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Sith Corruption Basis


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Im a bit confused about Sith Corruption and it's application/background. Is there any basis for it's appearance in game?


I mean the only place I've ever scene it in star wars media is when Anakin falls in episode 3, and his eyes only glow orange.


Everyone else that looks decrepit was burned or maimed in some way.


There are argueably more evil characters that look perfectly normal like Exar Kun, the Emperor in Old Republic who has lived 1,000 plus years and still looks in his prime, all the sith half breeds.


Beside's glowing eyes should evil force users really look decrepit? I always found it interesting when the most evil character in some media are the prettiest as evil is deceitful.

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Im a bit confused about Sith Corruption and it's application/background. Is there any basis for it's appearance in game?


I mean the only place I've ever scene it in star wars media is when Anakin falls in episode 3, and his eyes only glow orange.


Everyone else that looks decrepit was burned or maimed in some way.


There are argueably more evil characters that look perfectly normal like Exar Kun, the Emperor in Old Republic who has lived 1,000 plus years and still looks in his prime, all the sith half breeds.


Beside's glowing eyes should evil force users really look decrepit? I always found it interesting when the most evil character in some media are the prettiest as evil is deceitful.


None of them look decrepit except for the older ones.


If you get your character to corruption 5, the only difference is palid skin, dark veins, red eyes and dark flesh around the eyes.

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You wouldn't consider that description as decrepit? Pale skin/Like Corpse, Dark Veins/DeOxygenated Blood, Dark Bruised Flesh?


Considering it doesn't affect them negatively? No.


To me decrepit is a physical state of being, it means the person cannot act as fully capable as a youthful person.


The corruption of the Dark side seems to be, more than anything, a cosmetic effect.

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Episode 6 is of course the original source of corruption.


Both Sidious and Vader in the film lokk more corrupt/deformed than normal people. And people ran with it from there.


I'm sure Geroge Lucas found it a very handy tool to explain Palatine going from old man to super deformed old man.




As for why NPC Pureblood's don't look corrupt, that is because they shouldn't look corrupt at all (the fact players can have corruption is just gameplay thing, they really shouldn't have it ether).


Corruption is caused by an unnatural force alignment within a person/creature, hence for humans going to Darkside is unnatural because this in not their natural force alignment. However Purebloods/Sith natural force alignment is the Darkside, as Korriban is a Darkside world and everything that evolved on Korriban is naturally Darkside.


If anything going Lightside should cause Pureblood's corruption instead, because that is unnatural for them.

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Don't forget the heavy implication in game that a lot of (human) sith have at least some Pureblood genes, but that there isn't enough true sith blood in them to manifest the features (red skin, spikey bits, the eyes)


It's plausible that part of the sith corruption is partial a manifestation of the Sith genetic traits brought about by dark side use

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In the EU there's lots of basis for Dark Side corruption. In the Courtship of Princess Leia book, all the nightsisters were hideously deformed from their darkside use. Even the movies show Anakin's eyes turning different colors. What more do you want?
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I'm sure Geroge Lucas found it a very handy tool to explain Palatine going from old man to super deformed old man.




If anything going Lightside should cause Pureblood's corruption instead, because that is unnatural for them.


According to the movies, if you paid attention Palpatine had the power to hide his sith corruption and intentions until Mace Windu over powered him, (deflecting his force lightening with his lightsaber) causing his face to shift with corruption, Eyes glow yellow/orange and skin turning pale.


And sith corruption does appear on Sith Purebloods, but no noticeable changes until Dark 3, Dark 4 you can tell a major difference. My characters skin turned from a pinkish red to a very pale, almost white color and eyes went from yellow to crimson. I'm not at dark 5 just yet so I idk what he'll look like then.


You could possibly have turned off Show Sith Corruption. To turn it on Esc > Preferences > Social and it's one of those options, under show head slot.

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From what I understand Sith corruption basically stems from the fact that the "Dark Side" is essentially misuse of the Force. The natural way is that of the Jedi, to commune with the Force and become a part of it. Bending the Force to your will is unnatural, thus it causes unnatural side effects. Or so I've heard. I'm not sure how that applies to/conflicts with Pureblood Sith, as they are (I believe) born with an inherent connection to the Dark Side (yet they still experience Sith corruption). Edited by Kiralai
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