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November preorders get IN here!!


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If you're interested in PvP, apparantly Tomb of Freedon Nadd is going to be a competitive server for it.



no i am strictly non pvp. im too sensitive when other players kill me in games. im just in it for leveling and questing and being casual.

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extra waves, new stickies..


doesnt make a difference after the fact..


its now 10am on the 15th here and no EGA emails, no point in pre-ordering and the 'taste" for this approach to CRM (Customer Relationship Manangement) was lost on me with Wow, so thats great that Bioware has decided to do new waves, but really .. BW knows the "general consensus" behind what was sold and has decided to be like every other MMO with regards to how they treat customers..



Fine print declaration and a differentiation from Origin (so they can say without responsibility that they didnt have anything to do with Origin's business model - except that they advertised it on their site).


the Support / Phone Lines / Emails are not handled in a professional manner nor is the setup indicative of the fact that BW was ready for this load / influx.. again showing us how "different" we can see this is going to be going forward.


Stickies on Forums and having other gamers provided support for your pre-launched game is pretty shameful if you ask me.


So.. it being 36 days since I pre-ordered, I have to say that the "fun" in this experience is now gone, even the excitment has waned, since we all were ready to play last night to find out that our pre-order got us nothing but to sit in line.. and then when you are lucky enough to get your number called, the servers are down, not working, etc, etc..


Again BW - nice first impression, way to be "proactive" instead of "reactive"... waves is the only way, after more than 7 years of seing another MMO step through all these hurdles, this is the best that BW came up with?



Wow.. i expected more... something different .. something special that would show that setting the whole "SWTOR" experience above and apart for the others was something important..




Could you just control-v that on a thread where people actually want to 'not have a good time' We here on this thread, well we rock !

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We got this! They can't keep us out past Friday. It would be considered a form of unnecessary punishment and make them subject to all kinds of legal action.


legal actions.... realy? thought we was past this one....

legaly they have done it the perfect way, by never posting you would have "full 5 days" of playing before release, they use the term (up to) 5 days, so in this sence, its nothing you can demand, but more of a little presant from the BW team.


beside what if you dont get in today and have to wait until tomorrow? aint getting to play the 16th alot better then having to wait to the 20th?


because what it all boiles down to is, BW is actually intiteled to stop all pre inv´s now, and have the rest of us waiting until the 19th, 30 mins before the servers go down before sending the rest of the inv´s out... and they aint a thing we can do about it, so considering this, im actually kinda happy BW is thinking about the community, and letting us loose to pwn the Jedi scum before the original release date the 20th ;P


well that was my 2 cents on the subject

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Ooh that's impressive. :eek:


Thanks! :D This is how we roll in the Empire. Need some madness to distract from all this waiting and hoping and trying to guess whether or not the 29th will be included, and if the 'other half' will be admitted before me. :p My poor head...

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