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Raiding Time Wasted

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Is it just me or do alot of the endgame raid encounters seem horribly plagued with different bugs. They all seem to be known and still persisting. Some people experience different ones than others too it seems. Im just curious what your thoughts are on the endgame...to me its hard to show up to our set times knowing we have to double up on time due to bugs.


We've done Eternity Vault completely cleared, dealt with the bugs at SoA and the boss in the lava forget his names, i mean in Eternity Vault there were times when we'd die from the Escape Pod landing, Die outside the instance, Die when approaching the lava boss because he wasn't reset. Get to SoA and the floor is missing, kill SoA but are still in combat at the end of the encounter and have to wait for people to run back, fall down, die, then wait for combat res timers just to loot i mean that was like 10 minutes right there.


Onto Hutt Hospitality....the boss doesnt reset you zone in someone gets insta gibbed by the swipe, everytime we zoned in someone (actually the same person) died from falling damage every single time.


It just seems like there is sooo much time being wasted and it is frustrating to no end. I have already unsubbed from this game and have 10 days left, i want to like it but im not paying for frustation. I pay for games to have fun and so far the raid content has been anything but fun thus far due to so many bugs. It is really sad to see a game released with so many known issues. I know they are working on fixing them and in the next patch SoA is being adjusted but there is just so many other things that need fixing =/


Guess this is more of a rant than anything but im curious to hear your experiences?

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We've cleared 6/6 Normal, 4/6 hard Modes. We have the strats down, we have the comp right, and we run the boss exactly right, but a bug stops us from being able to down the last 2 bosses.


Bonethrasher is the buggiest fight I've seen since vanilla WoW. lol He cleaves out of his hit box and behind him, he turns while doing the cleave so he hits the people in front of him and behind him at the same time, he backhands players he's not targeting in, etc. Bonethrasher is horribly buggy in 8 man Hard Mode.


The Soa fight isn't so much buggy as we have seemingly had bad luck repeatedly (2 lightning balls spawning ON the healer and one-shotting him, etc.). I do hope they fix Bonethrasher, and soon. We want to be 6/6 Nightmare before the new content releases, but these bugs are seriously slowing our progression.

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Ya Bonethrasher is ridiculous i don't even want to show up for our next raid to go back to him lol . I realize Eternity Vault can be completed but does it not bother you to no end when a bug makes you waste 10 minutes of time getting back and ready for another pull, this happens several times a night when we're raiding and it blows.
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I don't think Soa hard mode is bugged, but he is very difficult compared to the other hard modes. There is a fair amount of RNG in terms of where the lightning balls spawn, who gets mind trapped/force cycloned (both healers cc'd at once is almost a guaranteed wipe), etc. It's not the most compelling or "fair" fight design I've ever seen, but I don't think those are bugs per se.


Occasionally he will actually bug and fail to respawn the floor after a wipe, which requires an instance reset -- no big deal since he has no trash anyway.


Ancient Pylons is the one that is genuinely, frustratingly bugged on HM/NM. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, and there's nothing you can do about it but manually reset and reclear the trash.

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Pylons HM = only one person click the console ever. Don't switch people once one has the debuff.


Bonethrasher = hot up and shield your tank. Let him do the cut scene, land and then turn the boss before any other raid member clicks the door. He could do with having his attacks re worked a bit but if you're quick enough moving it's not normally an issue.



Random dying is a bug i agree there. Not tried SoA on hard yet but on normal getting him under those falling things is annoying as they only show floor AoE like 1 sec before they crash so if you're off a bit the tank can get hit not the boss.

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I'm sure it does work fine, but multiple people using the consoles won't affect your success chances.


We've done HM/NM pylons successfully consistently.



Maybe the few tries we did before using only one person where bugged then. Who knows?

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Maybe the few tries we did before using only one person where bugged then. Who knows?


You just got lucky. We did it once rotating clickers per side, all 4 locked no problem and we got loot. Next week, we did it exactly the same way and the consoles kept turning un-clickable after the second row. There is a whole long thread about it on this forum, actually. No one has found a consistent way to avoid the bugs.

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