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Does alignment change story at all?


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No spoilers please, but does your characters alignment (light/dark) have any impact on your story? I thought the story was pretty much the same regardless of your choices like all BioWare games, but I heard people saying that the SW light side story is much better than the dark side story.
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Basically light or dark side in SWTOR is functionally the same. You won't get a different story.


This is untrue, Me and a buddy both play troopers. I'm Dark he's Light, we both experience different boss's different quest locations and different story all around in various locations. While Dark and Light choices will not always affect your story directly there is several and numerous times that it will.

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You will reach the same point in the story (not a conclusion, mind you, this isn't a singleplayer, finite experience) but many conversations are widely different. When you complete all your class quests, the story doesn't end at all, it will be extended in the future so you can't say how will it affect down the line, as "down the line" isn't here yet.
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I'm a Light-side smuggler, questing with my friend who's a Dark-side smuggler and we see different quests which are the result of different choices. Sometimes I might get an extra quest for saving someone's life, other times he might get more credits for killing someone.

So there are differences, but you do go through the same key-points in the story.

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