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Laptop Help


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I need a laptop that will give me the ability to play SW:TOR on the lowest possible settings with playable fps.

The main reason I need a laptop is for my school since it's all online and I'm not always home.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834215191 is the laptop I was looking at and was wondering if it could run the game on the lowest possible settings.


I was told the 520m was no where near powerful enough to run the game even on minimum settings, but in the feedback section of it it says this guy could run the game with a mix of all settings.


Need help here and I need to be sure it will work before I can buy it, thanks


Couldn't find any other forum that would be a better choice, sorry!

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From reading the reviews of that laptop, you should be able to run SWTOR fine. People are saying they're running Skyrim on medium graphics, and Skyrim is more stressful than SWTOR.


That laptop actually looks better than the computer I was playing TOR on, before I upgraded. You should be fine :)

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For a budget laptop it should be okay, but expect fps drops in certain areas.


This is my 2 year old laptop:


Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

Model: G60VX

Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU P7450 @ 2.13GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.1GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M

Graphics Memory: 1007 MB



The one you propose seems to be double the spec of mine.


I have no problem playing despite the fps dropping. Taxi rides seem choppy. I haven't pvp yet but no problems whatsoever in Flash Points, 4 player groups.


Also I used that Ultimate Windows Performance Enhancing Guide found some where here on the General forums. Can't find it at the moment cause it sank to the bottom of that murky lake. Can't wait for SONAR to be re-activated.

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One of the best questions to ask what is price range your looking to spend.


With a laptop it really worth paying more for a good one since you can't upgrade it technology like you can a desktop.


I would go for one of the laptop with a 560M in it at least but those start around a 1000

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One of the best questions to ask what is price range your looking to spend.


With a laptop it really worth paying more for a good one since you can't upgrade it technology like you can a desktop.


I would go for one of the laptop with a 560M in it at least but those start around a 1000




When buying a laptop (or any PC) you want to be looking at how long it will be able to play the latest games for.


The 520m is very weak and wont last much longer against newer games.


If i were you i would spend a bit extra now and save yourself the expense of having to replace it again in a year, just so you can play the new game you might want :)

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ASUS K53SV 15.6" HD Glare i5-2430M 2.4 GHz GT540M 2G 6GB (2GB+4GB) 750GB 5400 DVD SM DL WLAN Win7HP64bit BT Cam USB 3.0 6 cell


Very affordable in my country...should be in yours too.

I am ordering this as we speak, cause my old couldn't deal with this game.

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Also I used that Ultimate Windows Performance Enhancing Guide found some where here on the General forums. Can't find it at the moment cause it sank to the bottom of that murky lake. Can't wait for SONAR to be re-activated.




Someone bumped it in General but it sinks due to the massive amount of "winos". So I'm linking it here. I have nothing to do with this particular Guide other than I used it. I'm not responsible if you goof your computer following it. I recommend his recommendation to make a restore point. Restore points on Windows are practically painless. (I didn't make a restore point because I'm a bugger like that)


Anyways, if you follow this guide, lower end computers should see a fps increase. It's noticable. Of course Windows 7 will look ugly, so take your poison.









Off topic, one question remains for me. How do I get a meter or whatever in game to tell me what my actual fps is. Usually its in the graphics option under preferences but I sure can't find it. Any one can help me out?




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