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November preorders get IN here!!


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Wasn't the first wave supposed to be an hour ago? Or did it already happen? Can't find a thread for it or anything


i think in about 4 and half hours the first wave starts ... not sure tho .. i tought i read taht in that tread from yesterday




8 am CST. Roughly 6 hours from now....


i don't know ... how old are you ? :p

Edited by Genesizs
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Man, I can't relax or even focus on doing anything else. This is like a virtual meth addiction. All the anxiety and panic of your next fix, minus the bad teeth and fergie face.




i got 7 free days of wow from blizz on my acct. and it was like night Vs. day from the beta of SWTOR to that. i can barely breathe when playing wow, it's like stuck in a cloud of poison gas... lol

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i got 7 free days of wow from blizz on my acct. and it was like night Vs. day from the beta of SWTOR to that. i can barely breathe when playing wow, it's like stuck in a cloud of poison gas... lol


Word; this is gonna kill me tomorrow morning though. I got a final from 10am-1pm; gonna have a hard as hell time focusing :(

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I have FF V-XIII and Suikoden I-V to entertain me over the next couple of days. I'm fine Until I get my email. If it takes long enough, I'll go do every quest Skyrim offers, and work my way back in time to Arena.


You must play a lot, if you're planning on completing every one of those.

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i got 7 free days of wow from blizz on my acct. and it was like night Vs. day from the beta of SWTOR to that. i can barely breathe when playing wow, it's like stuck in a cloud of poison gas... lol


I suspect facetiousness in your tone, but taken straight, that's a pretty fair estimation of WarCrack.

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