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Leveling as TACTICS?


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How is it? I'm only level 24, not sure if it's faster to level as tactics over Shield S. while using Dorne. Seems like it is good damage.


Tactics sucks....


If you want to run DPS with Elera Dorne go Assault

- You'll do your quest fast but you're going to have some trouble on some "elite quests".


If you want to run tank with Jorgan go shield

- You'll do your quest slower than assault, but... you will never die and you'll be able to solo 2+ heroics and some 4 heroics with proper kiting.

- Note: Just make sure to gear Jorgan with a new weapon every 5 level (or mod your orange)


Tactics is the PvP spec when you get at least 4 centurion/champion gears + weapon.


Tactics is the worst of the 3 tree to level!

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I leveled as tactics and also I wouldn't call it "the pvp spec".


basically I don't agree with anything the guy above me said.


To the OP;


tactics is fine for leveling, I rarely died and killed things fairly fast.

Shield specialist seems to put out quite a bit of dmg and you never die, always have groups, and can solo most things.


So the choice is yours.



Personally, I can not make an endgame PVE Assault spec that even looks remotely intelligent unless I skip the 31pt talent.


Tactics makes the most sense and has the longevity and burn ability that makes a good dps spec.


I tried assault in pvp and i could kill someone pretty quickly but had trouble conserving ammo. With Tactics in PVP I was able to regularly top damage for the WZ and always had ammo to spare. I think with more gear Tactics will only shine more.

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I leveled as tactics and also I wouldn't call it "the pvp spec".


basically I don't agree with anything the guy above me said.


I level'd to 50 in just under 3days /played, most ppl I talked to did it in around 4~5 days. You can have your opinions and don't agree with me... but I still did it mostly as assault and for the few last levels as shield.


If you can't come up with a good Assault spec.... ask around. I regularly go over 500k damage 10-11 medals in WZ with it. As for leveling, plastic was a blast! I was litteraly farming any mob packs with ease.


Tactic... has notting other trees can't offer. The only reason tactics is there, is for PvP. 8/31/2 Ion cells that's it.

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Tactic... has notting other trees can't offer. The only reason tactics is there, is for PvP. 8/31/2 Ion cells that's it.


Hold the Line is godly in huttball. And keeps me on sorcs and mercs that want to freecast.


Tactics is pretty damned good if you play it well, we lack any real burst damage but it's a lot of steady damage that doesn't eat into ammo quickly if you use abilities at the right time.


We won't be hitting assault levels of damage in a game where they're just farming most likely, but farm games aren't really that fun anyhow. Tactics does superb in objective based team play and I don't feel like I'm a hindrance in flashpoints either.

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I level'd to 50 in just under 3days /played, most ppl I talked to did it in around 4~5 days. You can have your opinions and don't agree with me... but I still did it mostly as assault and for the few last levels as shield.


If you can't come up with a good Assault spec.... ask around. I regularly go over 500k damage 10-11 medals in WZ with it. As for leveling, plastic was a blast! I was litteraly farming any mob packs with ease.


Tactic... has notting other trees can't offer. The only reason tactics is there, is for PvP. 8/31/2 Ion cells that's it.


A Few points:


You just said tactics was "THE PVP" spec, then you use a WZ to show how good Assault is. I don't get that and the logic is fallible.


I couldn't justify losing 9% aim or the added dmg to HiB to get assault plastic in a PvE spec maybe PvP is different but according to you, "Tactics is the PvP Spec" so why bother speccing assault for pvp?


Tactics is a legit spec for PvE dps.


The spec is not going to influence your leveling speed when we aren't discussing healing specs. The amount of dedication you put into questing and continually moving forward with objectives determines leveling speed.


Assault is very useful in WarZones, while leveling, and in early endgame content.


Tactics is very useful in WarZones, while leveling, and in endgame content.


Shield spec is very useful in WarZones, while leveling, and in endgame content.


All three have their caveats and shortfalls. They all possess different play styles and are stronger in one area than another.


Also, I'm on a pretty high pop server and the highest damage output I have ever seen in a WarZone was around 370k. I don't feel obliged to believe your claim.

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Tactics is just fine for lvling, just that it requires different skillsets.


Tactics beats elites when lvling by making sure you use your interrupts (since you have so little cooldown with it) and pulse cannon/pulse generator cone of fire. If you do it correctly it is not hard at all.


Assault beats elites by using LoS shoot, dodge and long range kiting.


So just different strategies.

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Tactics is fine for leveling. I was shield spec up to 35 and from 35 to 44 I've switched to Tactics. I still run ion cell (which seems to be key) with Dorne and I find I kill things faster because I have gut and fire pulse.


My big beef with shield spec is I don't find it makes you that much more tanky other then maybe Counterattack.

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Hey guys, I switched to Assault Specialist couple days ago, I'm lvl 35. I can't seem to get a good rotation down, I come close to dieing when I take on lvl 32-34 elites. I'm playing my class wrong atm, can't figure out the right rotation. I liked shield spec because I was straight forward. But can't figure this new build out, any suggestions?
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Tactics is amazing for leveling. A bit more speed, mobility, as well as -very- high cell count. I think I rarely ever have to use recharge cells, and I'm in the 30's.


I will admit, as far as burst damage? Not really.. but.. all I can say; Wait till you get Pulse Generator. You'll never want to leave. :D

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Im not the elite gamer at all, im an average player that has levelled a sorc inq, BH merc, operative, and a vanguard. I keep coming back to my tactics vanguard cause its just so much fun. As an average player, i made it to 50 no prob, and the playstyle is very interactive, i think thats why i like it so much. My vote is for tactics vanguard.


One problem i have is now that im 50, things in illium seem to be kicking my butt though, im not sure if its supposed to be that way, or im undergeared, or if my playstyle needs to change again. My playstyle as a vanguard did have to change about 3 times levelling up to adapt to the mobs. Interrupts became really important in the mid-end game.

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If you leveled as Tactics..did you still use Ion Cell?


Using High Energy/Plasma seems to fail for elites.


I switched it up, I always had a Shield gen in my bag and did ion cell for elites or 3 strongs.


Even now in 8 man Ops I toss on tank gear and switch cells to off-tank.

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If you leveled as Tactics..did you still use Ion Cell?


Using High Energy/Plasma seems to fail for elites.


I myself used Ion Cell to level up.


But as far as surviving elites/champions, it was using our 6 second (skilled up) interrupt that kept me alive, not my ion cell.

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I levelled as Tactics using Dorne, worked perfectly fine for me. Maybe Assault is quicker. Its all down to how you want to play. I enjoy running around like a melee. You have enough abilities to take down big packs in AOE as well. Maybe not as effectively as assault but, Mortar volley, grenade and Pulse cannon seems to kill any bunch of 4-5 mobs in seconds.


I say level with whichever spec you enjoy. Try them all out. If it takes you 5-10 hours longer to level as tactics or shield spec then so what, as long as you enjoy it?

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