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Nothing says "TARGET" like Force-Mystic armor


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Have you noticed this?


Every since I put on the force mystica champion robes, its like I am a beacon for a beatdown.


They dont even have to coordinate focus fire, they just automatically all target the large robed figure.


Its nuts.


Have you noticed getting targeted due to the robes? Im not even heal spec'd and I still get ff down. (before others)

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It has nothing to do with your armor. It has everything to do with being a Sage. The empire has picked up very quickly that Sages vastly outstrip all other republic (and imperial) classes in shear beat down ability, and the common tactic in most conbative situations is to eliminate the most powerful tool your opponent has first. This means killing all Sages first, before dealing with the others.
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It has nothing to do with your armor. It has everything to do with being a Sage. The empire has picked up very quickly that Sages vastly outstrip all other republic (and imperial) classes in shear beat down ability, and the common tactic in most conbative situations is to eliminate the most powerful tool your opponent has first. This means killing all Sages first, before dealing with the others.




Doesn't matter anyways as the Mystic set looks the same as the Master set. I get focus fired all the time. The key is to use sprint and LoS people as much as you can. Use pillars/boxes/capture nodes/corners/ramps as a quick safe zone to run behind and heal.


The biggest key to success in a pvp slugfest is making sure the other team's healer goes down before yours. So if you're that healer, you need to stay alive as long as possible.

Edited by Khadroth
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It doesnt seem to matter what gear you wear, I am a 50 sage and I am focused down immediately and on spawn continually throughout every WZ.


I have Orange gear and some PvP pieces, not the Mystic gear yet.


I am lucky if I can throw a quick heal on someone before I get focused down no matter what I do. It's just like every other MMO ive played as soon as the other team realizes you are a healer you go down fast. It does not help that we have to stand still to do any real healing either.


I have also noticed that the Consular DPS get killed a lot as well in most WZ's, I think it is the caster goes down first mentality that have come from a lot of otehr MMO's and caried over to this one.


Edit: Another thing I have noticed is that it seems that there are always at least 2 players assigned to me(or the other sages/healers) in every WZ as they stick to me like glue and keep me from healing anyone but myself.

Edited by Ruuprect
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sometimes they will chase you all over the map ignoring objectives and just gun for the healer. this happens especially in hutball when coordination is poor and they try to farm kills. ive won alderaan a few times by dragging 4 players away and allowing my team to cap a turret.
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I find that if I don't get special attention then people just die. I'm a DPS sage and I feel like a pebble tossing turret some times. The issue is that it doesn't take long for people on the other side to realize I'm a big threat and focus on me.


There is 1 Jugg who is often in a premade who will chase me across the entire map. Also operatives love to burst me when I'm engaged with someone else.


Sages are much more dangerous than most knights and at least on my server there are very few troopers or smugglers to help with pvp compared to the empire where there seems to be much better class balance.


Troopers are just as good as bounty hunters but there just doesn't seem to be as many of them. The few good ones just never seem to die.


Overall I think republic pvp issues are more due to the large % of sentinels and shadows which are currently much weaker pvp classes than troopers and scoundrels. Empire teams have many bounty hunters and operatives while many matches there are none on the republic side.

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sometimes they will chase you all over the map ignoring objectives and just gun for the healer. this happens especially in hutball when coordination is poor and they try to farm kills. ive won alderaan a few times by dragging 4 players away and allowing my team to cap a turret.


Yep lol. Had one the other day where I tricked 3 guys to come off the node to kill me. I proceded to grab the health regen node, turn around and kill one of them. By the time they had me dead, our stealther was sitting on top of our newly acquired turret node. :rolleyes:

Edited by Khadroth
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I am finding that my "purpose" in wz's more and more, the meatshield, who knew?


Seriously, I can get 4 or 5 of them focused on beating me down, and i do it away from teh objective.


They can ignore me, but then they die, not fast, but annoyingly. We arent burst killers, but we are hella annoying killers, you ignore me for 6 seconds and you are heading to the respawn.


My problem is the other idiots on my PUG (I know, my fault for pugging, but sometimes you do) dont take advantage of it.

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Funny you have this topic actually. 90% of the time the FIRST thing i focus as a Shadow is the enemy Sorcs. Though its not so much that their the most powerful, but rather that their the easiest heal able class to kill. A Hell of a lot easier to kill a Sorc then a BH and whatever the med armor one is.
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I am finding that my "purpose" in wz's more and more, the meatshield, who knew?


Seriously, I can get 4 or 5 of them focused on beating me down, and i do it away from teh objective.


They can ignore me, but then they die, not fast, but annoyingly. We arent burst killers, but we are hella annoying killers, you ignore me for 6 seconds and you are heading to the respawn.


My problem is the other idiots on my PUG (I know, my fault for pugging, but sometimes you do) dont take advantage of it.


Yea it is still funny how far the clothie = healer stereotype goes. And this works both ways too. I get amazingly angry when my team fights on a node for minutes chasing around a DPS sorcerer while the BH is standing in the back by a pillar healing him. People need to learn to look for the green icons when casting, as they generally denote a healing spell. Find the guy casting shiny green spell... and murder him. The worst one is when they chase around the tank without realizing he has pocket heals. :rolleyes:

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Drives me nuts that at least on my server I don't get the protection it seems their healers get.


But more so, it definitely feels like we cannot turtle like the scoundrel and trooper can do. Our lack of armor is one thing but also our lack of instant heals.

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They know you are well geared, or getting there.


It happened to me too since i got the Sage PVP armor.

Think of it this way... when they aren't ganking you, i assume your mowing guys down or getting a heck of a lot of support done for your team. Thats why they target.

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Positioning is key I've found... it's tough to re-position, but anywhere where you are out of line of sight of their ranged and pummeling their melee is pretty good.


However, once a melee in Champion gets on you; it's tough to survive.

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