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I want Port Nowhere...


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MAJOR Spoiler MAJOR Spoiler (no seriously!)


... although it was indicated in almost any of the storyline parts that you sent your smuggler fleet to Port Nowhere, sent you Pirates to Port Nowhere, go and PICK UP a special ITEM out of a Locker on Port Nowhere (when you let Darmas life) .... and so one...


... after the initial quest on the rock, you will have NO access to YOUR station anymore.


In the end, your are called, something like, the New Master of Port Nowhere.


I really would have liked to see all the "friends" i have made over the course of my adventures to drink together in the bar (although couple of them were probably killed by the Voidwolf) ... or my "fortune" in form of a nice filled treasury - SOMETHING - even just for fluff reasons...


and whats with the lack of a ENDGAME title? Like Crimelord or "Boss of Bosses" (which you are called several times in the end)


I am really disappointed that bioware let the "real" smuggler down on this occasion (I don´t know what would happend if you play the republic lapdog)


Well... I understand the difference between the storyline and the rest of the games story... but somekind of "real" legacy would be nice in the end. Having Ivory on bord is nice, but to little if you consider the "magnitude" of your adventures.


So... I say to thee.... give me back my station!



Captain Symmos Fontaine

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Yea I was really disappointed by the lack of a title at the end of the Smuggler story line...I mean one of the last lines of the story was "everyone is calling you the Voidhound". I was way excited to go turn on my new title "the Voidhound" only to see there was NO title.


Also were you able to actually get the item from Port Nowhere Darmas promises? I was never able to get into the station and find anything =( I let the ******e live for no reason!

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, I was all excited when I just a few ago finished my Gunslinger story only to learn that Port Nowhere is, well, Nowhere to be found. I hadn't even had a chance to go check a locker that was supposed to have some loot in it and everything! Its there forever, and then poof! No Port Nowhere.


I was really digging on the ending of my Gunslinger, only to have some of that thunder stolen by the fact that Port Nowhere is Nowhere to be found. There should be a sad :rak_02: face. . .


I feel like I earned that, just to go running around it and saying to myself, "Hey! This is my base, I'm a pirate king! But no. . .


Ok, I think I'm done :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Every smuggler wants Port Nowhere...class-hub (with class daylies?), nice roleplay spot, something, that reminds you of your class even after the class story is finished.... *sigh*...yeah, a smuggler girl can dream... :rolleyes:
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Every smuggler wants Port Nowhere...class-hub (with class daylies?), nice roleplay spot, something, that reminds you of your class even after the class story is finished.... *sigh*...yeah, a smuggler girl can dream... :rolleyes:


I mean, even if the developers did absolutely nothing else with Port Nowhere, at least we smugglers could have gone there and hung out and made our own adventures, if necessary, if we wanted to, and also, we could have checked our locker!


ATTENTION ALL SMUGGLERS: If you did the thing to have the locker with the stuff (spoiler freeness here), you'd better go and check that out BEFORE you complete your class story. You've been warned :D (I don't even know if there was anything IN the locker.


Does anybody that did the before-mentioned thing with the locker and all that actually go to Port Nowhere and get anything? Cause now I'll never know :rak_02:

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