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Hey curious about the sith story classes (can involve spoilers)


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Hey, i played a Sith inquis, didnt like the story.

I was a slave at start...


I wanna roll a Sith Warrior, but what is the story at the start? do u begin as a Soldier or what?


I could roll a Bounty Hunter, The republic version of Bounty Hunter = Trooper, wich start as a

Soldier in special forces, does Bounty Hunter also start as A soldier?



Or u could give me of any sith class, what they are for example

Republic Trooper in the army, Sith inquisitor as a slave at the start.

I dont need to know republic classes story ive alrdy one at around lvl 30;p

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Thats what i started with my sith inquisitor;p

as a slave ;s



BBut curious about other classes i dont wanna be a

slave at all. i know it changes at higher levels but still. If there is a class that is in the Army but on sith side im gonna play it:)


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I haven't played much of SW, but I have started it. And I enjoy the SI more. You don't like how it starts. That is perfectly valid. And if you don't like how it continues, then reroll. However, if you haven't tried it for more than a couple of quest, then do so.

Use the anger you feel about not wanting to be a slave as fuel to run your character. You might enjoy it more later if you do. Just a friendly suggestion :)

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Well, after i like it.

But i dont like to have my "past" as a slave




I will kill that guy what i started with who killed slaves, in the future.But i reader ur spoiler now after the edit;p maybe i start playin my inquisitor again.

Still curious off other sith classes story how they begin with.

Edited by vinnia
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I haven't played inq much, as I am playing mainly republic. However, being a former slave only makes the story better IMO. When you start with the dealings on Dromund Kaas, and beyond, the story gets quite good.


As JK you start of as a student, and JC as well. Both of them (as far as I remember) at the start of their trials on Tython. But they are on very different quests while there. I enjoyed tython on both classes, though I generally enjoyed inq more than consular (that I now have finished tatooine with) I have only just startet on coruscant with my JK.


The smugler start of as a smuggler, and his / her starship gets stolen quite early, and is hunting for that. I thought the smuggler story got a tad tedious, but I know others have enjoyed that quite much


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Well, after i like it.

But i dont like to have my "past" as a slave




Its relatively easy to ignore it though, as technically you are no longer a slave but a sith acolyte at the start of the game. You just werent given any choice on the matter whether to become a Sith. The only person who keeps calling you a slave is the overseer iirc. After you 'graduate' you are called sith, or 'my lord'.


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the Slave backstory was my favorite part of the Inq. It kinda gives you motivation to "prove yourself" so to speak. And when you finally do, it's that much more gratifying i think.


As far as others, the only ones i've done are both Jedi classes which are very similar. You are a prodigy in your respective class (powerful in the force for Consular / Skilled warrior for Knight). and you go through the trials on Tython. And i also did the BH, your basically a hired gun a team brings in as a clutch player for the Great Hunt, and you have to work for sponsorship in the Hunt. And the Smug, which someone here explained.


All in all, the Inq was one of the more interesting ones to me, as far as backstory goes. Beyond that its very similar to the Jedi with doing the trials, except that everyone craps on you while you do it lol.


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I've played all classes for at least up to level 4 apart from IA


Jedi Knight


Jedi Knight is incredibly skilled with a lightsaber and is a padawan before arriving on tython



Jedi Consular


The Consular is a student who is powerful in the force sent to tython to complete his/her training





The Trooper arrives on Ord Mantell as the latest addition to Havoc Squad after being transferred from another position in the republic military





The Smuggler is an exceptional pilot who lands on Ord Mantell to deliver a shipment of weapons but has his ship stolen



Bounty Hunter


The Bounty Hunter is a new recruit to Braden's team who need a powerful hunter to get in to the great hunt, the Hunter's past isn't expanded on



Sith Warrior


The Warrior was brought in to the academy as an attempt to prove your overseer isn't losing his touch by preventing another student from becoming Darth Baras's apprentace



Sith Inquisitor


was a slave from an unknown period of time before being taken to the sith academy, could have been born in to slavery or captured and sold


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