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See a lot of complaints about load times..


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There is an issue with the engine itself concerning load times.


I have a 2600K, 8GB RAM, and run the OS/SWTOR off of a Vertex 3 which is running at the advertised rates. I can assure the doubters that my system is not the issue.


I have noticed that the game itself during the 'loading' screen uses hardly any CPU, and the disk read/writes are remarkably low. It's like the engine is waiting for something to happen, but there is nothing happening. My SSD is hardly being accessed during this time. Other games that take a decent amount of time to load (BF3, and it still loads faster then this game) are clearly reading something off the SSD during this entire time and actually 'loading'.

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Sometimes my load times are 7 or 8 seconds. Sometimes my load times zoning into exactly the same planet are 20-30 seconds. The loading always hangs and just sits there fore 15 seconds at the same spot. It really becomes game-breaking if you're in, say, Taris, and you decide to go put some stuff on GTN. You get to travel back to the entry area, then get on a shuttle to a dropship (loading time) then run through the dropship to your airlock and get in your ship (loading time) then run to your bridge and load up, say, Imperial Fleet, then leave your ship (loading time) do your business, and then return to Taris (three more loading screens.) That's SIX loading screens, not to mention run-around time, just to go throw some stuff on GTN.


It's not a hardware issue. Being underpowered doesn't lead to sporadic behavior, it leads to constant problems because you are underpowered. And, by the way, TOR, as a 32-bit app, can only address 4 Gigs of RAM anyway, so upgrading beyond that is pointless for this game. (I have 6 Gigs, by the way.)

Edited by Mannic
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Sometimes my load times are 7 or 8 seconds. Sometimes my load times zoning into exactly the same planet are 20-30 seconds. The loading always hangs and just sits there fore 15 seconds at the same spot.


It's not a hardware issue. Being underpowered doesn't lead to sporadic behavior. And, by the way, TOR, as a 32-bit app, can only address 4 Gigs of RAM anyway, so upgrading beyond that is pointless for this game. (I have 6 Gigs, by the way.)


I forgot to mention that myself. Some zones load decently fast. However, these appear to be the smaller zones like Imperial Fleet. Which makes sense.


However, it still doesn't make sense why the larger zones take longer to load when the disk is hardly being accessed to begin with.

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Intel i7 990x OC 4.2 GHz

Coolermaster V10 thermal electric cooler,

12 Gigs corsair RAM

256 SSD SATA III 6MB xfer

2TB spindle drive for music and file storage

2x GTX 570 SLI





I work in the IT field, and I assure you, there is NO need for me to update anything.


I have zero issues... UNTIL I try to load into Hoth, Belsavis, or Corellia. Those load times are a good minute to 1.5 mins. All others are pretty much 15 secs or less. The ship to hanger bay, to internal map zones are just a quick black screen, so no problem. HOWEVER, those larger maps, and the need to load the entire world when landing, are the issue. They need to be broken down into smaller areas to improve over all load times. Yes, this would mean more shorter load screens, but it beats sitting at one long one for an extended amount of time.


Now, if these three load times give me issues, and not issues I'm acutally complaining about (just posting this for a high end benchmark), I can only imagine what they are for someone with a 'normal' rig.

Edited by Valete
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  • 1 month later...
Wanna know something else weird, even utilizing the ramdisk fps workaround, it still takes forever to load those planets. I can see the load bar move about to 1/3 across and just sit there for about 20 secs and then finish loading. WTH is it doing for 20 secs and there is no disk activity?
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Here's an idea upgrade the speed of your RAM and HDD. My load times were a little long so i bought some new memory for 40 bucks with faster mhz and they improved drastically. It's your machine not the game that your load times suck. Plus a lot of the time you don't even have to go to a load screen only when changing major zones. For example whenever you use elevators etc... no load screen. Now all I gotta do is wait for the people to come into this thread saying how they play BF3 ultra everything blah blah blah. Get rid of your low speed ram and low speed data transfer rate HDDs.


p.s. this game is awesome and I have a level 50 Jugg 4/5 on HM EV. So don't come in here telling me to get off Korriban.


Here's also an idea. How about they just develop game worthy of HALF of that 200+ million dollars?


Sorry but I think it's ridiculous to do major hardware upgrades for one game because the developers haven't a clue what they're doing.

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Here's an idea upgrade the speed of your RAM and HDD. My load times were a little long so i bought some new memory for 40 bucks with faster mhz and they improved drastically. It's your machine not the game that your load times suck. Plus a lot of the time you don't even have to go to a load screen only when changing major zones. For example whenever you use elevators etc... no load screen. Now all I gotta do is wait for the people to come into this thread saying how they play BF3 ultra everything blah blah blah. Get rid of your low speed ram and low speed data transfer rate HDDs.


p.s. this game is awesome and I have a level 50 Jugg 4/5 on HM EV. So don't come in here telling me to get off Korriban.


Dude, I played Day 1 Alpha for FE. Only 1 loading screen, granted, saw that frequently early on because of Crashes from massive memory leaks.


Huge world, hundreds of shards no loading screens...that was nearly 3 years ago...Indy game..5 years of development prior to Alpha..means it was old...they also created thier own engine...from scratch..

Edited by Kunra
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