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I'd like to "watch" some of the other class stories, but . . .


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My "main" character is a 35ish Sith Warrior, and I also have a 35ish Scoundrel. But I keep hearing that the story for X class is really good, and I'd like to play through that story.


But "watching" a story from level 1 to 50 takes a couple of weeks of solid playing, doing quests (content) that you've already done before on other characters. I'd like to be able to play a character through his class story only.


I tried this with an Imperial Agent yesterday; I got about to the part where he or she has to go to the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. I was seriously underlevelled for this, and I concluded that it was simply impossible at my level. Even then, I'd done a bit of grinding on Hutta to defeat one of the class story battles there.


What I propose is this: The experience gain from class quests should be highly variable. If you do the quest at above the recommended level, keep the XP gain about where it is. But, if you are underlevelled for a class quest when you turn it in, the XP gain should be much greater. If a class story has three quests with a recommended level of 10, then turning in all three of them should be sufficient to get the player to level 11.


I'd point out that this would also improve rolling alts, in the future: rather than continually making it easier and easier to gain levels as many MMO's do as they age, let players who want to get an alt to max-level run ONLY through the class story that's unique to that alt, while letting truly new players experience all the content in its entirety, without unbalancing XP gain for either player.


Lord Geznikor

Lord Adraas server: Ted, Dionysus, and some low-level alts.

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This would be a nice feature, but restrictions would be required.


Bioware could implement some kind of Bolster mode, rather like what they do for PVP, which would raise your stats and effective level high enough to get to your story areas and play through them. However, activating this mode would also disable all crew skills, trash mob XP gains, non-story quest XP, loot drops, valor gains, grouping, and so on. Your companions would also "go on vacation" when you went back to normal mode, and would be accessible again for questing and crew skills only when you reached the appropriate level via normal XP gain.


The upshot is that you could see the storyline and get a feel for how the class plays, but once you're done with the story, you're still going to have to go and grind out all the other normal missions, just like everyone else, if you want to actually gain levels, gear, and skills.


I could see Bioware doing something like this later on, once they raise the level cap, so as to encourage people to roll alts and get them all the way up to Level 50 so that they can then see the new lvl 50-60 storyline continuations. It would be PERFECT for the Legacy System.

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