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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

50's only bracket needs to go live NOW.


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Please, do not wait, roll this out immediately.


The farming of newbs by 50's to get their gear is getting rediculous.


Tuesday the 50 only bracket needs to go in!


Because everyone needs to play more huttball..

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I can't wait until they make a 50's bracket, and then all you whiners come back here to the forums.. WWWWAAAAAAMMMBULANCCCEEEEEEE - We are getting our arse's handed to us by 49's - Make a bracket for them toooooooooooooo... WAAAAAAAAMMMMBBBULLAAAAANNNCCCCEEEEEEEE


Nah. The problem with fighting 50's is all the expertise they tend to have. I don't mind fighting 49's at all. I can win against them, if I play well. 50's with Expertise? Forget it. I litterally /sit if I'm on a sub-45 toon. No reason to let them enjoy smashing a struggling puppy's head. They'll have to stomp a sleeping one instead.

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At least use a balance mechanic, if there are 50's in the que put them with 10-15's so the average level is balanced.


Adjust the booster mechanic to affect the average team level. Take a team average (count 50 as 55 to adjust for expertise gear) and booster accordingly.


Team 1










Team 2










Team 2 will win 90% of the time. Give Team 1 an additional boost. Even put the top 3 from team 1 in virtual PvP gear.

Edited by richardya
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Can't implement this NOW. There aren't enough 50's across all the servers to make this work the way everyone wants it to. If you put it in now, que times for the level 50's would be incredibly long. And then there would be a thread on the forums on how bad BW is for implementing this too early.


Wait for the 50's population to grow in the next couple of weeks or so and then this would be good to put in then, not right now.

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The problem isn't 50s. The problem is geared 50s. Open up the 50 bracket, but allow 50s to join the normal bracket if they don't wear pvp gear.


That is tougher for them to code. They will need to scan your inventory?


I am 48 and want at least 2 weeks getting my revenge on lowbies before this implemented.

Edited by richardya
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Well would be interested to see. I'm level 50 and theres normally only about 20 other 50's on at a time on bloodworthy at prime time. So looks like the republic wont be able to play WZ's and the Sith will enjoy even more Hutt ball.


Cant see it getting better as it seems people are actually re-rolling Sith now because finding groups takes ages and alot of the time can go days without finding one. Also the storylines and classes are better.. sigh cant really blame em.

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This is very clearly a problem. We're no longer talking about a couple 50s here and there in beginner 50 gear. We're talking well geared squads of 50s absolutely dominating the field.


It's terrible design, and it IS driving people away from PvP who "gasp" don't like being little more than fodder for someone else's commendation spree.


PvP during the first two weeks of live was great fun. It's obvious why, everyone was more or less equal. BW is simply ignorant to think that a simple DPS/health boost to lower levels somehow normalizes more and improved skills as well as pvp gear.



THIS ^^ I can't believe how few people subscribe to this opinion. I wholeheartedly agree.

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I think it should be some feature that turns on automatically. If queue times are reasonable, switch it to a 50 bracket and 10-49 bracket. If queue times are unreasonable, switch it to both.


I sometimes play in the dead of night, and I don't want to sit around for 30 minutes in between every game whether I'm 25 or 50.

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Honestly I really like pvp but not against level 50 players. Not that I am saying you guys that have worked at getting your level 50 were it is now. I just can not compete against you yet. It is discouraging to us low levels to enter a war zone or anything else and not be able to really make it a challenge for ourselves.


I would like to see a galaxy wide point system Republic vs Empire like I played in SWG it was fun and only really worked if you worked as a team. GCW (Galactic Civil War) even low levels could participate cause you worked as a team. Ask a former SWG player and you could get more insight on what was involved.

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To all complaining about queues for a 50's bracket today, it wouldn't have any with cross servers warfronts. It would provide far enough people, isn't it ? Edit : great minds think alike ;p Edited by Clafoutis
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Wouldn't you be able to farm a fair head start? I mean worse comes to worse and cannot buy bags you can still be 1000/1000 commendations. ALSO bag drops are changing to be less pot luck so new 50's might have an easier time gearing up than you think.


Well I sure hope so, I just dinged 50 today, bought 3 bags and have a grand total of 9 centurion commendations to show for it, cant even buy one piece of gear with that.


Rolled 3 matches for kick and got face kicked in by decked lvl 50 premades. So yea, gonna PvE for a while in the hope those guys get tired of pwning before I try my luck with a WZ again later tonight.


If I had only a 50s bracket to look forward to... ouch. I think my lvl 20 alt is gonna get a whole lot more lovin in the future heh.


I'm just gonna say it, I hope Illium is still gonna have some way to cheese it for commendation and easy gear. Cos this way I see a lot of new PvP careers ending prematurely LOL.

Edited by aeterno
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