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New Player FAQ


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This thread is to address some of the most frequently asked questions by new players when they enter a Galaxy Far, Far Away.


1) When do I get my lightsaber?

You will get your lightsaber around level 9 or 10, depending on where you are in your main storyline.


2) When do I get my first companion?

Around level 8 or 9, depending on where you are in your main storyling. Depending on the class you may find your companion earlier on, but they will leave and come back at a later part in the story line on your starting world.


3) When do I get to pick my advanced class?

Level 10. Your trainer is on the space station after you leave your starting world. You have to be level 10 to start this quest. When you exit the ship from your starting world and take the lift up to the main level of the space station there is a NPC on your left (or right) who will have the quest to visit your Advanced Class Trainer.


4) When do I get to train crew skills?

On the space station after you leave your starting world (or in Coruscant/Dromund Kaas), this is not level dependent. When you exit the ship from your starting world and take the lift up to the main level of the space station there is a NPC on your left (or right) who will have the quest to visit the Crew Skill trainers.


5) When do I get my ship?

On your capital world (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) around level 17 or 18, depending on where you are in your main storyline.


These are the 5 most common questions I saw during two beta weekends.


If anyone has more to add please feel free to post.

Edited by iain_b
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