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We are the Best Tank in the Game


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Best how exactly? In terms of overall mitigation? In terms of threat? Just in general? If it's in general, you're most definitely wrong. Juggernauts and Assassins have much better survival cooldowns than Powertechs do. They are also just as capable of single-target threat generation, and have better snap-aggro for groups due to low-cooldown high-threat AOE abilities (all we have is DFA, and that's hardly reliable). Consider yourself wrong.
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Best how exactly? In terms of overall mitigation? In terms of threat? Just in general? If it's in general, you're most definitely wrong. Juggernauts and Assassins have much better survival cooldowns than Powertechs do. They are also just as capable of single-target threat generation, and have better snap-aggro for groups due to low-cooldown high-threat AOE abilities (all we have is DFA, and that's hardly reliable). Consider yourself wrong.


sorry to say but the bh class is better at tanking. Read the dev forums....they are working on juggys next to improve them for tanking.

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Best how exactly? In terms of overall mitigation? In terms of threat? Just in general? If it's in general, you're most definitely wrong. Juggernauts and Assassins have much better survival cooldowns than Powertechs do. They are also just as capable of single-target threat generation, and have better snap-aggro for groups due to low-cooldown high-threat AOE abilities (all we have is DFA, and that's hardly reliable). Consider yourself wrong.


As for tanking cooldowns.. Jugg has stronger cooldowns, but at longer reuse. If you average them out the 'better' cooldowns fall short.


What low-cooldown high-threat abilities on Juggernaut? They have their standard AoE (on a 12/15sec cooldown) that isn't 'high threat', and is inferior to Flame Sweep IMO (due to cooldown restriction). Then they havea frontal cone and AOE taunt (assuming talented it's 30second cooldown). We may have a longer cooldown on AOE taunt, but we also have DFA, Explosive Dart, a better frontal cone in Flamethrower, and Flame Sweep.


I don't know much about Assassins, so can't comment there.

Edited by Kinvalar
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We currently out tank everything. Assassins are close, juggs are lagging behind. The manuverability around the battlefield, the AOE CC(even if its only 2.5 secs it saves lives), grapple and an AOE dmg debuff are awesome! The thing I like is that (with relics) you can always have an 'oh ****' button rdy to go. I pop a relic and both my shield absorb and shield rating go up above 50%. For 20 seconds. Thats insane for dmg mitigation and thats not even using our class abilities. Kolto overload and Energy shield are perfect for those moments when ur healz need a breather and they are on a short CD.


Yes we are currently sitting nicely at the top of the tank tree.

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We currently out tank everything. Assassins are close, juggs are lagging behind. The manuverability around the battlefield, the AOE CC(even if its only 2.5 secs it saves lives), grapple and an AOE dmg debuff are awesome! The thing I like is that (with relics) you can always have an 'oh ****' button rdy to go. I pop a relic and both my shield absorb and shield rating go up above 50%. For 20 seconds. Thats insane for dmg mitigation and thats not even using our class abilities. Kolto overload and Energy shield are perfect for those moments when ur healz need a breather and they are on a short CD.


Yes we are currently sitting nicely at the top of the tank tree.


A jugg uses shield gen and a relic also.



I play a full tank lvl 50 PT and Juggs have better tanking in PVP.

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A jugg uses shield gen and a relic also.



I play a full tank lvl 50 PT and Juggs have better tanking in PVP.


The grass is always greener... I play a 50 juggernaut and always think PT's are much better in PvP :p


Have a little PT alt so hopefully will be able to compare properly in a week or two.

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I am not 50 yet, just hit 39 this weekend. But I have not had much trouble tanking as PT.


Currently I am all in the ST tree, then I need to decide to go from there past 40. But I think I have had a group wipe maybe 2 times in dungeons? It is pretty easy to hold hate once we get to 30+ish and have all our tanking taunts, charge and pull. Overall, I am really enjoying it.


Another aspect that is amazing for PT is that we can tank at range and still do damage (sure it isn't much, but I can hold hate). There have been a few fights (like on the Foundry) where I will pull back to avoid certain abilities (the flamethrower ability on that one boss) that do a truck load of damage. On other bosses, I have had melee die due to standing in AoE's and I was able to kite the melee boss with the healer and kill it rather quickly from 1/2 HP.


My DPS is a little bad for soloing and questing, but I am mainly trying to practice for end game tanking as I level up ;)


I can't really compare myself to other tanks yet, but I can definitely say that my worries are at ease and the PT is a great tank. I have been playing MMO's since 1997, and I can say, this tank definitely works very well.

Edited by Vidrak
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Best how exactly? In terms of overall mitigation? In terms of threat? Just in general? If it's in general, you're most definitely wrong. Juggernauts and Assassins have much better survival cooldowns than Powertechs do. They are also just as capable of single-target threat generation, and have better snap-aggro for groups due to low-cooldown high-threat AOE abilities (all we have is DFA, and that's hardly reliable). Consider yourself wrong.


We also have a ranged aoe taunt.

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Best how exactly? In terms of overall mitigation? In terms of threat? Just in general? If it's in general, you're most definitely wrong. Juggernauts and Assassins have much better survival cooldowns than Powertechs do. They are also just as capable of single-target threat generation, and have better snap-aggro for groups due to low-cooldown high-threat AOE abilities (all we have is DFA, and that's hardly reliable). Consider yourself wrong.


The Juggernauts do have slightly better mitigation than we do, but that doesn't count for much if you can't keep the mobs on you. Powertechs seem to be the most well-rounded tanks and definitely the best for aggro control. Sure maybe all we have for a "high threat" AoE move is DFA, but what do the Juggernauts have for "high threat" AoE....? Less than we have. And the previous poster is right too, there's also an AoE taunt that we get eventually.


Obviously they both have advantages and disadvantages. And honestly I think they're all just as good at their max potential. However, it's much easier to be good at tanking with a Powertech than it is with either of the other two. And I think that's what makes them seem so much better. It's VERY difficult to be a good tank as a Juggy. I don't envy them.

Edited by DarrkLore
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after tanking several hard modes since hitting 50(in orange gear modded with purp mods) I have a hell of a time holding any threat.


the only way ive been able to hold threat off party members in non boss, and acutally build threat in boss fights, is with taunts.


I literally pull with DFA most of the time, when CC isnt required, with expl fuel running, grapple whatever range wont come to me, and go into my priorty system. within seconds mobs are peeling off me and I have to hit my taunts just to keep them around.


snipers and maras tend to be the worst threat takers and thats with guard rolling on them.


we seriously need some kind of real "High Treat attack" that works in a cone or aoe. FS or FT should put out some form of 'high threat' that can actually be used to good effect in aoe/cone.


RP or our 41 point talent should be high threat attacks for single targets but feel like im hitting with a wet noodle in threat as well.


granted, there ARE alot of boss fights where the boss cant actually be tanked/drops aggro every 5 secs, but still, it feels like we are missing something in the 'high threat attack' deparment.




this coming from a main raid tank in WoW who had server firsts.

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after tanking several hard modes since hitting 50(in orange gear modded with purp mods) I have a hell of a time holding any threat.


this coming from a main raid tank in WoW who had server firsts.


I think we are spoiled by coming from WoW tanks. I mained Pally, with many server firsts just like you, it was my job to make sure things stuck to me. Always me, everyone on me.


It seems with TOR, we don't necessarily need to worry about holding threat on EVERYTHING. I tell me groups to kill Normals > Silvers > Golds > Champs


I will prioritize holding threat on Golds, and taunt/threat on Silvers as needed. I have had no issues with this. When CC is needed, CC silvers, burn normals, tank Golds.

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I think we are spoiled by coming from WoW tanks. I mained Pally, with many server firsts just like you, it was my job to make sure things stuck to me. Always me, everyone on me.


It seems with TOR, we don't necessarily need to worry about holding threat on EVERYTHING. I tell me groups to kill Normals > Silvers > Golds > Champs


I will prioritize holding threat on Golds, and taunt/threat on Silvers as needed. I have had no issues with this. When CC is needed, CC silvers, burn normals, tank Golds.


you actually bring up a very good point. I do still feel like my threat generation is on the low end though.

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It seems with TOR, we don't necessarily need to worry about holding threat on EVERYTHING. I tell me groups to kill Normals > Silvers > Golds > Champs


Definitely this.


There is absolutely no reason to worry about mobs that your DPS melts in 3 global cooldowns. Focus on the Silvers and Golds and don't stress yourself into an early grave worry about the small stuff.

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We have our strengths and our weaknesses compared to the other tanks, so no, I wouldnt consider us the 'best tanks', but we're better in more situations.


Sith Juggernauts have several low-cooldown high-threat abilities. Once properly geared, a Juggernaut is capable of generating higher single target threat than a Powertech of equal gear and skill, but only by a small margin.


Sith Assassins are able to keep a higher shield chance than we can, which in the end comes out to 1-2% higher damage mitigation - negligible but still something that should be taken into consideration.



Powertech tanks excel at AoE threat and at kiting, both of which are things that the other tanks have a hard time with. When running black talon on hardmode a few days ago, we were fighting the mon calamari boss that drops the fire things, and after he enraged I simply kited him around, only taking a couple of hits while still holding threat until we killed him. I was able to keep attacking outside of melee range using rapid shots, rail shot, missile blast, explosive dart, and occasionally heat blast when he got within 10 meters. A perfect example of how our ranged abilities give us an advantage against certain opponents.


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