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Nerf Operatives/Scoundrels


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No no, you misunderstood. 4 buttons:


Stealth, Opener, Backstab, Vanish.


Rinse, Repeat.


If you're using other buttons you're doing it wrong.


Flashbang only makes it more frustrating to actually kill an operative, but I won't blame Ops for that, I'll blame Bioware for some reason thinking they needed to make every CC in this game last 4 seconds for stuns or be a giant AoE.


CC is a joke in this game and Resolve is a terrible CC prevention system.


Again, Biowares fault, not your class. You can however, kill people in 2-3 hits out of stealth.


So you only attack people every 1 minute? Because Disappearing Act which I assume is vanish has a minimum of a 1 minute cooldown.

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Their burst is so OP


they are hitting 9k-12k burst on full champ gear tank..


amazingly ower powered..



if the player dun have break free CD ready.. than its GG



nerf operatives/scoundrels


They are OP, but not 12k OP. They hit for about 5K, then you're on your face. Bam-bam. Then stun (if you pop CC-break). Bam-bam-bam. Then dead. All under 4 seconds.


You either pop CC-break and get up or die on the ground. Either way there is no way around it: You WILL die and you have no chance whatsoever to stop it from happening. I had one take me from 100% to 0 health in 4 seconds and he only had a like 5% health. I couldn't get one hit off. They don't even need to be behind you to do this. I stayed with my back against the walls and the guy still 5Ked me and face planted me from a frontal position.

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This guy even posts his OP OP spec... kudos to him for being honest. Smugglers are no different.


Gotta love the multiple PVP geared 50's he 3-4 shots about half way through the vid :D


I didn't find and clips of him 3-4 shotting geared players. It was mostly him ganking lowbies with expertise buff and consumables. The majority of his fights vs. were undergeared players due to the fact that he was critting them for 5k+ without consumables. His hits on the couple of seemingly geared heavies he jumped we 2-3k which is nothing special, and since they just tanked his damage and wrecked him out of stealth he had to blow a ton of cd's and have help to bring the guy down.


Can an op 3 shot a 50 without pvp gear with consumables? Yes, you might as well be level 10 in pvp without gear. Can my marauder friend do the exact same thing to said person without having to be stealthed? You bet. How about my champ merc or sniper, can they do it from a 30m and 35m range. Yes. In fact heres a link to a marauder doing 563k in a WZ with a 7,500 top hit. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/Swsss/Screenshot_2012-01-07_22_52_19_178331.jpg Are operatives who require stealth, and have no distance closers other than our cloaking screen still overpowered?

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So you only attack people every 1 minute? Because Disappearing Act which I assume is vanish has a minimum of a 1 minute cooldown.


Heck no! Most of the time I manage to sneak up on some poor sucker by himself, kill him in 3 GCDs and restealth without vanish!


Choose your targets better, or in proper PvP terminology:


L2P Nub kthxbai.

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I didn't find and clips of him 3-4 shotting geared players. It was mostly him ganking lowbies with expertise buff and consumables. The majority of his fights vs. were undergeared players due to the fact that he was critting them for 5k+ without consumables. His hits on the couple of seemingly geared heavies he jumped we 2-3k which is nothing special, and since they just tanked his damage and wrecked him out of stealth he had to blow a ton of cd's and have help to bring the guy down.


Can an op 3 shot a 50 without pvp gear with consumables? Yes, you might as well be level 10 in pvp without gear. Can my marauder friend do the exact same thing to said person without having to be stealthed? You bet. How about my champ merc or sniper, can they do it from a 30m and 35m range. Yes. In fact heres a link to a marauder doing 563k in a WZ with a 7,500 top hit. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/Swsss/Screenshot_2012-01-07_22_52_19_178331.jpg Are operatives who require stealth, and have no distance closers other than our cloaking screen still overpowered?


He steamrolls 50s too. Watch the whole vid.




This isn;t some move that's on a 1min30sec CD. This crap can be practically spammed over and over.


There is a reason nobody is asking for a maruader nerf. Do all the DPS you want; get a million damage in a match if you want. But you ain't killing nobody in 3 secs and you're not unstoppable while you're doing it.

Edited by Dayshadow
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They are OP, but not 12k OP. They hit for about 5K, then you're on your face. Bam-bam. Then stun (if you pop CC-break). Bam-bam-bam. Then dead. All under 4 seconds.


oh really? since when can you get stunned with a full resolve bar? because hidden strike instantly fills it.

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He steamrolls 50s too. Watch the whole vid.




This isn;t some move that's on a 1min30sec CD. This crap can be practically spammed over and over.


There is a reason nobody is asking for a maruader nerf. Do all the DPS you want; get a million damage in a match if you want. But you ain't killing nobody in 3 secs and you're not unstoppable while you're doing it.


I didn't say he didn't steamroll 50's in fact I said any geared dpser can 3 shot a 50 that doesnt have gear. Also note they're all clipped. Because those pretty numbers you're crying about are RBG based. Watch an unclipped operative video, their numbers are a lot less impressive than you think they are except under very specific preset circumstances. Those 3-4 hits that he keeps showing critting on every player he fights for 4-6k become 2k hits. Bubbles can absorb our opener and following hit with poor RNG luck.


Also Operatives are a far cry from unstoppable. In fact if you get them down to about half which doesn't take a whole lot with how squishy they are they'll usually restealth a run away looking for easier kills. If you can't stop a Operative, learn to use your escape ability and learn to kite. If that doesn't work, roll a healer merc and get geared enough where you can sit on your anti stealth probe and tank our damage indefinitely without the need of any skill.


EDIT: The larger point was that other classes 3 shot 50's. That link I posted was of him single hitting for 7.5k. The issue is people without gear thinking they should not get hit hard by the hardcore pvpers with gear that use consumables.

Edited by xchimux
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oh really? since when can you get stunned with a full resolve bar? because hidden strike instantly fills it.


I get stunned with a full bar all the time. I have NEVER had CC immunity - EVER. Although I don't think it fills the resolve bar anyway. I wouldn't know. As I said, I still get the shiv either way.


It's not like they even need the second stun. 3 sec is 3 sec.


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I get stunned with a full bar all the time. I have NEVER had CC immunity - EVER. Although I don't think it fills the resolve bar anyway. I wouldn't know. As I said, I still get the shiv either way.


It's not like they even need the second stun. 3 sec is 3 sec.



the first kill in that video proves hidden strike instantly fills your resolve...

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I didn't say he didn't steamroll 50's in fact I said any geared dpser can 3 shot a 50 that doesnt have gear. Also note they're all clipped. Because those pretty numbers you're crying about are RBG based. Watch an unclipped operative video, their numbers are a lot less impressive than you think they are except under very specific preset circumstances. Those 3-4 hits that he keeps showing critting on every player he fights for 4-6k become 2k hits. Bubbles can absorb our opener and following hit with poor RNG luck.


Also Operatives are a far cry from unstoppable. In fact if you get them down to about half which doesn't take a whole lot with how squishy they are they'll usually restealth a run away looking for easier kills. If you can't stop a Operative, learn to use your escape ability and learn to kite. If that doesn't work, roll a healer merc and get geared enough where you can sit on your anti stealth probe and tank our damage indefinitely without the need of any skill.


EDIT: The larger point was that other classes 3 shot 50's. That link I posted was of him single hitting for 7.5k. The issue is people without gear thinking they should not get hit hard by the hardcore pvpers with gear that use consumables.


You are hit from stealth and knocked down. You have no time to escape. You cannot kite. Stop talking nonsense. 3secs. You don't get them down to 50% health. You don't get to attack them at all. They could have 1% health and still kill you before you can respond.


I repeat: 3secs.



And a 50 Marauder in PvP gear can't 3 shot me, a lvl 41 commando. They can't even 6 shot me. You sure as hell aren't 3 shotting any 50s as a marauder. You might as well not even step to me as a 50 marauder, even in PvP gear, if you want a easy win. If you are melee you better be a juggernaut with all CC out of cooldown or you will be at most half health before you take me down.

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the first kill in that video proves hidden strike instantly fills your resolve...


That's nice. So how does that save the guy from getting killed in 3secs exactly?


And how does that change the fact that I can apparently still get shiv'd with a full resolve bar?

Edited by Dayshadow
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The damage rises about 2k with every nerf post. First it was 5k, then it was 7k, now it's 9k to 12k! Tomorrow they'll be hitting for 15k!


because as time goes people are getting better and better gear



making them hit harder and harder

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That's nice. So how does that save the guy from getting killed in 3secs exactly?


And how does that change the fact that I can apparently still get shiv'd with a full resolve bar?


use your stun break? whats stopping a sorc from rooting/snaring/dotting you to hell while interrupting and stunning you from 30m. i dont see you ************ up a storm about that. or how about that merc spamming tracer from another level? does the operative have anyway of reaching you? does the operative have a sprint/knock back/gap closer? it honestly just sounds like you got ***** by an operative that you dont know how to counter and now you are butt hurt.

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Heck no! Most of the time I manage to sneak up on some poor sucker by himself, kill him in 3 GCDs and restealth without vanish!


Choose your targets better, or in proper PvP terminology:


L2P Nub kthxbai.


Stealth, Opener, Backstab, Vanish.


Rinse, Repeat.


If you're using other buttons you're doing it wrong.


No need to argue with you when you do all the arguing with yourself. You kill them without vanish, but if you do anything other than stealth, opener, backstab, vanish, then you're a newb. Have I got this right?


Sounds to me like you do exactly what I do in reality if you actually play a scoundrel/operative (Which I am kind of doubting given how you don't really seem to know what you are talking about.) You drop from stealth to get off some seriously heavy damage, then follow it up with a combo of other skills depending on how your target reacts. Part of that combo is likely a dirty kick or whatever stun your class uses to enable cheap shot and another easy back blast, and likely a few sucker punches because they hit hard as hell, and it pleases our patron saint William Wallace.

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No need to argue with you when you do all the arguing with yourself. You kill them without vanish, but if you do anything other than stealth, opener, backstab, vanish, then you're a newb. Have I got this right?


Sounds to me like you do exactly what I do in reality if you actually play a scoundrel/operative (Which I am kind of doubting given how you don't really seem to know what you are talking about.) You drop from stealth to get off some seriously heavy damage, then follow it up with a combo of other skills depending on how your target reacts. Part of that combo is likely a dirty kick or whatever stun your class uses to enable cheap shot and another easy back blast, and likely a few sucker punches because they hit hard as hell, and it pleases our patron saint William Wallace.


So easily trolled, must be because you're a Republic. Hell no I don't play an Operative, class is a joke. I'd rather run around in a field of razorblades than play a class that can only kill people out of stealth and is due for a nerf at that.


Enjoy it while it lasts.


/troll out!

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50 Juggy here with 5 piece Champ gear.


Was running back solo to join the fray when I got stunned, trinketed, stunned again and went from 100% - 35% in that time.


I managed to force push him away and ran like a little girl.


Sure it's a burst class but it to be able to front load that kinda damage on a TANK is overboard. I'd shudder to think what would happen to a non tank class.


Lastly the ones defending the class are either delusional or biased!

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Also note they're all clipped. Because those pretty numbers you're crying about are RBG based.



That is my video and me you are talking about.


There are plenty of 30 second long clips in there. Do you really want a fraps of my entire BG because I'll happily provide that to you.



Those number are not rare because every operative and scoundrel has a 50% crit rate. This isn't a once in a blue moon, its 25% of the time you get hit for 10k (6k HS, 4k BS). Let's not forget about the 2k dot that also gets automatically applied when you get HS'd. Oh and the fact I can shiv you and double lacerate if you aren't dead already.



Balanced... right...

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So easily trolled, must be because you're a Republic. Hell no I don't play an Operative, class is a joke. I'd rather run around in a field of razorblades than play a class that can only kill people out of stealth and is due for a nerf at that.


Enjoy it while it lasts.


/troll out!


Our class is only due for a nerf if the devs listen to whiners on the forums rather than sound reasoning. Scoundrel/operative do a lot of damage because they are a DPS class. They take a lot of skill to play and are by no means a win button. Sure I kick a lot of butt on my scoundrel, but I kick a lot of butt on ANY character I play.


The only people we take down really easy are the idiots that try to do the WoW melee dance with us and present a ton of free backhits for us in the process. Or the people who ignore they are getting pounded on by us and continue firing at or healing their original target.


We can be stunned just like any other class.


We can be pulled into obstacles just like any other class. (But we can't pull/push people into obstacles ourselves)


We have crappy armor just like any other squishy, so like any other squishy we have to be quick and cunning to stay alive. Just like any other squishy we are very powerful, but only if played well.


We can have DOT skills used on us like any other class, and just like any other stealth class they prevent us from going back into stealth long enough to do us any good.


If a scoundrel/op jumps you from stealth you turn around and stun them if you are ranged. Then back away while you pound them with fire, and make sure to DOT them so they can't re-restealth. I know for sure gunslingers and and sages can do this and I am 90% commandos can too. If a scoundrel/op jumps you and you are melee class you stop giving them your back, stun and DOT them if you can, and then press them hard with melee.


Its not that difficult. The problem is people sit there and go "OMG I'm being killed by a scoundrel/operative!!!" Rather than dealing with it. What you should be doing rather than QQing about how they are OP is learning ways to stop them.

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Our class is only due for a nerf if the devs listen to whiners on the forums rather than sound reasoning. Scoundrel/operative do a lot of damage because they are a DPS class. They take a lot of skill to play and are by no means a win button. Sure I kick a lot of butt on my scoundrel, but I kick a lot of butt on ANY character I play.


The only people we take down really easy are the idiots that try to do the WoW melee dance with us and present a ton of free backhits for us in the process. Or the people who ignore they are getting pounded on by us and continue firing at or healing their original target.


We can be stunned just like any other class.


We can be pulled into obstacles just like any other class. (But we can't pull/push people into obstacles ourselves)


We have crappy armor just like any other squishy, so like any other squishy we have to be quick and cunning to stay alive. Just like any other squishy we are very powerful, but only if played well.


We can have DOT skills used on us like any other class, and just like any other stealth class they prevent us from going back into stealth long enough to do us any good.


If a scoundrel/op jumps you from stealth you turn around and stun them if you are ranged. Then back away while you pound them with fire, and make sure to DOT them so they can't re-restealth. I know for sure gunslingers and and sages can do this and I am 90% commandos can too. If a scoundrel/op jumps you and you are melee class you stop giving them your back, stun and DOT them if you can, and then press them hard with melee.


Its not that difficult. The problem is people sit there and go "OMG I'm being killed by a scoundrel/operative!!!" Rather than dealing with it. What you should be doing rather than QQing about how they are OP is learning ways to stop them.


All I heard here was blah blah blah my class is hard blah blah blah followed by if an Op jumps you from stealth blah blah blah.




You don't kill them from stealth?




L2P Nub kthxbai.


Stop defending your broken class. You're clearly just bad at it. Read the post above yours, because he's good at his class. You =/= Good at OP.


Sorry Sir.


No, bad Public. No Biscuit.

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All I heard here was blah blah blah my class is hard blah blah blah followed by if an Op jumps you from stealth blah blah blah.




You don't kill them from stealth?




L2P Nub kthxbai.


Stop defending your broken class. You're clearly just bad at it. Read the post above yours, because he's good at his class. You =/= Good at OP.


Sorry Sir.


No, bad Public. No Biscuit.


I DO kill from stealth. Unless I haven't had a chance to re-stealth from my last fight, which given I can only re-stealth in combat once a minute is a fair amount unless I am just going for easy kills rather than pushing objectives which is the POINT of PVP in this game. Not getting kills, getting objectives. ;)


What I was posting was advise for other classes if they get jumped from stealth. How they can put up a fight rather than just dying horribly as they run around like a blind screaming little girl and then make rage posts on the forums about how OP scoundrels/operatives are.

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Know what made me laugh really hard?


AndiusTheGreat even has it in his signature - Scoundrel.


All the operatives and scoundrels are nerdraging on threads like this, just to desperately defend a very overpowered class that ganks almost any equal level/geared player down before the opener ends, and they can do so every few seconds.


I'm sorry boys, but if you play an operative / scoundrel you should **** the hell off from threads like these. You're not preventing the nerf hammer by spamming how hard it is to play this class, because the vids where people do 7-8k openers I see 1 button, 2 buttons, 3 buttons, dead. So PLEASE. I've seen mmorpg's where you need to press 50 buttons before someone dies. A stealth class with a 50% health hitting opener plus a knockdown and afterwards some 4-5k crits? NO CLASS CAN DO THAT. I am sure Bioware didn't intend buffs to be stacked to this insanity, and a nerf bat will come soon.


Come on operatives/scoundrels, do you think bishing and moaning in threads like these will save your class? NO. If bioware even remotely cares about subscriptions they will nerf the class down so hard it won't ever regain strenght.


Please, do us a favor with your ''oh this class is hard to play'' and ''oh this class has no survivability'' , because the vids I see, those are real to me, and I see people facerolling others with a button or 5 while critting massively, healing massively, and then stealthing, massively. A burst class should do burst damage, TRUE. But a burst class shouldn't have stealth AND insane healing. I am sure if they removed stealth and the insane openers the class would be balanced perfectly.


However, I'm not bioware staff, but mark my words kiddos. The buff stacking and your classes' overpowerness will end very soon. So get that pvp fun while you can, before march this class will be nerfed. And you can ***** and moan all you want, it will do nothing. Nothing at all. And by the way, on behalf of all other classes, you, operatives and scoundrels, you are full of horse ****. Noone believes any **** you're saying to prevent a nerf here. Noone.

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Know what made me laugh really hard?


AndiusTheGreat even has it in his signature - Scoundrel.


All the operatives and scoundrels are nerdraging on threads like this, just to desperately defend a very overpowered class that ganks almost any equal level/geared player down before the opener ends, and they can do so every few seconds.


I'm sorry boys, but if you play an operative / scoundrel you should **** the hell off from threads like these. You're not preventing the nerf hammer by spamming how hard it is to play this class, because the vids where people do 7-8k openers I see 1 button, 2 buttons, 3 buttons, dead. So PLEASE. I've seen mmorpg's where you need to press 50 buttons before someone dies. A stealth class with a 50% health hitting opener plus a knockdown and afterwards some 4-5k crits? NO CLASS CAN DO THAT. I am sure Bioware didn't intend buffs to be stacked to this insanity, and a nerf bat will come soon.


Come on operatives/scoundrels, do you think bishing and moaning in threads like these will save your class? NO. If bioware even remotely cares about subscriptions they will nerf the class down so hard it won't ever regain strenght.


Please, do us a favor with your ''oh this class is hard to play'' and ''oh this class has no survivability'' , because the vids I see, those are real to me, and I see people facerolling others with a button or 5 while critting massively, healing massively, and then stealthing, massively. A burst class should do burst damage, TRUE. But a burst class shouldn't have stealth AND insane healing. I am sure if they removed stealth and the insane openers the class would be balanced perfectly.


However, I'm not bioware staff, but mark my words kiddos. The buff stacking and your classes' overpowerness will end very soon. So get that pvp fun while you can, before march this class will be nerfed. And you can ***** and moan all you want, it will do nothing. Nothing at all. And by the way, on behalf of all other classes, you, operatives and scoundrels, you are full of horse ****. Noone believes any **** you're saying to prevent a nerf here. Noone.


you sound mad. its pretty funny.

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