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Biowares first mmo = massive failure


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Those are incredible force powers ya got there, I mean knowing how many people I think are having problems ! Thats so cool ! I'ma think of a number between 1 and 10,000 and you pick it ! God you are good :)


The sarcasm wouldn't be necessary. There aren't hundreds of thousands of people having problems, which is what renegadeimp was trying to say. However, you are just trying to troll with that response.

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Those are incredible force powers ya got there, I mean knowing how many people I think are having problems ! Thats so cool ! I'ma think of a number between 1 and 10,000 and you pick it ! God you are good :)


Apart from the terrible sarcasm in your post, it's a simple educated guess from being on these forums from the time my account was created, helping others and also reading on common problems and solutions.


Unlike other players, i like to take facts and use them as a basis for what i say.

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If thats true then id like to know what hardware these guys are running, u think ppl that play these type of computer games dont understand or realize how to optimize their own rigs for online gaming? Whens the last post u saw somone with a bad pc cryin about performance? they know their pc is bad thats why they dont complain and prob arent subscribed, the problem is ppl with good pc's cant play the game.


The computer I'm playing on is low end (not actually, dual core e7300, 4gb ram). Well, only my videocard is crap. My old one got toasted and I bought a 5570 for like 50$ or so. I can run the game with over 45-50 fps anywhere, except the fleet. Please, if you can't find the patience for problems to get fixed, I sincerely invite you to g.t.f.o.


//Oh, and mind you settings are on medium. Except for shadows.

Edited by cioloxl
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First, a big LOL!


I had my first big glitch in the graphic today, after having played since the start.


Expected from a new MMO...


I can also say that, this game wonderfully on my MacBook Pro with Windows on it ;)


BTW, Since people are talking fps, on my PC I havn't dropped below 200 fps yet, in 1920x1280, I feel sorry for the people who do have problems with their hardware not being compatible a.t.m with this wonderful game, but I can beat that they will be fixed.



See ya peeps on Ula Vii! Peace Out!

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I'd say a good 30-35% of players are definitely having a difficult experience playing this game. PLEASE fix this game! I want to play with a high FPS like I should be.


If that was even close to being the case, the forums would have blown up a long, long time ago.

Edited by Leadlian
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Assuming I was trying to troll would be wrong, i dont really care what your reaction is or was. I was simply pointing out that your making an assumption not based on hard fact. And as for you Renegadeimp I had a little respect for you as you seemed to be trying to help people, until I noticed in one thread you gripe about people not troubleshooting their own hardware, and then out of the other side of your mouth you repeat the CDN rumor which wouldnt be found by anyone troubleshooting their hardware. So..... your saying people should have wasted their time? I do those steps anyway to make sure its not my hardware, its just habit after playing MMO's for 12+ years, but I'm not understanding why you would gripe at them to do this if you know for a fact its not going to find the problem.
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Assuming I was trying to troll would be wrong, i dont really care what your reaction is or was. I was simply pointing out that your making an assumption not based on hard fact. And as for you Renegadeimp I had a little respect for you as you seemed to be trying to help people, until I noticed in one thread you gripe about people not troubleshooting their own hardware, and then out of the other side of your mouth you repeat the CDN rumor which wouldnt be found by anyone troubleshooting their hardware. So..... your saying people should have wasted their time? I do those steps anyway to make sure its not my hardware, its just habit after playing MMO's for 12+ years, but I'm not understanding why you would gripe at them to do this if you know for a fact its not going to find the problem.


As do other people. Since none of us have hard facts, the only thing we can do is make an educated guess.


I've been on here and helped enough people to be a lot more accurate in guessing than a lot of people here. Especially those who simply spam random stuff because they are frustrated and need to vent.

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I'd say a good 30-35% of players are definitely having a difficult experience playing this game. PLEASE fix this game! I want to play with a high FPS like I should be.


30-35? Are you serious or simply trolling? So almost half the people that bought the game should be having problems? You're either:



c)exaggerating (knowingly or not) in order to give your problem more importance.

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First, a big LOL!


I had my first big glitch in the graphic today, after having played since the start.


Expected from a new MMO...


I can also say that, this game wonderfully on my MacBook Pro with Windows on it ;)


BTW, Since people are talking fps, on my PC I havn't dropped below 200 fps yet, in 1920x1280, I feel sorry for the people who do have problems with their hardware not being compatible a.t.m with this wonderful game, but I can beat that they will be fixed.



See ya peeps on Ula Vii! Peace Out!


gratz, but you do realise the game is locked at 111fps? -.-


Anyway I've done with my rants today :) will get back to lvling. I just decided to try warzones again and it annoyed me lol.

Edited by JoeHUK
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The problem is that the OP and a few other people were throwing out random numbers that have absolutely no basis in fact at all. As others have said, if it was anywhere close to as bad as they are trying to convince others it is, the site would have gone down and exploded from the number of complaints.


Bioware is one of the few companies where their higher-ups actually DO reach out to the player base. Don't believe me? Try going on Google+, they're all there and letting people know what is going on just as soon as it goes on this site.


As I said, yes there are problems as in any game. Also, I'd say the upper limit of those having the problems to be a few thousand in all honesty. That's my own opinion based off of reading between the lines here. And I find it disingenuous with the OP and the others complaining loudly that they just joined the site a few days back.

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30-35? Are you serious or simply trolling? So almost half the people that bought the game should be having problems? You're either:



c)exaggerating (knowingly or not) in order to give your problem more importance.


He cant be serious, even I recognize that. And I'm not the sharpest hammer in the toolbox if ya know what I'm sayin :)

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honestly this is a way smoother launch than world of warcraft had....people eithier have selective memory or were just not around for its launch if they think blizzard paved the way. world of warcraft had an extremely bug filled horrible launch with servers going down for 2 days at a time. plz stop talking out your arses. this game is in a way better state 2 weeks after launch then world of warcraft was.
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Apart from the terrible sarcasm in your post, it's a simple educated guess from being on these forums from the time my account was created, helping others and also reading on common problems and solutions.


Unlike other players, i like to take facts and use them as a basis for what i say.


renegadeimp - Are you a bioware employee in disguise

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honestly this is a way smoother launch than world of warcraft had....people eithier have selective memory or were just not around for its launch if they think blizzard paved the way. world of warcraft had an extremely bug filled horrible launch with servers going down for 2 days at a time. plz stop talking out your arses. this game is in a way better state 2 weeks after launch then world of warcraft was.


Amen! I remember that launch and anyone who thinks this is ANYWHERE as bad as that is confused at best.

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I can run Skyrim at 1920x1200 at max settings with additional ini quality settings. I played Deus Ex on max buttery smooth. I played WoW in a full on raid max settings AND STILL pulled better fps than I get in warzones in swtor.


I have tried a ton of stuff and nothing is working. Changing video settings does nothing. It literally does not increase performance which tells me either this game has ZERO optimizations or there is something seriously tweaked on Bioware's end because it sure isn't my computer.


In fact I have never had this problem in any game I have played on the pc. EVER.


I can assure you many, MANY other people are having this problem as well. I can shout in general chat on the imperial fleet about bad fps in warzones and ability lag and get multiple people admitting to having the same issue.


I can't say how many people are having this problem, but it should be a MAJOR priority for Bioware. Making sure you can emote while riding a speeder is not a priority fix...


I know guys that have insane rigs that get anywhere from 5-25 fps fluctuating in warzones and have terrible ability lag. I'm fully sure I'm losing at least 50% of my possible damage output in wz's because abilities simply refuse to fire sometimes as many as 3 gcd's. Even trying to be super careful and press each ability only once for sure when the gcd is over many times it will not fire.


We are being vocal about this because it's literally ruining the game for us.


It may be all happy happy joy joy for you, but for us our preferred activity in an mmo is a hair pulling, nail biting slog of a tortured experience.

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honestly this is a way smoother launch than world of warcraft had....people eithier have selective memory or were just not around for its launch if they think blizzard paved the way. world of warcraft had an extremely bug filled horrible launch with servers going down for 2 days at a time. plz stop talking out your arses. this game is in a way better state 2 weeks after launch then world of warcraft was.


but hasn't STWOR had way more beta testing than wow ever did?

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The problem is that the OP and a few other people were throwing out random numbers that have absolutely no basis in fact at all. As others have said, if it was anywhere close to as bad as they are trying to convince others it is, the site would have gone down and exploded from the number of complaints.


Bioware is one of the few companies where their higher-ups actually DO reach out to the player base. Don't believe me? Try going on Google+, they're all there and letting people know what is going on just as soon as it goes on this site.


As I said, yes there are problems as in any game. Also, I'd say the upper limit of those having the problems to be a few thousand in all honesty. That's my own opinion based off of reading between the lines here. And I find it disingenuous with the OP and the others complaining loudly that they just joined the site a few days back.


Really? I'm not seeing that and if you look back through the posts I'm on here a lot. Let me tell you about my customer experience. I missed 8 of the 10 days early access i got due to bugs meh bugs happen in early release, i didnt get angry. For 5 days now I have been unable to play because of the patch/repair loop. Minimum 20 calls to customer service, which each and every one runs me through the same page of fix's you see posted up at the top and then tells me "sorry, you must reinstall" . The last phone call I made to them i jumped through their hoops politely and when they said I needed to reinstall I asked to be escalated to a tier 2 or tier 3 tech support, they hung up on me. I have sent an e-mail every day and been polite to tech support including DxDiag and Launcher logs. I recieved one obviously copy/pasted response that simply wanted me to run through the same steps I got on the phone and nothing since. Until today they hadnt said much of anything about the patch/repair loop on these very forums.

So my opinions are based off of fact and my experience. I'm not buying into how great Biowares CS is until I actually see it.

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I don't see what the problem is. I'm running the game off of a stock Sony Vaio. Heck, I even have it hooked up to my 40'' through an hdmi cable, cause TOR on a big screen rocks. I have Zero issues, with the game settings on high. Edited by FadedHope
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I don't see what the problem is. I'm running the game off of a stock Sony Vaio. Heck, I even have it hooked up to my 40'' through an hdmi cable, cause TOR on a big screen rocks. I have Zero issues, with the game settings on high.


Same here. TOR runs flawlessly for some and wont even run for others. Which isnt as bad as some other MMO launches.

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Not even close.


I took part in neither but I know this games been tested for awhile :)


as for wow I must of missed their not so great launch as when I joined the game was pretty spot on.


as for this, I really want to carry on. I can only imagine their team working hard to get this issue sorted, sad part is the wait + not much communication about the issue.

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I'm on a about 4~5 years old and tired Aspire 6920G using hdmi to a 32" running 1024x768 at 10~40 fps. Playable for the most part. A little optimization included should be mentioned. Not to bad for early launch.


Bioware are exploring new territory and in my opinion the catastrophic image many are expressing are more a lack of insight. WoW did not launch as painfully as many remember either.

But to the fact that MMO's have a relatively high bug count at launch I would suggest a simple solution, no monthly fee the first 3 month or so of a newborn MMO.


And last, not least. People complaining about emote fixes getting patched before performance should read up a little on massive content title development. Different teams and different problems. Bigger problems as with performance need more time for finding, solving, fixing and testing before going public. And THAT(!) is nothing but extremely positive. Prematurely releasing content of this kind can make a product go from mostly playable to down right harmful. But bioware could be a bit more informative.



- Emote / performance = different teams

- Emote fixes does not slow down performance development

- WoW launch = not perfect

- Bioware; give more info


BTW. Beta testing has it's limits. Not everything can be detected in a controlled environment and of course content size is a factor.

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