; if your not gonna pvp much, leave and use it somewhere else.


my opinion atleast.

Edited by zoranporan
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Why wouldn't you take the 31 point talent Annihilate? Its one of the strongest hitting abilities.


Because i havnt respeced at all sinse i started my Marauder i been commited to Anh:)


And due to this at the start having 3 points in dual Wield made more sense given the 36% damage increase...you saying 35% damage increase isnt good:eek:


P.S defencive forms i never really liked that much as Fury gain i seem to have is quite quick anyhow and id rather have those points in Dual Wield.


But il take your advice and il respec so i can get empowerment+anh, and see how things go without the 36% damge

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Because i havnt respeced at all sinse i started my Marauder i been commited to Anh:)


And due to this at the start having 3 points in dual Wield made more sense given the 36% damage increase...you saying 35% damage increase isnt good:eek:


P.S defencive forms i never really liked that much as Fury gain i seem to have is quite quick anyhow and id rather have those points in Dual Wield.


But il take your advice and il respec so i can get empowerment+anh, and see how things go without the 36% damge


Your oh does around 30% of your mh damage so to buff that by 36% its a 5% damage increase to your oh so puts it at like 35% (rough guesstimate numbers btw) of your mh's damage - so its really a small increase.

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