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November preorders get IN here!!


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Nov 25th.


Pre-ordered in Sept. but thought the key was a CD key thingy, didn't figure it out until the Nov 25th beta when I didn't get my crystal.


I feel like such a damn idiot, especially since now I have to convince my friends and guildies to essentially throw away their EGA time to wait for me so we can RP + level together.



Feels bad man, feels real bad.


know the feeling, Best Buy gave me a used code back in august and i "forgot" to fix it with customer service, come november I i finally fix it...paying for it now

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why do you doubt it? isnt' that went official release date was announced? i bet was huge month.


I don't doubt it was a huge month, I just doubt that they'll only do October preorders tomorrow. They'll probably finish off September in wave 4, since that was a slow month and that leaves tomorrow for October and November.

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if you look closely at Rockjaw's words, you will see he was talking about thurs should be all in.


As he was saying 'the later orders we expect thurs, which if you look will still give everyone free access.'


I have greebled this before. But since I am only one voice that gets lost in all the greebling, what can I greeble?


Yes I expect sept may get done today. I think those of us that greebled in Oct-release will get in tomorrow= that still gives everyone 5 days Early Greebling.


/The Greebler signs out

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11/2 No real expectation to get in today, and I have finals to finish up, so it isn't all bad. Looks like the last wave got roughly through half of September. Here's hoping for the next wave being big, and a bonus wave like yesterday. Even then, I likely won't be in until tomorrow.
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Was just going to post this. Hopefully tomorrow for us Novguys/gals


That would be nice :) If it doesn't happen tomorrow I have that evil super large MMO to fall back on for tonight and tomorrows entertainment...paid for a long sub may as well use it :rolleyes:

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I never use Gamestop anymore. They are terrible.

I would have loved to do the digital online order, but they were not offering the CE in that format! Way to screw up


purchased on http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/quentyns/4af85a6f.jpg[/img]"]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/quentyns/4af85a6f.jpg but due to faulty pre order code from game stop, unable to register until 11/26/11

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I don't doubt it was a huge month, I just doubt that they'll only do October preorders tomorrow. They'll probably finish off September in wave 4, since that was a slow month and that leaves tomorrow for October and November.


i hope you're right, but still think you're wrong


(if you're right, i'd get in, too!)


i rly hope you're right ;)

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At the rate they went today, you guys will get in tomorrow.


I suspect today will reach the first week or two of October. Then tomorrow will be the rest of October and November.


It appears the Third Wave today is getting pretty deep into Sept already.


Though, there may have been a spike in Pre-Orders in November, so there is a small possibility not all of November makes it.


I suppose, ideally, tomorrow they simply let everyone in, but I suspect there are a lot more latecomers than people think, and that there will be one more day after tomorrow to finish off the waves of invites.

Edited by revial
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whats a bonus wave? they said it on twitter yesterday but is that just another wave?


Yesterday they officially let in 5 waves. 3 planned waves, a bonus wave, and the 4th wave


It would be nice to see a bonus wave today too, but I am not counting on it.

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I think I saw some (maybe fake) picture of sales numbers by months of swtor pre orders. August and September were quite slow months, picking up on october again, and november being as large as july, if not larger. So, we shall see, us november people. Weee shall see.
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