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Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


Downed Shards of Alderaan boss in EV. (and all of the important content)


Im sure we will run the hard and nightmare modes over the next few weeks, but do not expect this to be up for too long. Repeating content on harder modes was never something that kept us playing, we know elite modes as we server firsted the twilight dragons on our server in wow etc. We also go right back to UO and sleeper in EQ1.


The game is awesome, amazing, but not enough content, i expect to see "reroll another class", "play republic" or "dont spacebar.." (I personally have never space barred any narrative until I have heard once) etc but thats not what we play mmo's for, for us its progressing a character, kitting him out, enjoying difficult and hard to beat content but not running the same content but in faster times or gimping how many people you take etc.


None of our guild looked at spoilers or played beta, we all wanted to experience the game fresh and new. We did not expect it to be this unbelievably easy.


Now I know the bioware drones and people that defend the game will be all over this post like crazy but just remember we are on the frontlines of what the game offers, and it is not alot.


You wont agree with this now but in a few weeks the more casual and the bulk of playerbase will be posting the same, the game is cake, tuned too the farmville level of player.


The high achievers and hardcore will all move on to other games while more content is released, will they come back? I dont know, what I do know is that the end game should of been harder, if only the last boss and nothing else.


As I said, you will not think this now as you are not where we are, it wont take the more part time player long to reach this point and when you do you will remember this and many other posts about how easy and retarded the gameplay is.


(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)




I would like to introduce a scale of the average mmo player.


1 - 100


I would say this game is set to around the below average mmo player, maybe around 40 or so.


I would place myself around the 70 or so mark. (above average) The game is set WAY to low for it to remain a viable prospect for the future.

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Problem is, there is a huge % of players who never played mmo's before this. The only reason they ar eplaying is because of the title.


So for them, when they just know a console game they can bypass a certain encounter by pressign R1 X B R1 Y B L2 and become immune to all damage, its very alien to them to be playiing a game where they have to do a bit mroe to kill mobs.


They are also used to playign solo, so the idea of them having to group up with other real people to kill and encounter must be strange.


I understand where you are coming from, heck i am lvl 42 and i have been taking as long as possible to create alts with max crafting as well as my mian so i dont reach the level cap. Because as soon as i do, i know i will end up with the same feeling you do.


So if i can hold off for as long as possible, or before my months sub is up and more is added that appeals to those who want a challenge, at leats it might keep me playing a little longer.


Unless the CS continue the way they are and it wont matter how much they release, i will be off regardless.

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It was nice having you here for 2 weeks.


As much as you are unbothered about me leaving, I am unbothered about you caring.


I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.

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This sounds quite familiar to another game I have played oh wait it was called WoW, you leveled to 80 then you cleared all the content in the first week of the WoTLK expansion and waited 6 months to the next major patch. And yes by the way congratulations on clearing the normal modes, they seem really hard I only wonder why they put in two harder levels of the same content when apparently the normal modes was called "clearing the game".
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I dont even think its the devs who people should want to read (unless its game fixing stuff)


When it comes to addign more to a game, i think the leads or people who say yes or no on what happens to the direction of the game are best to read.


I am willing to bet there are a few devs who would love to post but cant (most mmos are the same) they have to be careful what they type so we are restricted to waiting for managers, but they normally are more concerned about the bottom line and what they have to show Directors, publishers, investors etc.

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Sigh... Bioware is already adding content for you hardcore types in the next patch. It's not their fault you rushed through the game. Most of us who don't have the time to play still have a long way to go, and will find even more stuff waiting for us at max level.


The game does not cater to people who rush, and it becomes more and more evident the more I play. You will get the most enjoyment out of the game if you take your time. If rushing is your thing, you'll be disappointed.

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This actually brings up a good point. What if you do not care about the story? What if you actually thought swtor was an MMO? (what a crazy idea I know). You could reach 50 in 7 days. There is nowhere near enough end game content.


Wow this is..a problem..

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Finished the game? really :o may I see all your gear + footage from killing the raid bosses + your lvl 65 valor char? cause DAMN you must be the fastest person in swtor



btw bye bye... I really don't care if you leave ;)

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Play 7 other characters to 50 for something to do, you'll get about 27 more weeks of content. Or at least play the other side, man, even at my level 20 self changing sides was so different it's refreshing. Don't quit already man there's tons left to do.
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Wait, you "spacebar'ed yourself through the entire narrative?




...and there ya go...

You people are nothing if not predictable. No, I did not spacebar ONE bit of narrative until I had heard it the first time.


As I said you people will not agree with this post for now.. Star Wars will become known as the easiest and facerollingly simple mmo on the market.

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It is a bit of a worrying theme for people at max level to not have much to do.


I'm very much taking my time and levelling several chars. I'm in no hurry.


Hopefully BW will pad out the max end in later expansions. I have no idea what proportion of the player base has hit max yet but I'm guessing they've got too much to work on already before looking at adding extra stuff.

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Play 7 other characters to 50 for something to do, you'll get about 27 more weeks of content. Or at least play the other side, man, even at my level 20 self changing sides was so different it's refreshing. Don't quit already man there's tons left to do.


No you won't. Why would he replay other characters when 75% of any and all quests he will do are shared among at least one other class? This is the deathblow and the reason the OMG STORY idea does not work.


edit: flagged for spam. you lose.

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As much as you are unbothered about me leaving, I am unbothered about you caring.


I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.


As much as I agree with parts of your initial post, I think this one is probably uncalled for.


You say that casual players are killing the MMO genre, when I think we know that if it wasn't for the huge amount of casual players that are now part of the MMO community, the genre would still be niche.


Now you may have preferred it when MMOs were a niche market, but it's likely a number of MMOs (possibly including this one) would never exist if it wasn't for the money generated by the casual market.

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...and there ya go...

You people are nothing if not predictable. No, I did not spacebar ONE bit of narrative until I had heard it the first time.


As I said you people will not agree with this post for now.. Star Wars will become known as the easiest and facerollingly simple mmo on the market.


You don't know anything about the endgame content it seems.

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soooo, you have at least 4 lvl 50, rank 65 valor fully kitted in PVP and PVE top tier items with 5 Maxed out companion's have all datacrons and lore object AND did all of the conversations in the game? Yeah?... owh, and ur not hardcore :p


The game is not designed for people like you at the moment (people who rush to see all content). NO MOO ever is by the way. I've been playing since early access, have 1 lvl 50 char and its still not maxed out on everything. There is still alot to do (yes daily's i know the horror)


I'll agree with you that there is very limited end game content, but this is the case for every MMO launch.

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Lies. You wouldn't have posted here if you didn't. You care very much what others think.


No, I really did want this game to live on for years, I would have preferred it if we were downing the last boss around may-june time. As I said I expected these responses, you do not see what we see.. Yet.


You will.

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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.


Isn't having two different people playing on the same account against the TOS?

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I have to say one thing, which i will be surprised if any comment on.


Whats with this "Roll an alt" excuse in every game, hasnt anyone figured it out yet!!


If the person enjoyed rolling alts and playing them, then they would be and not posting on the forums.


Forcing someone to do something they dont like doing is not how to keep someone happy, they also pay to play their way, its up to them how and what they do in the game as long as it doesnt break any rules.


Its doubtful this will be understood or even read by enough for peo0ple to drop the "roll an alt line"


understand why they are posting not why you think they are posting :)

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you space-barred and rushed through all content as fast as you could. You play a very different game to the vast majority of us.


I'm at the stage now where I am waiting for guildies to lvl up so I can go raiding and working on an alt . A few days ago the average swtor player was below 35.


dude there could of been another raid and it would only take you a week before you completed it and came again to the forums.


it takes them longer then a week to design and implement and test a new raid. They are not going to be able, ever, to keep up with the rate you devour content. This means you will always be unhappy and posting on the forums because you are bored. It is inevitable given the rate you devour content and devs produce content.


Because of the way you play.. any game you play... you will post this

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