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As far as class goes, Male Rattataki ~ Sith Inquisitor <Assassin - Madness Spec>


My friends will be playing...


Sith Warrior <Juggernaught - Immortal Tank Spec>

Cyborg Imp Agent <Operative - Medicine Heal Spec>


... so i kind of got pidgeon holed into DPS and Assassin/Madness feels like a mix between Shadow Priest / Enhancement Shaman which are my two main WoW classes. (Sorry to go there) I played Assassin in Beta but went Deception Spec and didn't like that the tank would fly into groups while i snuck behind trying to get off a Maul. So running in with instant CC and having Dots / Procs for bosses feels more my general playstyle.


Although if i were soloing i would totally be playing Assassin - Darkness Tank Spec as that one is my favorite of the three. It should be nice having a solid core to run flashpoints with.

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I dont get all the flames adressed at bioware at all.


Yeah some people got a headstart, but what would you rather?


release all accounts on the same day, resulting in hours and hours of downtime due to excessive load?


Or do it like this, and have little to no issues playing?

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As far as class goes, Male Rattataki ~ Sith Inquisitor <Assassin - Madness Spec>


My friends will be playing...


Sith Warrior <Juggernaught - Immortal Tank Spec>

Cyborg Imp Agent <Operative - Medicine Heal Spec>


... so i kind of got pidgeon holed into DPS and Assassin/Madness feels like a mix between Shadow Priest / Enhancement Shaman which are my two main WoW classes. (Sorry to go there) I played Assassin in Beta but went Deception Spec and didn't like that the tank would fly into groups while i snuck behind trying to get off a Maul. So running in with instant CC and having Dots / Procs for bosses feels more my general playstyle.


Although if i were soloing i would totally be playing Assassin - Darkness Tank Spec as that one is my favorite of the three. It should be nice having a solid core to run flashpoints with.


As for Rattatakis, I actually had a dream the other night, where I was running around my old school and I was being chased by two Rattatakis, who wanted to kill me with a sledgehammer. And then I threw pencils at them. As stupid as it doesn't sound, it was pretty scary


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I dont get all the flames adressed at bioware at all.


Yeah some people got a headstart, but what would you rather?


release all accounts on the same day, resulting in hours and hours of downtime due to excessive load?


Or do it like this, and have little to no issues playing?


They've been stress testing the servers with Weekend Betas for the past couple of months. That's not the problem. They're doing this to spread the population over all the servers.

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I'm 23rd November :cool::cool:


29th. So I won't be getting it today. Late Novemberites are treated like Filfthy Decemberonians. Not that Decemberionians are filfthy, but they are in the eyes of the all might Lords of Bioware ;).


(This joke is mostly a post ;):D).

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As for Rattatakis, I actually had a dream the other night, where I was running around my old school and I was being chased by two Rattatakis, who wanted to kill me with a sledgehammer. And then I threw pencils at them. As stupid as it doesn't sound, it was pretty scary



It's not polite to call gothic kinds with lots of face piercings Rattatakis.


I think the socially accepted term is Emo. ;)

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sorry cant help but to wonder why they didnt take in a bonus wave last night, and aim to do the same today, which is this case would make all able to enter the game, instead of stopping the waves so early as they did last night...


no nerdrage just mind farting!

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