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Im stuck on this ........


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Hi, I have just got to Jedi Sentinel at Lvl 11 and I am stuck on this quest in which I have to race to the ruins. But I die over and over and over again. I just keep getting killed, at one point I got into the old jedi temple but got ambushed by a Sith Apprentice -.- Any ways in which I can improve?


I know this is a stupid question, but I had to ask instead of wondering about clue less in what to do.


Any help?


Much appreciated :)

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have you learned all of your moves from the trainer? are you using your interrupt? t7? It's a tough one, but not impossible. If you are still having trouble with it today addfriend Eedun'ki. I'd be more than happy to come own it for you. But make sure you are using heals correctly, send T7 in first.
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Are these fights close or are they wiping the floor with you? If the latter just come back after some sidequests/pvp leeching. You need level ups.


If the fights are close it may be a simple case of optimization. At your level, consider the following:

-Both you and your companions equipment is as up to date as you can stand to afford.

-The order that you prioritise enemies. (killing the underlings of a group first is almost universally THE best way)

-Whether the enemy is mainly targeting you or your companion. You want to make the most out of every health point between you and your companion. Of course your companion can't fight on behalf of your corpse so if anyone goes down first it's them. Fortunately T7 is perfect for this. Best case scenario is when an ally makes use of nearly all their health but hangs in barely to continue adding damage, but don't count on it.

-Any abilities you have to stun (you should have two I think) should not be wasted on last-hits. They are more for temporary damage relief or enemy cast-interuptions, and generally do less damage. If the remaining enemies are immune to stuns, spamming slash whenever it's ready (requires 3 focus by default) is one of your best bets.

-Don't forget to recast your 60 minute buff after you revive (as I still often do).


All I can think of right now for early-game. When I think back to that quest though, I swear 11 sounds way too early to be there. These points are good for practically anywhere but they certainly won't subsitute for something recommended for 3 or more levels above you.

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Same thing happened to me just go back and do some side quests then come back. You can never just do Class Quests and make it all the way to the end. There will be a point you are in over your head on every planet. Also make sure to send your companion in to fight the hardest appoint first while you pick everyone else off. They can take the heat while you put out the damage.
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