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Couple of questions


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1. Does anyone know why a Marauder doesn't get one of the most iconic force abilities from Star Wars: Force Push?

2. Do they get anything that makes up for the lack of it?


I'm sure i'll get trolled and flamed for asking about push, but really it makes no sense - especially since it gets used in cutscenes, but we magically forget how to use it? I am at the point of picking an advanced class for my second Warrior right now and as much as i would like to use 2 sabers, i just find the lack of force push to kill any interest i have in a marauder.


It's probably silly to let one ability make or break a clas for me, but it just does, so i was wondering if anyone knew the reason marauders don't get it? Surely there would have been discussion about it during beta etc and i was wondering if the devs ever gave a reason?

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I'm pretty sure the Jedi equivalent get it. Might want to roll one of those.


However, you should probably just roll a class that doesn't suck.






Guardians and Juggernauts get it. I hope they decide to give it to us for a bit more CC ability.


I can dream, can't I?



As to the reason why we don't have it? I couldn't tell you.


You'd have to be more specific as to what you mean by "make up for it." We're lacking in the CC department, however we get (to my knowledge) one of the only healing reduction abilities in the game as well as Bloodthirst.

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1. Does anyone know why a Marauder doesn't get one of the most iconic force abilities from Star Wars: Force Push?

2. Do they get anything that makes up for the lack of it?


I'm sure i'll get trolled and flamed for asking about push, but really it makes no sense - especially since it gets used in cutscenes, but we magically forget how to use it? I am at the point of picking an advanced class for my second Warrior right now and as much as i would like to use 2 sabers, i just find the lack of force push to kill any interest i have in a marauder.


It's probably silly to let one ability make or break a clas for me, but it just does, so i was wondering if anyone knew the reason marauders don't get it? Surely there would have been discussion about it during beta etc and i was wondering if the devs ever gave a reason?


1) They gave force push to Juggernauts. I guess they felt it fit the Juggernaut class better. I guess it's a balance reason. We still get Force Choke though which I believe is even more iconic.


2) As far as iconic abilities? Force Choke, two lightsabers, Force Crush, Force Charge. Class defining ones? Bloodthirst.


Marauders are masters of lightsaber combat. Juggernauts and Assassins are what I would say classes that have dabbled into a bit of both. And Sorcerers are masters of the force.

Edited by parabola
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It's all about the classes being balanced, we marauders already have force charge and obliterate which allow us to jump to a target even if they are on a higher or lower platform than us. So most likely the reason is that giving marauders the ability to push enemies away as well would be too powerful.
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