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November preorders get IN here!!


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Well I played BH... Inquisitor...


I'm thinking of sticking Sith side... The planets were kinda cool and DARK ... mouahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


Might do Tank and DPS Inquisitor... I found that leveling 2 toons for a while is kinda cool lots of gear to share ;-)

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Redeemed on the 28th and i'm quite an optimistic man so i think i'll somehow manage to get a grip of the last wave today as it passes by!


Have to say that the level of maturity in this thread is encouragingly high in comparison to the rest of the threads in this forum!


Cheers to all Novemberites! :csw_jabba:


Lets hope together then as we are both in the last part of November ;)

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It is hard to keep a candle in the cold November rain....26/11 ready to play. Seriously, I am ready. Did I mention I am ready to play?


If I don't get in today I am gonna go crazy, means not in control of ones senses, one fry short of a happy meal,...... WHACKO!

Edited by DarthTolis
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Email invite waves for today, 12/14 (and an update for tomorrow) | Yesterday , 02:18 PM


Today, we're inviting many more people to play The Old Republic - more than yesterday, and over a much greater time span (as it relates to the timeline of when people pre-ordered).


As explained yesterday, our initial pre-order rush was over a very short span (about a week). Today we'll be inviting well beyond July, but again, we're remaining cautious as we send each email wave.


We're currently planning on sending four waves of email invites today of equal size (but in total number of invites, larger than yesterday - yes, waves can vary in size). We're going to get them out as fast as we can, while monitoring player counts and server population. I'll update this thread when each wave is sent. You can also follow our official Twitter account for notification.


Wave One was sent at 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).


Wave Two was sent at 9AM CST (7AM PST / 10AM EST / 3PM GMT / 4PM CET).


Wave Three was sent at 10AM CST (8AM PST / 11AM EST / 4PM GMT / 5PM CET).


Wave Four was sent at 11AM CST (9AM PST / 12PM EST / 5PM GMT / 6PM CET).


All invite waves have now been sent. We'll be sending more invites tomorrow, starting from 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).


Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager


For those who havn't checked it yet.

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I have a ventrilo server that everyone can log onto if they want.


IP Address :

Port : 4607


No password.


Please put your Character Name + Profession as your name.


(ie. Hishido/Sith Inquisitor)


Hoping to chat to everyone ;)

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Email invite waves for today, 12/14 (and an update for tomorrow) | Yesterday , 02:18 PM


Today, we're inviting many more people to play The Old Republic - more than yesterday, and over a much greater time span (as it relates to the timeline of when people pre-ordered).


As explained yesterday, our initial pre-order rush was over a very short span (about a week). Today we'll be inviting well beyond July, but again, we're remaining cautious as we send each email wave.


We're currently planning on sending four waves of email invites today of equal size (but in total number of invites, larger than yesterday - yes, waves can vary in size). We're going to get them out as fast as we can, while monitoring player counts and server population. I'll update this thread when each wave is sent. You can also follow our official Twitter account for notification.


Wave One was sent at 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).


Wave Two was sent at 9AM CST (7AM PST / 10AM EST / 3PM GMT / 4PM CET).


Wave Three was sent at 10AM CST (8AM PST / 11AM EST / 4PM GMT / 5PM CET).


Wave Four was sent at 11AM CST (9AM PST / 12PM EST / 5PM GMT / 6PM CET).


All invite waves have now been sent. We'll be sending more invites tomorrow, starting from 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).


Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager


For those who havn't checked it yet.



Much greater timespan, thats excellent news!!!

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