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This is what makes a class OP.


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In early beta, the scoundrel and OP were dying the most. Perhaps they over compensated???


Yes, they are VERY powerful. I've been.... face rolled quite a few times by them, with absolutely no counter to the KB, stabbity stab, stab, rotation they have.


Maybe remove or reduce that KB 'might' give other players a chance to counter, but as a whole the class seems to play the way it was intended. A boat load of up front DPS, with a glass jaw.


What makes Scoundrels and Operatives overpowered are two things:


1) They can do a boatload of initial damage without anything to counter them. Their opener leaves you on the floor unless you have a break-free skill. At which point if you use it they have another stun.


2) Despite what you say they have good sustained damage too. Not the best, but good. Comparable to Sorcerers/Sages force lightning and telekinesis throw (2000 over 6 seconds).


3) They can leave the fight if things don't work out, and this they should not be able to do. If your opener doesn't kill your target, Scoundrels an Operatives just stealth again. You can throw dots on them, but if they play properly the two classes will be near map geometry anyways. So when the dot kicks them out of stealth you wont see them due to geometry. Plus, stealth breaks the target lock as well and allows them to reopen with another ridiculous 6K+ damage.


Other classes still retain target lock even if they move behind geometry.

Edited by Yeochins
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Not one I have encountered.


Snipers? Dead. Sorcerors? Dead. Assassins? Dead.


I dont even have to move or kite. Just stand there and pew pew with the same cheap combo. Tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, rail shot, heat seaker missile. Tab to someone who isnt dead.


mercenaries are like meat to my pyrotech PT grinder.

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They can leave the fight if things don't work out, and this they should not be able to do.


This is exactly what we should be able to do. It is the feature of rogue class. Shadows\Assasins can do the same.


From my pow:

1. Inquisitors\Consulars

2. In my nightmares I played BG in WoW filled with moonkins and elem shamans and they threw me from the bridge again and again.. Now it come alive: when I see an enemy team full of Inquisitors I know we will lose that freaking Huttball.

3. IA\Operative\Concaelment


TBH they aren't op elsewhere, but in Huttball..

Edited by DGolubets
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I hope people see the pattern of everyone saying a different class is op. This is just highlighting that their paper rock scissors is working.


What I've noticed is no class combination is a match for teamwork. If you dont want to get owned, play as a team. You might not top dmg but you will live and win.


I play an IA OP. The only situation I feel I have a strong upper hand is when I find someone who has isolated themselves. Yes, go sit on the catwalk and try to snipe people. I will find you and make you pay. Now if you're sitting in a group of people and protecting your healer, I might try to burst you down but someone else is going to tag me and I will get wrecked. Yes I can vanish once every 3 mins. 2min if specced. This is called a CD. You use them to gain an upper hand or survive. Its not like I can spam this every scuffle I get into.


I dont see any class being op right now. What I do see is everyone having these blanket statements against every class due to getting owned by 50's who are geared out. EVERY class. Look at the forums. You can find a post for every class saying "Nerf X". Let them get the 50's bracket implemented, see how things play out and give it some time. Its not like they're ignoring feedback and they have some very promising changes on the horizon.

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Sometimes I feel as my level 50 Pyrotech-spec'd Powertech in full Champion/Columni gear that I'm overpowered for getting almost 500k damage in WZs and twice as many kills as the person in second place, and absolutely eating Sages alive despite people complaining about how OP they are.


But every time I think that, in the next game there will be a Scoundrel just as geared as I am who kills me from stealth about 10 times in that match, doing 14k damage of my 16k health in about 5 seconds. He seemingly read my mind and thought "No, no, don't worry. You're not OP, and I'll gladly prove it to you repeatedly."


That Scoundrel in turn gets Spiked by Assassins and kited by Snipers the whole match when he's not busy killing me, so I in turn do not feel he is overpowered.


And thus the cycle of Rock V. Paper V. Scissors continues. Until GW2, that is.




This .... To a tee



For record I'm rePublic sage and I own operatives

It other classes own me


Just vecuase you get beat consistently by one class dOes not mean its op


They have a counter class they feel the same as you do about them


Trust me

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First of all I'd like to thank maxxacre for making a reasonable and constructive thread. :) I am looking forward to unofficial pvp forums emerging where the signal to noise ratio won't be so low.


Moving on, here are the things I see that could be unbalanced in this game:

1. concealment operative double opener (i.e. using cloaking screen) does lots of burst

2. in huttball, tanks (juggs & PT) seem like they could be hard to stop once they have the ball because of their mobility and durability

3. resolve bar not filling from immobilizing effects seems problematic for melee classes

4. marauder ability "undying rage" (+talented force camo) seems like it could make marauders very difficult to kill in a competitive setting


I am using "could be" unbalanced because I haven't experienced these situations personally i.e. people are not geared/good/coordinated enough in warzones to pull it off reliably.


I am a wow player so Ill point out similar problems and the way blizzard handled them to point towards possible solutions.


1. double trinket mage and other class/specs over the years. Problem lessened by introducing resilience (stat similar to expertise) and tinkering with damage numbers. Excessive burst is always, always a concern though.

2. no clear parallel? Take increased damage from holding flag too long?

3. DR on roots + more mobility abilities

4. rogue cheat death changed to 80% dmg reduction

Edited by JillSandwitch
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Please. With 35% armor penetration, Tanks get chewed up just like anyone else.


I laugh as BH tanks pull me over to them, cos I just start the same old combo, dont bother to move and kill them in a few seconds.


A quell ability would like to have a word with you.

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after using CC to break that stun they stun again because resolve is fail.


LOL. I never ever could stun someone after hidden strike. It never ever worked for me, so i stopped trying. Resolve is bugged yes, but certainly not on operative's mouves.


It's amazing how people continue to spread lies like, operatives/smugglers can stunlock, while they certainly cant.

Edited by Glor_
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Sometimes I feel as my level 50 Pyrotech-spec'd Powertech in full Champion/Columni gear that I'm overpowered for getting almost 500k damage in WZs and twice as many kills as the person in second place, and absolutely eating Sages alive despite people complaining about how OP they are.


But every time I think that, in the next game there will be a Scoundrel just as geared as I am who kills me from stealth about 10 times in that match, doing 14k damage of my 16k health in about 5 seconds. He seemingly read my mind and thought "No, no, don't worry. You're not OP, and I'll gladly prove it to you repeatedly."


That Scoundrel in turn gets Spiked by Assassins and kited by Snipers the whole match when he's not busy killing me, so I in turn do not feel he is overpowered.


And thus the cycle of Rock V. Paper V. Scissors continues. Until GW2, that is.


There is no class nemesis in this game. Heavy armor and high DPS does not mix and makes for an OP'd class. Stealth and the ability to stealth while in combat is OP'd. Striking from stealth for high DPS, stun, backstab, backstab for 14k worth od damage in a few seconds is OP'd...


A tank hitting for 4600 (Jedi Guardian) is OP'd. A Merc healing to full health while a Sith Sorcerer is using all its DPS and interupts to kill the Merc...is a sign that the class is OP'd...the Merc that is.


If you want to have the rock paper scissor thing, then a sith sorcerer should own a tank, the Tank should kill the operative/smuggler types and the smuggler should kill the sorcerer. However this is not the case. In fact all classes kill the Sorcerer...lol. I should have gone Sith Assassin...4k backstabs and the ability to spec as a tank if you want...Sith Sorcerer..pathetic DPS. I say pathetic because it is a minor inconvenience. You walk away from the attacks because they don't do much. Hell, I am now ignored on the battlefield because I am the lowest threat.


I would be happy with an ability to strike an opponent for 4-5k as a finisher or something.

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